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NOLI ME TANGERE by Dr. Jose rizal




1) Don Santiago de los Santos/Capitan Tiago - hosted a dinner at Anloague St.

2) Teniente - soldier
3) Padre Sibyla - a Dominican priest, parish priest of Binondo; former university professor of San
Juan de letran
4) Padre Damaso - Franciscan priest; parish priest of San Diego for twenty years
5) Doctor de Espanada - old hobbled Spaniard
6) Doctora Dona Victorina - wife to Espanada; a Filipina
7) Senor Laruja - one of the guests


A dinner party is being hosted by Capitan Tiagoin his Anloague St. Residence in Binondo. The
social parasites of his time were all busy preparing themselves for the big event.

The chapter deals with the conversations of the guests, among them: Padre Damaso, a
Franciscan, who had been a parish priest of San Diego for twenty years; Padre Sibyla, a young parish
priest of Binondo; a young blond man who came to the coun try to observe.

The conversation gets heated up when the topic of the death and burial of a worthy man in San
Diego was touched. According to the Tenienete, the said dead man was buried in the cemetery by the
assistant parish priest. But upon the arrival of the parish priest, Fathen Damaso from his vacation. He
ordered the exhumation of the dead body and had it buried somewhere else.


People belonging to the “alta sociedad” attended a dinner just to observe and discuss events
and exchange ideas. In short, dinners like these are meant to ridicule, to compare.



1) Padre Sibyla
2) Capitan Tiago
3) Crisostomo Ibarra
4) Padre Damaso

The distinguished guest of the dinner, Crisostomo I barra , was introduced by Kapitan Tiago to his
other guests. He just arrived from his seven yearstudy in Europe. He was wearing a black suit and his
looks and presence commanded attention among the guests especially Padre Damaso. Ibarra made
mention about Padre Damaso being his father;s close friend ( though sarcastically) and in which the
latter denied.

It was the Teniente who welcomed him and had but nice words for Ibarra’s late father.


The main characters of the story, Crisostomo Ibarra is introduced here. Here in this chapter we
could feel the animosity between Ibarra, the former by acknowledging the latter as his father’s best
friend though he knows that it was the latter who had his father’s body exhumed and buried other than
in the town’s cemetery.

Chapter 3 The DINNER

Characters -

1) Padre Sibyla - the Dominican priest

2) Teniente
3) Dona Victorino
4) Padre Damaso
5) Senior Laruja


When dinner was called, both Padre Sibyla and Padre Damaso proceeded towards the head of the
table which is customarily reserved for the esteemed guest. After realizing that they were both
contenders of the same seat, they both praised each other and pretended to offer the coveted seat to
each other whoever was worthy of it. In the end Padre Damaso conceded and gave the seat to Father
Sibyla after telling him that he is the parish priest of the district and he deserves the seat. They forgo
tabout the owner of the house, who was left with no seat at the dinner table.

Conversations during the dinner turned sour hen Padre Damaso didn’t get the choice cuts of the
tinola rather, he got a bare neck and a hard wing. During the dinner, the guests interviewed: how long
he was away from the country, the countries he visited in Europe. Ibarra mentioned that the prosperity
or misery of the people is dependent on the liberties or concerns and consequently to the sacrifices or
selfishness of its ancestors.

This made the Franciscan friar to conclude that going out of the country to study and spending
much and learning little in return is just a waste of money.

The colonizers, the Spanish for that matter would prefer that the Indios/Filipinos should not
leave the country to study because otherwise, the atrocities thay have done, the Indios might reach the
Spanish monarch. Also Filipinos who have gone to Europe to study has become subversives.


Crisostomo Ibarra

While walking towards the Binondo plaza, Ibarra met the teniente general along the way.
The latter warned Ibarra to be careful and to learn from his father. Ibarra asked the Teniente
what happened to Don Rafael, his father and how he died.
Accord to the Teniente, Don Rafael was the richest man in the province, well loved and
respected but there were those who hated and envied him. There was this ignorant Spaniard,
an ex artillery man who was the collector of vehicles who was the butt of joke because he
wasn’t able to read and write. He hit with his case one of the boys, who derided him nd Don
Rafael saw this. He reprimanded the man, but accidentally pushed him which caused his death
after hitting his head on a rock.
Don Rafael was imprisoned because his detractors ine by one threw false accusations at
him . It was at the prison that he got sick and died.

You cannot please everybody. No matter how well loved you are, there will always somre
people who will envt you to wish for you r downfall. That was what happened to Don Rafael.


1) Ibarra
2) Padre Damaso
3) Padre Sibyla
4) Dona Victorina
5) Beautiful maidn
6) Franciscan priest


Ibarra stayed in the confines of his room, oblivious of the merry making across his room. He was
preoccupied with his thoughts, that he could have seen a beautiful maiden who was the center of
attention of the people around her. Ibarra was trying to picture the condition of his father in his final
hours in his prison cell.. He could see an old man lying on the disgusting floor, all alone. He could hear
the clangjng of the chain and the moans behind the walls and the old man was calling his name.
While outside his room, there was a star in the sky that provided light in the darkness of the nights.


The mystery of the death of Ibarra’s father is beginning to shed light. Little by little, Ibarra seem to
understand the fate of his father. Like a star in the darkness of the night, he could see a light at the end
of the tunnel, so to speak.



1) Capitan Tiago, - rich merchant

2) Don Patrocino - widow, in constant competition with Capitan Tiago
3) Dona Pia Alba – wife of Capitan Tiago
4) Aunt Isabel – sister Capitan Tiago, took care of Ma, Clara
5) Ma. Clara – daughter of Capitan Tiago


Capitan Tiago is an only son of a wealthy but greedy sugar merchant of Malabon who wouldn’t even
spend a centavo for his only son’s education. It was thru a good Dominican priest who took him in as a
servant in exchange for an education. When both his father and the priest ddied, he had to stop
schooling and dedicated himself to business. Togther with Dona Pia Alba, a beautiful young woman fro
Sta. Cruz, whom he married, established a thriving business in the sugar, coffee and indigo industries.It
is in San Diego where they lived that they became friends with Padre Damaso and Don Rafael Ibarra, the
richest businessman in town. They were childless for six years, despite performing pilgrimages, novenas
to the saints and the Virgin Mary. It was thru Padre Damaso’s advice that they dance at Obando on the
feast day of St. Pascual to ask for a son. It was thru this devotion that Pia Alba conceived and gave birth
not to a son but to a daughter.But unfortunately, the mother died after giving birth because of an
infection. The baby was named Ma. Clara and was described to have not gotten any features from
Capitan Tiago except her small roun d ears.

