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第 45 章 诡异的尸体

Chapter 45 The Strange Corpse

I had the strongest urge to hide because we snuck into the police station after all.

However, I noticed that Lin Yong who was in front remained extremely calm.

That was when the person’s shadow got closer and I understood why Lin Yong was
so unfazed…

That’s because he couldn’t see this “person”.

The ghost silhouette that appeared at this very moment was a woman with blood all
over. Her stomach was hollowed out and her intestines swung out of her belly. She
drifted alone in the corridor, spaced out but muttering nonstop.

“Where’s my child… where is my child…”

I was scared to death but I did not dare make a sound. I could only flattened myself as
much as possible to the other side of the corridor.

Xue Can seemed to have sense my fear, he waved an arm without speaking.

All of a sudden, the female ghost wailed pitifully and sailed away in the opposite

“Don’t be afraid,” Xue Can placed his arm around my shoulders and secured me to
his side. “This is a morgue in the police station, so there will be plenty of souls who
had been wronged or died unjustly.

My body shook while I nodded and continued my journey forward.

Very quickly, we came to the end of the corridor.
The end was a huge metal door with a plate that was flashing a green light, which
read, Morgue.

Lin Yong swiped his magnetic card to open the door and I shivered involuntarily as a
blast of chilly air blew against my face.

Basically, the morgue looked like a ginormous freezer with rows of freezer boxes.
They looked like huge drawers with bodies in them.

“The security guards have their rounds in another two hours, you guys better get
started,” Lin Yong declared.

After Master Cheng Ying responded with thanks, Lin Yong made his way out of the

Once Lin Yong left, Master Cheng Ying and Xue Can started shuffling through the
freezer boxes.

“Does Lin Yong not know that we are here to investigate the Xue family matter?” I
asked Xue Feng.

“No, he doesn’t,” was Xue Feng’s reply. “Master told him that we are investigating
one of the corpses but we weren’t specific about what the investigation was. After all,
it’s best that less people know about this.”

There were clearly at least a few hundred bodies in this morgue. I scowled, “There are
so many bodies though, do you guys know which one you’re looking for?”

“Just leave that to master and Master Xue,” Xue Can did not look the least bit fazed.
“Those who were killed by the Xue female ghost had had their bodies taken away by
families. There is only one worker who jumped off a building—his body was not
claimed, so it’s left in the police station.”
After about 10 minutes, Xue Can and Master Cheng Ying returned to the entrance.

“Master, did you not locate the body?” Xue Feng noted their expressions and asked

“The body isn’t here,” Master Cheng Ying replied. “Now, we can only be forthright
with Lin Yong regarding our intentions and see if he knows anything.”

As he said that, Master Cheng Ying opened the door to leave; Lin Yong was just
outside playing with his phone.

The screen illuminated his face, leaving it an unnatural stark paleness against the
darkness of the background.

“That was fast? Did you not find the body you were looking for?” Lin Yong looked
up and was quite surprised.

Master Cheng Ying hesitated for a while before replying, “Lin, I will be honest. We
are actually investigating the matter where the worker from the Xue Group committed
suicide. We were just wondering where is the worker’s body right now?”

Under the doorplate’s flashing green light, Lin Yong’s expression changed abruptly.

“You guys were actually planning to investigate that body?” His face became paler as
he spoke. “Mr. Cheng Ying, that—that body is…is quite wicked…”

“Lin, don’t be afraid, you should know by now that I make a living by being the
mediator between the live and dead. If you guys encounter anything, I can help you,”
consoled Master Cheng Ying.

Lin Yong looked frightened and he stalled before finally answering with a trembling
“In all honesty, those of us who are in the forensic medicine field have more or less
come across some haunted things. There are times when we see some sordid body—
it’s an unspoken convention—we will send the corpse up to the top floor into that

“That room?” Xue Feng interrupted.

“That’s referring to the other morgue that is specifically reserved for those sordid
corpses. The chief hired someone to have a look at the room’s location and we were
informed that that was the best Fengshui spot in the entire police station. As long as
the bodies are placed there, it wouldn’t be a problem”

“So the worker’s body is there as well?” inquired Xue Feng. “Was there any problems
with his body?”

Lin Yong’s expression turned an ugly shade of gray and he couldn’t stop shaking.

“Coincidentally, when the corpse was brought in, my senior and I were the ones
carrying out the forensic autopsy. I recall that the cause of death for this body was due
to jumping off a building. It got smashed up quite badly, in fact, there were all sorts of
symbols drawn on its body with blood—it was weird. However, that’s not the scariest
part, the scariest part was… was…”

Lin Yong’s hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed hold of Xue Feng’s arm as he
recalled what happened. His eyes were bulged as if he could clearly see the horror
right front of him.

“We wiped and cleaned off the blood symbols on the corpse, but…but the corpse
actually crawled up at night! Do you understand me? It crawled right up on its own! It
used its own blood and drew the symbols back! I saw all of that with my own eyes!”

Xue Feng, Master Cheng Ying and Xue Can’s calm exteriors were a stark contrast
compared to Lin Yong’s panic.

“It must be the corpse-herder who controlled the body and made it draw the symbols
back on,” Xue Can muttered.

“What are those symbols?” curiosity got the better of me.

“It’s part of the Respawning Charm too. Besides drawing symbols at the murder site,
Respawning Charm requires the symbols to be drawn on the corpse itself and those
symbols on the corpse cannot be wiped away. If my guess is right, the bodies that
were taken away by their respective families must have been taken over by the Ning
family somehow.”

With that, Master Cheng Ying soothed Lin Yong, “Lin, you don’t have to be afraid.
We will get this matter sorted, you just have to bring us to that specific morgue.”

Lin Yong hesitated for a bit before nodding his head while shivering. He lead us to
the other side of the corridor.

We did not return to the elevator that we used to ride up. Instead, we took several
twists and turns before finally arriving at a corner.

It was only then when I noticed that there was a small elevator with the words “Out of
Service” plastered on it.

“Entry to this morgue is usually prohibited, that’s why there’s only this small elevator
to ride up there,” Lin Yong explained while jabbing on the elevator button.

Ding! The elevator pinged in a jiffy and its doors opened.

We entered the elevators and it was oddly small indeed. It was crowded even with
three humans and a ghost.
There were only buttons for two floors in this elevator. One is where we are—the fifth
floor; and the other is the 18th floor.

We hit the 18th floor button and the elevator starting its beeping sound.

“I’m sorry, the weight capacity of this elevator is really small,” Lin Yong mumbled,

Looking at Lin Yong’s ghostly-pale face, Master Cheng Ying advised, “Lin, how
about this? You hand us the magnetic card and we’ll go up by ourselves. You can
come up after a while and just help us with the lookout.”

“Sure, sure, sure,” Lin Yong looked relieved. He quickly produced his magnetic card
to hand it over and quickly exited the elevator.
Nevertheless, the elevator did not stop its beeping noise.

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