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Hello, my name is Daniel. Thank you for your time to spend with me.

(thanks you for taking the

time to meet with me today)

Im studyng mechanic engenniering at pucp and in few months ill finish the carrer(im about to
finish in a few months). (And im very interested in the jobs that this companys offering in your
annoucement.) I'm very interested in the job that this company is offering(I saw your
announcement online and I'm very interested in the possition/job you are offering)

Well, I worked the last 2 years in a similar posicion as the vacant requeriment in the

I worked in _______ in the applied manufacturing área for two years,

I have experience doing 3D modeling since I realized many projects in the last company I worked in

going from 3d printing to assisted machining centers

I was also in charge of working teams to develop upgrades for different projects

Hello, good morning.

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.
I am studying mechanic engineering at PUCP, I am about to finish in a few months.
I worked at _______ in the applied manufacturing area for two years. I have experience doing 3D
modeling since I realized many projects in the last company I worked in, going from 3d printing to
assisted machining centers. I was also in charge of working teams to develop upgrades for
different projects.

I saw your announcement at compu trabajo, and I am very interested in the job this company is

Describing your personality:

Easy-going: a relaxed person who is easy to get along with
Hard-working: someone who works well and isn’t lazy
Committed: a person who is loyal to a project or person
Trustworthy: someone who you can rely on
Honest: someone who tells the truth

Focused: someone who is not easily distracted

Methodical: a person who pays attention to details and works in a logical way

Proactive: someone who takes steps to complete tasks without supervision

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