Ma. Clara grew up with love and smiles not only not only from her family but from the friars as
well especially Padre Damaso who made up many feasts for her. Her playmate was the son of Don
Rafael, Crisostomo. Both separated when they turned around twelve when Ma.Clara was sent to the
convent and Crisostomo to Europe to study.


In the minds of some people, there must be a doubt regarding the paternity of Ma. Clara though
they didn’t openly expressed it. Based on Ma. Clara’s features, one couldn’t find a feature that would
link her to capitan Tiago though tia pia said she might have gotten her father’s ears which is negligible.
Proof also, is the fondness of the friars especially Padre Damaso on Ma. Clara.


1) Crisostomo Ibarra
2) Maria Clara
3) Capitan Tiago
4) Tia Isabel


Ibarra paid Ma.Clara a visit and they talked and reminisced the good old days in the latter’s
verandah. Ibarra showed Ma. Clara the wilted sage leaves she gave him and which he saved as a
constant reminder of Ma. Clara. Ma. Clara on the other hand read the first and last letter Crisostomo
ever wrote her. In his letter he expressed his love for Ma. Clara but he had to put asidehis love in favour
of his country by studying in Europe. When he left, Capitan Tiago comforted Ma. Clara y telling her to
light4 reales worth of candles to guide Ibarra in his journey to San Diego.


Distance and absence can’t deter the feelings of two people in love. Despite seven years of no
communication, they kept their love alive by keeping with them the souvenirs they had for each other as
a constant reminder. For Capitan Tiago, everything has a price. He has to pay his way for his prayers in
order to be heard.

Chapter 8: MEMORIES


1) Ibarra
2) Capitan Tinong


Traversing thru the streets of Manila brought back memories ot Ibarra, back to his childhood
days. Passing thru Malate, Ermita, he was oblivious of the happenings around him. But seeing the
isolated hill of Luneta caught his attention. It was there where an old priest died and his words kept
ringing in his ears “Not all that glitters is gold.”


Old memories have brought Ibarra back from his reverie. His real purpose in coming back is his love and
duty to his country.


1) Padre Damaso – Franciscan priest

2) Tia Isabel
3) Ma. Clara
4) Capitan Tiago
5) Padre Sibyla - a Dominican priest
6) Old priest


The characters are all talking about Ibarra. Padre Damaso is worried that Ibarra is going to marry
Ma. Clara so he talked with Capitan Tiago about this. Padre Sibyla and the old priest were also talking
about Ibarra and his forthcoming marriage to Ma. Clara. They also talked about the altercation between
Ibarra and Padre Damaso during the dinner at Capitan Tiago’ house.


This just shows how great the influence of the friars to the lives of the early Filipinos. When
Padre Damaso reprimanded Capitan Tiago about the affair between Ibarra and Ma. Clara, he willingly
consented to the whims of the friar. Proof is, he put off the candles he offered to the saints who would
protect Ibarra on his journey. That means that whatever the friars will order him to do, he would follow
without a glitch.

Chapter 10: THE TOWN


1) Old Spaniard - great grandfather of Crisostomo Ibarra

2) Don Saturnino -Spanish mestizo; father of Rafael Ibarra
3) Don Rafael - father of Crisostomo
4) Padre Damaso


This chapter refers to the ancestors of Crisostomo Iabarra, from the old Spaniard who claimed
properties in San Diego, to Don Saturnino his son and Crisostomo’s grandfather, to Don Rafael, his

Legend says that the soul of the old Spaniard had been haunting the forest where he was found
hanging from the tree due to suicide. Anybody who roam the forest have stories to tell like stones
thrown at them coming from nowhere. This also tells us how well loved Don Rafael was by the peasants
and also how Padre Damaso became the parish priest of San Diego.

Even in those days, people are believers of ghosts and any untoward incidents are attributed to
these wandering spirits.



1) Don Rafael
2) Capian Tiago
3) Gobernadorcillo
4) Alferez of the Guardia Civil
5) Padre Salvi – young, silent Franciscan
6) Sacristan mayor
7) Dona Consolacion – wife of the Alferz


There are speculations as to who are the most powerful persons in San Diego. At first it was a toss
between Don Rafael, the richest man or Capitan Tiago who has debtors at the palm of his hand. Or was
it also Padre Salvi, the parish priest or the Alferez? The parish priest and the Alferez are always at odds
with each other. When Padre Salvi closed the doors of the church on the Alferez, the latter beat the
sacristan made him clean his barracks. Upon larning this, Padre Salvi released his goats and sheep to
graze in the Alferez’ garden.


Even in those days, people would compete with one another for power. No wonder, it had been
carried up to the present.

Chapter 12: ALL SAINTS DAY




Two gravediggers are digging a hole in the cemetery. One of them is the official gravedigger,
digging a hole with a corpse in it and throwing the bones like a gardener disposing stones and twigs.
The official gravedigger was telling his companion how he was ordered to exhume a twenty day old
corpse to have it transferred to a Chinese cemetery. But because it was raining and the coffin came
loose with half of the body exposed, the corpse did not make it to the Chinese cemetery.

People were coming to the cemetery searching for their dead while the digger finished his job.


The tradition of visiting the dead on All Saints Day dates back to the Spanish rule.
People respected authority that even if it defies the mores of society like exhuming a twenty dy
old corpse, one follows the orders of the superiors.



