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qd) 76 Work of the vocal cords 1. — How’s his sister? — She’s much better as I know. 2. — Lock the door and sit down. — Why? What’s the matter? 3. — How should I help? — Mm... Wash the linen and press the clothes. 4. — What did he say about Miss Grey? — He said she was pretty. 5. — Those children are absolutely unbearable. — Don’t be too hard on them. 6. — Are there many English books in your collection? — Not many, but they are all worth reading. 7. — Will you take part in the project? —I think the game is not worth the candle. 8. — How should I keep these things? — You should keep them at a room temperature. 9. — How should he improve his phonetics? — He should produce the sounds more carefully. 10.— Do you know why he’s so upset? — His friends have cracked some ruthless jokes. It’s disgusting! 11.— Could I speak to Max Johnson? It’s an urgent business. — Hold on. I’ll put you through in less than a second. 12.— Is it difficult to teach them? — It’s child’s play: you make them learn the rules and then test them. — Is it as simple as that? rhymes, poems, texts 1. Hearts like doors Will open with ease To very, very little keys. And don’t forget That two are these: ‘I thank you, sir’ And ‘If you, please’. 2. Thomas thinks of terrible things, And to the troubled teacher brings Things that sing and things that sting. Things which swing and things which cling, Things that ping and ring and fling. And of all these things thinks nothing.

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