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Education forms an individual.

It has a social character and is carried out through a complex series of

actions that have the role of outlining the personality of the individual it forms.

The education system in Moldova currently aims not only to implant moral and cultural values, but also
to change attitudes, behaviors, mentalities.It is is no longer a simple accumulation of knowledge, but a
psychological and cultural development of the individual.

The structure of the education system in the Republic of Moldova

Preschool education (3.5 years)

Primary school (4 years)

Gymnasium (5 years)

High school (3 years)

General school of general culture (2 years)

Vocational school (1 year)

College (2-5 years)

Higher education (4-5 years)

Doctorate / Postdoctoral (3-4 years) [

Education is the main field in which a civilized country invests to ensure the sustainable development of
society through the transfer of knowledge. The correct educational policies promoted by the state
ensure the technical-scientific progress in all social and economic spheres.

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