1) Ibarra - looking for his father’s grave

2) Old man servant - his marker was the big wooden cross
3) Gravedigger - who took the corpse from the cemetery
4) Padre Salvi – parish priest of San Diego after Padre Damaso


Ibarra with his man servant went to the cemetery in search of the tomb of hi father, Don Rafael.
They were surprised to learn from the gravedigger that their marker, a big cross wherein next to it was
Don Rafael’s tomb was burned down. Ibarra’s astonishment turned in to anger when learned from the
gravedigger that his father’s body was exhumed twenty days after it was buried upon the orders of the
parish priest. According to the gravedigger, he was told to transfer the body to the Chinese cemetery.
But because the coffin broke down and was heavy, he threw the body into the water.


There are people who have no dispositions in life who just follow orders without thinking of the
consequences of their actions. Such is the case of the gravedigger who just followed the orders of the
priest without considering the loved ones who were left behind.

Chapter 14: TASIO


1) Tasio – son of a rich woman, when both his mother and wife died, engrossed himself in reading
books and vices; thus neglecting his fortune
2) Gobernadorcillo
3) Don Filipo - teniente mayor
4) Dona Teodora Vina - wife of Don Filipo


Philosopher Tasio to the well educated and tasio the mad man to the badly brought up because
of his rare insights and strange ways of dealing with other men. That is how people know him. It was a
stormy night, and he saw two boys, aged ten and seven years old, sacristanes of the convent. He
warned them not to toll the bells during a storm especially if there is a thunderbolt and they could get
hurt. He passed thru the house of Don Filipo wherein he had a discussion with the wife regarding


Tasio is often misinterpreted but if one would just know him well, one would appreciate his
brilliant ideas.
Chapter 15: The ALTAR BOYS


1) Crispin and Basilio – sons of Sisa, sacristans of the convent , accused of stealing by the parish
2) Sacristan mayor – head of the sacristans

Despite the storm, Basilio was waiting for his salary so he can give it to his mother. Basilio,
together with his younger brother Crispin were accused of stealing by the parish priest. They
were told they can only go home after 9 in the evening. But Crispin was taken away by the
Sacristan mayor upon the orders of the priest wherein his frail body received more beatings.
Basilio managed to escape and left his brother at the convent who was held prisoner.

The friars were abusive of their powers. Even without evidence they would find suspects that
they can blame. They were unworthy of their cause, priests at that! They would pick on hapless
individuals who they can be the recipients of their wrath.

Chapter 16: SISA

1) Sisa - waiting for her two sons to arrive
2) Husband


While the people were asleep after offering mass and rosaries for their dead, Sisa prepared the
best dinner she could afford for her two sons she had been expecting to arrive that night. But her
indolent of a husband came ahead of her sons and ate the dinner she prepared for her sons. She prayed
for the safety of her sons.


Even in those days , there exists women who can be shot in afiring squad because of martyrdom.
That is Sisa. Despite the indolence and the bad habits of his husband, she still sticks with him.

Chapter 17: BASILIO


1) Sisa
2) Basilio

A bleeding Basilio arrived at his mother’s hut. He told her that he escaped from the convent
while Crispin was left behind. He also told her mother that they were accused by the priest of
stealing hence they received beating from the sacristan mayor. They were not to be released
until they produced the stolen money.
The sacristan mayor is as ruthless as his master. He could have empathized with the sacristans,
Basilio and Crispin.



1) Padre Salvi - parish priest

2) Sister Sipa, Sister Rufa and Sister Juana - female parishioners
3) Old man – parishioner
4) Sisa – mother of Basilio and Crispin
5) Cook, servants


The female parishioners noticed that Padre Salvi was not his usual self. He was sick, irritable and
went directly to the parochial house after the mass. The women were comparing to each other how
many indulgences they have gained, how they can gain more. They were also talking about Purgatory
and how many indulgences they have offered for the dead when Sisa with her basketful of vegetables
on her head came. She went directly to the kitchen and gave the vegetables to the cook and asked if
she could talk with Padre Salvi. When told that the priest was sick, she asked the servants about Basilio
and Crispin. They told her that both of them have escaped after stealing many things and the guardia
civil were after them. She rushed out of the house crying.


People look at indulgences as something they can gain thru money, thru the efforts of others and
claim them as their own. They think that gaining indulgences is just like buying something from the
store, or paying others to make sacrifices for you that you can deposit in order to save your soul from
going to Purgatory. They have been made to believe by the friars with this wrong information, and
people with little faith are easily misled.


1) Crisostomo Ibarra – went to the lake to see where his father’s corpse was thrown
2) Youth - accompanying Ibarra; a schoolteacher whom Don Rafael Ibarra helped in his education

The school teacher showed Ibarra the lake where his father’s remains were thrown. The school
teacher told him how grateful he is of Don Rafael who supported the school children of his
time. Now that that he is a teacher himself, he told Ibarra how the system works. It is
customary to whip the students if they committed mistakes and he observed that the children
did not perform well. The children once whipped found comfort in other students who were
also whipped and suffered. But after reading the books of Tasio, he gained new ideas and his
perspectives changed. He modified the old system and made learning a pleasant experience by
suppressing the beatings. The children began to have confidence in themselves and performed
better. But this strategy reached the attention of the friars and he was summoned and was told
to revert back to the old system. Even the parents confronted him and told him to return back
to the whippings so that their children will be disciplined. He had no choice and that is what the
teacher did. The students were deeply hurt and depreciated and only a fifth continued to study.

Spare the rod and spoil the child. Though this is partly true, this doesn’t apply to all. When the
schoolteacher stopped corporal punishment, he noticed that there was serenity of spirit, the
children had confidence and esteem in themselves. I believe that the friars were not concerned
that the children learn. In fact they want the Filipinos to remain as “Indios” so that they will
continue to rule in terror in our country. Whipping the children would suppress their hunger for
learning and that would be beneficial for the conquerors.


1) Don Filipo - Teniente mayor; head of the Liberal party
2) Capitan/ Gobernadoncillo - head of the town
3) Capitan Basilio - adversary of the late Don Rafael
4) Capitan Valentin – a conservative
5) Cabesa de barangay – village chief
6) Tasio


The town and barrio officials who are composed of the elders and the young men had a meeting
at the session hall regarding the budget for the coming fiesta. Both represent the conservative and the
liberal respectively. They don’t see each other eye to eye. Don Filipo knows that whatever they
propose, they will be rejected by the elders as the latter hate them. A plan was made that Don Filipo
(upon advise of Tasio) be the one to present the project of the enemies as he knows that he will be
rejected. Then the Cabesa will be the one to present their project and the elders will accept it to spite
Don Filipo.So went the plan. Everything was going well until Tasio made mention of the wants of the
priest for the fiesta. The plan was ruined as the elders agreed to give in to the demands of the priest.
Tasio blamed themselves, Don Filipo for not protesting and he for forgetting about the priest which
could mean extra expenses.


