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\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 cuando de pronto esta
neblina muerte cosa encierro}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 soledad desentirse de sentirme
sentirnosNo}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch
\f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 cruza con negro todos nuestros faros:
esconde}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 labuenatierra, noche barco cerrada, la
buenacosta}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 que no se ve}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard
\plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright
\lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 y sin embargo est\uc1 \u225 ? all\uc1 \u237 ?, sin embargo est\uc1
\u225 ? ac\uc1 \u225 ? hoy}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4
\hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 que estamos juntes. }
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 De pronto \uc1 \u161 ?oh buena nueva!
desalienados, forzados m\uc1 \u225 ?s que nunca}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0
\itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 (gran
iron\uc1 \u237 ?a) a estar EN }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4
\hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 con nosotros mismos:
plenos de ser, notando }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4
\loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 que somos, que existimos, que sentimos
sientiendo cada mil\uc1 \u237 ?metro}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 de nuestro cuerpo -que a
veces duele y a veces no: por ah\uc1 \u237 ? va ser viviente-}{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang10 \langnp10 \tab }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4
\loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \tab }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 deseante}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0
\itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 deseando}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \tab }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 m\uc1 \u225 ?s que nunca: }{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 en la noche costaneblinaquenoseve}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 suenan las bocinas de los faros rompiendo el muro
de soledadneblina}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch
\f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 La costa es ac\uc1
\u225 ?, dicen las bocinas, es as\uc1 \u237 ?, es juntos }{\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang10 \langnp10 diciendoNos escuchandoNos TocandoNos }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard
\plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright
\lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 con lo mejor que tenemos hoy para resistir: la punta de las palabras.}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4
\hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 Esta noche -que se va a
acabar porque
seguimos}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 Esta noche se va a acabar
porque nos arroja tormentaviento}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0
\itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 frente a
la m\uc1 \u225 ?s hermosa evidencia revelaci\uc1 \u243 ?n constataci\uc1 \u243 ?n:
sufrimos este tiempo}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4
\loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 demarnegrocerrado
deparadentrodecasabarco: }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 porque algunes
todav\uc1 \u237 ?a}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4
\loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 nos necesitamos furiosamente }{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang10 \langnp10 porque nos queremos furiosamente }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard
\plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright
\lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 porque les queremos furiosamente unayotravez }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard
\plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright
\lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 les unes a les otres las unos a los
otras y nosotros y una y otra vez }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4
\hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 y una y otra vez}{\fs22
\afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 Esta nochebarcocerrada va a acabar}
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 Como los faros incendiemos de ruido la
oscuridad con nuestras bocinasvoces: }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0
\ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang10 \langnp10 les otres son nuestra costa}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0
\ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 ustedes
son mi costa}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch
\f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 hagamos sonar nuestras
bocinasvoces en la nocheabierta de las palabras }{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0
\itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum
\adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4
\lang10 \langnp10 hagamos sonar nuestras bocinas voces en la nocheabierta del
amor.}{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich
\af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0
\itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 }
{\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10
\langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha
\aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2
\rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch
\ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql
\li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0
\itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0
\itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0
\sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0
\itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24
\kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10
\par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \afs24 \kerning2 \rtlch \ltrch \dbch
\af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang10 \langnp10 \par }}

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