Their political system is no different than the ones we have today. There is also a majority and a
minority and the one with the most votes win regardless of how irrelevant or stupid the subject being
decided upon, is.

Chapter 21: A MOTHER’S STORY


1) Sisa - who just came from the convent looking for Crispin
2) Guardia civil – who came to Sisa’s hut in search for the “stolen money”


On her way home from the convent Sisa saw 2 guardia civil coming from her hut. Seeing her, the
two guards asked for her sons and for the “stolen money.” When she could not produce neither, they
brought her to the Alferez at the barracks. But while on the way, Sisa felt she was being undressed by
the stares of the passers by. The Alferez ultimately released her upon the orders of the priest who
accused her sons. She went home, and saw a torn shred from Basilio’s shirt. She wandered out of the
house and began calling for Basilio and Crispin. The following day, one could see Sisa roaming aimlessly,
smiling, singing and talking to herself. She has lost her senses!


During the Spanish period, the friars can accuse and imprison anybody without a fair trial. The
friars were the judges themselves who accuse, convict and pass judgment as they please.



1) Maria Clara - who came to San Diego for the fiesta

2) Tia Sabel - accompanied her niece to SanDiego
3) Women of San Diego - who did nothing but gossip about the people in San Diego
4) Crisostomo Ibarra - came to visit Ma. Clara


When Ma. Clara and Tia Sabel arrived in San Diego, tongues of the women started wagging.
Ibarra himself came and he and Ma. Clara talked near the window by the lake. They were whispering to
each other and they were planning to leave at dawn for a countryside fiesta given by their friends. Ma.
Clara expressed her concern regarding Father Salvi’s stares and voice which makes her uncomfortable.
She doesn’t want him to join them for the fiesta but Ibarra said that he has tobe invited as customary of
the country. And so, Padre Salvi showed interest of joining them when told and invited about the fiesta.


Even in those times, hypocrisy was not uncommon. To follow the norms , one has to conform to
the dictates of society. In this case, in as much as Ma. Clara doesn’t like the presence of the priest, she
had no choice but to accept the fact that it is customary to invite him, being her guest in her house.



1) Ma.Clara – went to the lake with her riends

2) Sinang, Victoria, Iday and Neneng - friends of Ma. Clara
3) Ibarra – came with his male friends
4) Albino – ex seminarian friend
5) Tia Sabel and mothers – accompanied Ma. Clara and her friends
6) Andeng – Ma. Clara’s foster sister


Ma.Clara together with Tia Sabel, Andeng,her four friends and their mothers met Ibarra and his
male friends at the lake. There they rode a banca,watched the herons atop the bamboo stakes, played
the harp and sang songs. They went to the fish pens to catch fish. But what seemed to be a happy affair
could have ended into a disaster. Instead of fishes, they were able to catch a crocodile which pulled the
helmsman of the boat down to the depths of the lake. If not for Ibarra who jumped into the water
followed by the fisherman and his son, the helmsman could have died. It was also in this lake that Don
Rafael’s body was thrown. But in the end they were able to catch fishes which they cooked and ate for
lunch and they had a good time.

Fate could play tricks. It was on the same lake that Don Rafael’s body was thrown and it could
have been Crisostomo’s burial ground if he didn’t survive the ordeal with the crocodile.

Chapter 24: IN THE WOODS

1) Padre Salvi - had mass and had confessions

Chapter 25: ELIAS and SALOME


1) Elias - being hunted by the guardia civil because of his altercation with Padre Damaso
2) Salome - 17 year old young girl who lives alone in the forest and a friend of Elias


If only the guardia civil had look thoroughly into the forest, they could have found the man they
were looking for. Deep in the forest, along the shores of the lake, surrounded by flowers is a hut
wherein a friend of Elias live. Elias frequents that hut because Salome lives there alone. The young girl
whiles away her time by sewing while waiting for the arrival of Elias in the afternoon who brings her
firewood, bananas and fish. Salome asked Elias about the lunch, the people who were there. Salome
also expressed her concern on Elias living alone when she leaves the place to join her relqtives in


There are suppressed feelings between Elias and Salome. Salome is hoping for a more than
friends relationship with Elias. Elias doesn’t want Salome to suffer the same bad luck that he has. If only
they would fight together, they could surpass the misfortune that Elias is in. But with the kind of justice
system, proving that Elias is innocent will be but futile.
Alyssa A. Fuentebella Feb. 27, 2012
Lit 13
Noli Journal Continuation (Chapters 26-64)



1) Crisostomo Ibarra – paid tasio a vis

2) Tasio
3) Dona Consolacion –wife of the Alferez

Crisostomo paid Tacio a visit. His purpose was to ask advice regarding his plan to open a school.
He is hoping that his sacrifices will bear fruits. He is concerned whether the friars will support
his cause, had a lot of questions regarding his opening of the school. They have discussed a lot
of things including the implementation of reforms by Spain, knowing about the abuses of the
friars and the reforms which are rendered null by the government. Ibarra received no
encouragements but rather discouragements about his project. Tacio also made mention of
how Dona Consolacion got even with Ibarra for not inviting her to the picnic by disrupting it with
the arrival of the guardia civil lookin g for the helmsman, Elias.

During the Spanish period, the government had no say. It merely followed the orders of the
church, specifically the friars. The people cannot complain because they have no voice. Any
reforms ordered by Spain are rendered null by the friars. People then have to seek the approval
of the church. That was how Tacio discouraged Ibarra in his proposed project. But that didn’t
dampen the spirits of Ibarra who was bent on pursuing his school project which was his gift to

Chapter 27: The Eve of the Feast

1) Senor Juan - master builder, carpenter, locksmith, painter, sculptor all rolled into one; in-
charge in the cornerstone and construction of the school.
2) Townsfolk - all busy in the preparation for the fiesta
3) School master and thirty children – weaving wreaths
4) Senor Ibarra - sponsor of the school project


The townsfolk are all busy in the preparation of the town fiesta: the windows are decked with banners,
the maidens of the house are preparing the food, the servants go back and forth, up and down carrying
chinaware. The floors of the houses were scrubbed until they shone like mirrors, the tables have been
decked with ornaments and with food, venerable lamps, crocheted mantelpieces and antique crystal
trays were brought out for the occasion. At the plaza, the stage had been built for the shows, while the
children are waiting for the arrival of the orchestra and the bands. Not far from Ibarra’s house is where a
mass of men are digging for the foundation of the school, a project of Ibarra. The day after the fiesta
would be its cornerstone ceremony.


The fiesta is a big celebration in honour of the town’s patron saint. It is a break from the day to day
activity which is a much awaited occasion. Apart from the fiesta is the preparation for the
cornerstone ceremony of the school. Despite the warning of Tacio, Ibarra proceeded with his plan of
opening a school amidst the approval of everyone including the parish priest who volunteered to do the
blessing. But he also remembered the words of Tacio: to watch out for enemies in sheep clothing!

Chapter 28: At Nightfall


1) Capitan Tiago – preparing a lavish feast fotr the fiesta

2) Ibarra – came to San Diego for the fiesta and for the cornerstone laying of his school.
3) Ma. Clara – came with Tia Isabel for the fiesta.
4) Victoria and Sinang- went for a walk with Ma. Clara and friends.
5) Capitan Basilio – donated a sum for the salary of another teacher for the future school.
6) Leper –
7) Sisa –


Capitan Tiago was busy preparing for a lavish feast for the fiesta for the reasons that: being a
Manilanenyo, he has to outshine his provincial counterparts and also because of his future son in law
Ibarra who had received accolades for his school project in San Diego.

When Ibarra, Ma. Clara and friends were walking around town, they saw a leper who had a basket
where people could put their alms. Ma. Clara, who pitied him, gave the gold locket that her father just
gave her. They also saw Sisa, the madwoman who held on to the leper calling on her 2 lost sons.


Fiesta is not only merriment and eating. It is also the celebration of the feast day of the patron saint.
This is manifested by the preparations of the church: the celebration of the mass and the procession.
The accompanying feasting on delicious foods, the shows on the stage plaza, the orchestra, the house
preparations and the fireworks are all icing on the cake. The main event is the feast day of Our Lady of
Peace, the patroness of San Diego.
Chapter 29: Letters


1) Correspondent – a writer of a journal in Manila who wrote about the day’s activities during the
2) Capitan Martin – wrote to his friend Luis Chiquito
3) Ma. Clara – wrote a letter to Crisostomo Ibarra


The content of the letter of the correspondent addressed to the Director was mostly his observations
during the fiesta: from the Augustinian and Dominican priests who graced the mass, to the prominent
men from the nearby towns, to the wealthy men from Manila and to the Chinese and Indios who
waited for the solemn celebration. He also made mention of their gracious host, the wealthy Indio,
Capitan Tiago and his beauteous daughter Ma. Clara. Capitan Martin on his letter to his friend Luis was
about who won and who lose money at Cabeza Manuel’s house. Ma. Clara’s letter to Ibarra was more
of her concern for the latter who was not feeling well.


The chapter was more on activities during the fiesta at San Diego in the eyes of the correspondent and
that of Capitan Martin. It is vividly described and it makes the readers feel that they themselves were
part of the celebration itself.

Chapter 30: The Morning


1) Philosopher Tasio – was dressed with his usual attire despite the occasion
2) Teniente Mayor – commented on Tasio looking sad
3) Don Filipo – one of those who met Tasio along the way
4) Padre Salvi - priest who will officiate the mass
5) Padre Damaso – who will deliver the sermon


It was the last day of the fiesta and the feast day of San Diego and the people were looking their best.
The churchyard was full with people, the band was playing, the bells pealed, candles were lit. The high
mass was to begin and Padre Salvi was the celebrant with Padre Damaso who caught a cold the night
before had begged off not to say the sermon. The old housekeeper nursed him back to health and he
also gave up his favourites like fried chicken and laguna cheese just to be able to do his chore. The
people also agreed that they cannot find such an eloquent preacher other than Padre Damaso.


People in those days could be pious in their ecclesiastical obligations if they choose to. Celebrating the
fiesta with delectable dishes and much revelry is not what makes one much closer to the Creator than
anybody else. There is so much hypocrisy that even the religious friars enjoy the adulation of the people
rather than please the Almighty above!
Chapter 31: In the Church


1) Tacio - commented on how much Padre Damaso was being paid for his sermon
2) Prefect of the Third Order - reacted on how Tasio compared the sermon with a comedy show
3) Alcalde Mayor, Capitan Tiago, Ibarra, Ma. Clara and the townsfolk - all in the church to hear the
4) Padre Salvi and Padre Damaso - mass celebrant and preacher respectively


The church was full with people, each would dip a finger into the holy water which was now mud
colored. People could hardly breath, the air was warm and reeked with human stench. To hear the
preacher was worth the trouble. Tasio commented how expensive the sermon would be: two hundred
fifty pesos for just one mass and for just one man! Everbody was awaiting for the mass to start: the
alcalde, Capitan Tiago, Ibarra and Ma. Clara were all in their respective places assigned to them. Those
with no seats had to squat on the floor.


That is how obsessed people were to hear the most eloquent preacher, Padre Damaso that despite their
inhumane condition, had to squeeze thru just to listen what the reputable priest had to say. The priests
undoubtedly enjoyed the admiration accorded them.

Chapter 32: The Sermon


1) Padre Damaso – who delivered his tirade full of insults and curses.
2) Townsfolk - who came to hear Padre Damaso’s sermon
3) Elias – who secretly whispered to Ibarra a warning about the latter’s life being at stake.


Padre Damaso started his sermon with words taken from the book of Esdras II, chapter 9 verse 20. The
first part to be delivered in Spanish and the second to be delivered in Tagalog. His rhetoric was more of
praises for the patron saint San Diego and that of St. Francis of which order he belonged. He unleashed
a series of insults and curses which was directed to whoever would be socked with the truth. His tirade
was so tiring and boring that it drove some of its listeners to dose off. He spoke of the sinners who do
not go to confession, of arrogant and affected mesticillos or insignificant half breeds of which Ibarra
belonged, of pseudo-philosophers and so on. When the sermon was over, it was at this point that Elias
approached Ibarra secretly from behind and whispered not to go down into the excavation as his life
would be at stake.

People who considered themselves much holier than the others, in this case the friars, thought that they
were much better than them. They believed they have the right to insult or curse or accuse other
people of their faults without first looking at themselves. They tend to be self righteous and morally
right when what they have done is exactly the opposite.

Chapter 33: The Hoist


1) Jaundiced man –one of the workers who was unfortunate to die when the cables snapped.
2) Senor Juan - master builder, mason, carpenter, in charge of the cornerstone laying
3) Ibarra - the last to go down the pit to lay the mortar
4) Alcalde Mayor, Father Salvi, Ma. Clara, Capitan Tiago,Alferez,Tasio, Notary Public, Spanish
employees , students - onlookers
5) Elias - the one who warned Ibarra earlier to be careful


The jaundiced man was proud of what he had done: he had built a mechanical device – a crane and not
a simple tripod to hoist down the huge mass of granite from above. He was proud of what he has done
and he was the one in charged of calibrating inch by inch the ascent and descent of the granite. At the
start of the ceremonies, the alcalde, the municipal officials, the friars except Father Damaso and the
Spanish employees were there. When the mementoes: manuscripts, medals, coins etc were placed in
the crystal container, he designated the notary public to be the one to put at the pit in the hollowed out
granite. The guests then took turns to put mortar over the granite surface so that the other granite
hanging over the pit would adhere to the one lying at the bottom of the pit. It was the alcalde who
threatened not to have the stone lowered if Ibarra himself will not do his share of putting the mortar.
Ibarra hesitantly followed but he was aware of the warning of Elias. While he was at the pit and the
jaundiced man who was in control of the other granite was bending over the pit, a loud thud was heard,
the cables snapped followed with a frightful crash. Lucky for Ibarra but unfortunately for the jaundiced
man who was the victim of the crash who died on the spot.


Never trust a wolf in sheep’s clothing as the saying goes. Ibarra’s project was accepted with much
enthusiasm. Little did he know that behind this passion was envy, anger and hatred by people who
secretly abhorred him.

Chapter 34: Free Thinker


1) Ibarra - was paid a visit by Elias

2) Elias – warned Ibarra of his unknown enemies.

Elias went to Ibarras’s house dressed like a peasant and told the latter of how he learned about the
plan to kill Ibarra. He asked Ibarra to tell no one about the warning he gave him for the latter’s own
protection. He learned about the plot when the jaundiced man presented himself before the master
builder to direct the work of laying the cornerstone for not so big a salary. The night before the
ceremony, he heard him talking with someone else about “ this one will not be eaten by the fishes
unlike his father.” Elias told Ibarra that he held the jaundiced man down when he wanted to escape
after letting the granite fall down supposedly on Ibarra. When the soil collapsed, the jaundiced man fell
down to the pit and was the one buried beneath the timber.


Ibarra knew that Elias was no ordinary man. Because of the injustices brought to him by man, Elias does
not trust the existence of human justice and the superiority of certain classes of society over others. He
believes that one has to do good and not evil, to correct and not to destroy.

Chapter 35: The Luncheon


1) Alcalde- seated at the head of the table

2) Ibarra – host of the luncheon
3) Ma. Clara, Alferez, gobernadorcillo, friars, employees - guests
4) Capitan Tiago – received a telegram about the coming of the Capitan General
5) Padre Damaso – who came in late for the luncheon and who did nothing but malign the
memories of Ibarra’s father.


The guests had varied views of different topics while dining at Ibarra’s house. One table was discussing
whether it is better that his son become a doctor rather than a priest. Another table was discussing
about the coming of the Capitan General who preferred to stay at Capitan Tiago’s house. A table with
students were chatting happily. All these were disrupted with the arrival of Padre Damaso who did
nothing but make allusions directed at Ibarra: about self inflated mesticillo who spoils his workers;
about not knowing how to construct a school; about a father who died in prison because of God’s
intervention . The mere mention of the memories of Ibarra’s father being sullied angered the latter and
struck the friar on the head almost knocking him down. Out of rage, Ibarra subdued the friar with an
iron grip and told everyone that his father was an honourable man who made sacrifices for him and for
the good of his country, who opened his doors to Padre Damaso and called him friend yet slandered,
persecuted and desecrated his grave and now dishonoured his memory. If not for Ma. Clara, he could
have buried the knife on Padre Damaso’s neck.


What started as a flourishing discussion during luncheon ended in an almost bloody altercation
between Padre Damaso and Ibarra if not for the intervention of Ma. Clara. Ibarra had been avoiding any
confrontation and had been keeping his silence despite what Padre Damaso had done and said to him.
But when the memory of his father was being tarnished, he lost himself and almost killed the friar.
Chapter 36: The Comments


1) Capitana Maria - a supporter of Ibarra who wants her sons to defend their father’s memory
2) Capitana Tinay - would not like to have her son study in Europe
3) Sister Rufa – a believer in Padre Damaso


The news of the incident between Ibarra and Padre Damaso spread across town. There were many
comments, views according to their moral values. Capitana Maria was one with Ibarra in saying that her
sons should defend their father’s memory and she would allow her sons to travel if she had the money.
Capitana Tinay on the other hand would rather have her son by her side rather than learn while Sister
Rufa will always believe in the priest. Some believe that Ibarra will be charged as a pliebastero.


Different views, different opinions. More were compelled that Ibarra will be charged as a pliebastero.
Though most believe that Ibarra was right, nobody would stand for their convictions. They know that
they can’t beat the friars, the latter being rich and united and the former being poor and divided.

Chapter 37: The First Cloud


1) Capitan Tiago – busy preparing his house for the arrival of the Capitan General
2) Tia Sabel - comforting Ma. Clara because of Ibarra’s being excommunicado
3) Ma. Clara – forbidden by her father to speak with Ibarra


Capitan Tiago’s household was busy with the forthcoming arrival of the Capitan General. Meanwhile,
Capitan Tiago returned after his talk with Padre Damaso. He told Ma. Clara and Tia Sabel that the friar
ordered him to cancel Ibarra’s and Ma. Clara’s engagement otherwise he will be damned in this life and
afterlife. The friar had even arranged for his relative from Spain to be Ma. Clara’s betrothed. This
bothered Ma. Clara and she feared for her father being excommunicated.


The friars’ powers extend not only the spiritual but the physical as well. Here, Padre Damaso ordered
Capitan Tiago to cancel the betrothal of his daughter to Ibarra otherwise he will be excommunicated.
Not only that, the friar even arranged for a relative to be Ma. Clara’s fiancé. Unsuspectingly, both
Capitan Tiago and his daughter are not aware that the friar is practicing his filial affection on Ma. Clara.

Chapter 38: His Excellency


1) Capitan General - Governor General of the Philippine Islands

2) Capitan Tiago - had the honour to host His excellency’s visit
3) The friars: Sibyla, Salvi, Manuel Martin - came to paid their respects
4) Alcalde, Senor Alcalde, Aide –
5) Ma. Clara – who was introduced by her father
6) Don Crisostomo Ibarra - called by His excellency


His Excellency was looking for Padre Damaso among the friars who paid him a visit and was told that the
latter was sick and lying in bed. His treatment of the friars was cold. He was happy to meet Ma. Clara
and thanked her. He also met Ibarra, who has impressed him with the former’s love for his motherland.
He told Ibarra that he is inspired with interest and a desire that his government’s flaws does not
prejudice the latter. Ibarra challenged the Capitan general to see the poor shanties in the town. The
latter gave Ibarra the assurance that nobody will touch him and he will talk to the Archbishop about his
being “excommunicado.” His Excellency congratulated Capitan Tasio not only for his daughter but also
of his future son in law, Ibarra.


The Capitan General had heard of the atrocities of the friars and he was not happy with it. He was
impressed with Ibarra’s love and patriotism for his country but he could see that despite the latter’s
aspirations for his motherland, he would not be successful in pursuing his dreams because of the people
who run the country. He must have been referring to the friars, who though a big help are busy
enriching themselves. So as not to discourage Ibarra of what to expect, he advised him to leave the
country for Europe. He was happy for Ibarra for being Ma. Clara’s fiancé. The former had found an ally
in the person of His Excellency!

Chapter 39: The Procession


1) Capitan General - left for the Gobernadorcillo’s house to view the procession with his aides,
Capitan Tiago, Ibarra,Alcalde and the Alferez.
2) Tasio - the philosopher making comments especially on seeing the statue of St. Francis
3) Townsfolk - bystanders and others joining the procession


The Capitan General together with his aides, Capitan Tiago, Ibarra, Alcalde and the Alferez went to the
house of the Gobernadorcillo to view the procession. One of the onlookers was Tacio who made
comments of the statues of the saints that passed by. Of all the icons, it was St. Francis, the patron of
the Franciscans who had the most decorated, well lighted palanquin with an accompanying music. This
was followed by Mary Magdalene, San Diego and the Virgin Mary. When the image of the Virgin passed
by the house of Capitan Tiago a voice full of melody and tenderness was heard. The voice brought
melancholy to those who hear. The song was more of a lamentation.


Even in processions, there is competition among idols depending on the people who support them.
Take the case of St. Francis who was elaborately dressed, well lighted and decorated with lanterns.
Chapter 40: Dona Consolacion


1) Dona Consolacion – wife of the Alferez who did not go to mass that day because her husband
prohibited her.
2) Sisa – detained at the headquarters so as not to cause trouble during the procession
3) Alferez - a corporal then when he married his wife who was a laundress


Dona Consolacion stayed in the house amid the merriment outside her home otherwise the alferez
would kick her back to her hometown. She was sitting in her armchair dressed in her shabby clothes of
blue flannel blouse and faded skirt with scarf around her head and with cigar in hand. She thought of
herself as a beauty queen much better than Ma. Clara, but her husband thought otherwise. Her
obnoxious attitude keeps others at bay. Meanwhile Sisa was detained at the headquarters so as not to
disturb the procession but when she heard the sad singing of Ma. Clara, she too began to sing in her
sweet melancholic voice. Dona Consolacion heard her sang and had her brought before her. She had a
whip which she used on Sisa when the latter would not dance upon her order. When the Alferez
arrived, she took pity on Sisa and have her taken cared by the servants. He reprimanded his wife for
writing the Alcalde that he allowed illegal gambling in town ( her revenge on her husband for not letting
her attend the mass). This led to their usual ramble which is not peculiar in their many years of


The marriage of the Alferez and Dona Consolacion was definitely not made in heaven! It has been
marred by many years of brawls, insults and curses which had been carried on since the day they first
married when the Alferez was a corporal then who married the laundress.

Chapter 41: Right and Might


1) Don Filipo - Teniente mayor; present at the plaza

2) Tasio - whom Don Filipo had a talk at the plaza
3) Ma. Clara and Sinang - were at the plaza to watch the show
4) Ibarra – who came later after accompanying the Capitan General and sat beside his betrothed
5) Padre Salvi - reprimanded Don Filipo regarding Ibarra’s presence
6) Civil guards - who ordered Don Filipo to stop the play as the alferez and his wife could not sleep
after beating each other
7) Elias - who dispersed the angry mob


The play brought Ma. Clara, Sinang Padre Salvi and the townsfolk to the plaza to watch. The arrival of
Ibarra brought whispers and murmurs and people were looking at him and the parish priest. Padre
Salvi approached Don Filipo and talked to him about not allowing Ibarra to watch the show as this could
mean, “giving danger a chance.” Don Filipo told him that he cannot throw out Ibarra as he is one of the
biggest contributors and doesn’t disturb the order and the peace. The priest had no choice but to leave
with his companions. Two soldiers approached Don Filipo and asked him to stop the show as the Alferez
and his wife had just a fight and couldn’t sleep. When the latter declined, the soldiers ran after the
musicians with clubs in their hands to put a stop to the show. This brought pandemonium to the crowd.
Don Filipo saw a group of people who were up to something that he asked for help from Ibarra to
contain the crowd. Ibarra saw Elias who was observing the commotion with indifference and told him to
do something. Elias was lost himself among the crowd and slowly the people dispersed and was just in
time as the soldiers have arrived with their rifles and bayonets. The noise of the tumult in the plaza sent
Padre Salvi back to the plaza and looked for Ma. Clara. When he saw that the latter was already safe in
the house only did he relaxed. The next day, the news correspondent wrote the heroic acts of Padre
Salvi in dissolving the angry mob.


The pastime of the people was watching plays like comedya. Such shows bring the people together.
Such enjoyment could be marred by persons like the Alferez who because of petty fights with his wife
have ordered the show to be stopped. He may be the head of the guardia civil but there are still people
like the Teniente Mayor, Don Filipo who makes a stand in not letting the whims of the Alferez be
followed. The Alferez may have the power and might but the people have the right.

Chapter 42: Two Visitors


1) Ibarra - couldn’t sleep and was alone in his study

2) Elias – came to bid Ibarra farewell and told him that Ma. Clara was sick
3) Lucas – the brother of the man who died during the cornerstone laying


Ibarra had two visitors: first, it was Ibarra and second, it was Lucas, the brother of the man who died
during the cornerstone laying. Ibarra came to bid Ibarra goodbye as he was going to Batangas and to
tell him that Ma. Clara is sick . When asked how he was able to disperse the angry mob, Elias told Ibarra
that he knew the brothers who led the rally. He talked to them to dissuade the others, or else they
would suffer the same fate their father underwent, that is dying from beatings by the civil guards. The
second visitor was Lucas who came to ask Ibarra for money as payment for the death of his brother.


Elias is always present just when he is needed. He saved Ibarra from death and he was able to dissolve
the mob thereby preventing bloodshed. But then, he is about to move to Batangas and that would mean
leaving Ibarra vulnerable to his detractors. Meanwhile, Lucas is a good for nothing guy who is out to
collect money for the death of his brother who died because of his own wrongdoings.

Chapter 43: The Espadana Couple


1) Ma. Clara – lies in her sick bed after the tumult at the plaza
2) Andeng, Sinang,Victoria – keeping ma. Clara company while talking about Dr. Espadana
3) Capitan Tiago and Tia Sabel – had Dr. Espadana couple fetched to take a look on the sick Ma.
4) Dr. Tiburcio de Espadana – a Spaniard and a con doctor who charges exorbitant fees
5) Dr. Dona Victoriana de Espadana - wears ill fitting European costumes, married to Dr. Tiburcio
6) Senor Linares de Espadana - nephew of Dr. Tiburcio who came to the Philippines to supposedly
be the administrator of Dona Victorina’s properties while they are in Spain.


Ma. Clara was still sick in bed hence Capitan Tiago summoned Dr. Tiburcio de Espadana who came with
his eccentric wife Dona Victorina and their nephew from the Peninsula, Don Alfonso Linares de
Espanada. Dona Victorina who is 45 years old but claims to be 32, was quite pretty and with a good
figure in her youth, according to her. She had many Filipino admirers, including Capitan Tiago but she
was determined to find a Spaniard for a spouse but no one ever dared ask for her hand. Time passed by
and she had to content herself with the only Spaniard available and who could meet her needs, Don
Tiburcio de Espadana. Don Tiburcio on the other hand came to the Philippines as a customs officer but
was dismissed after 15 weeks from his arrival because of a fractured leg. Having no job, his fellow
Spaniards told him to go to the provinces and pretend to be a doctor. As a doctor, he charged
exorbitantly and because of this, was considered a great physician. The Board of Medical Examiners
found out that he was a fraud but was allowed to practice medicine for the reason that “Indios are
gullible” and so that he could earn money for his fare back to Spain. When his practice went down, he
heard of Dona Victorina and he asked to be presented to her. Thus their love story began. She
dominated her husband and had him practiced Medicine and Surgery and had a marble of “Don
Tiburcio de Espadana, Specialist in all diseases “ carved. Hence Capitan Tiago chose him to treat his
daughter. Don Linares on the other hand, a nephew of Don Tiburcio, came to the country to be the
administrator of the latter’s property when the couple would go to the Peninsula. The trip did not
pushed thru but, Don Linares was already bound for the Philippines.


Dona Victorina is the typical Filipina nowadays: a pretentious woman who dislikes her real nature and
pretends to be somebody else. A wolf in sheep’sclothing. Don Tiburcio unlike his countrymen, is the
submissive type who goes with the sway of the breeze. Whatever his wife says, goes!

Chapter 44: Plans


1) Padre Damaso - beneath the rough and coarse exterior is a tender heart.
2) Ma. Clara – still sick in bed


When Padre Damaso visited and saw then poor Ma. Clara on bed, he could not control himself and was
filled with grief. People around thought that he must love his goddaughter that much! He was
introduced to the young Linares. When he learned that the latter came to the country to find a job and
a wife, he already had an idea who he is going to marry off to Linares. On the other hand, Lucas
approached Padre salvi and made up stories about his being kicked by Ibarra. The parish priest noticd
that he was just out for the money, he shooed him off.


“Actions speak louder than words,” as the saying goes. Padre Damaso’s attitude could have given him
off, but the people who gave no malice to his reaction just thought that he must loved his goddaughter
that much!

Chapter 45: An Examination of Conscience


1) Ma. Clara - still sick in bed; advised by Padre Salvi to have confession and communion
2) Capitan Tiago –offered masses and alms for his daughter’s recovery
3) Dona Victorina - attributed Ma. Clara’s health improvement to the concoction given by her
4) Padre Salvi - insisted that Ma. Clara undergo examination of conscience for her recovery
5) Tia Sabel - recited the commandments to Ma. Clara, needed prior to the latter’s confession


Ma. Clara suffered a relapse after her confession and uttered only the name of her mother she had
never known. Masses and alms were offered and her fever subsided. Don Tiburcio attributed himself
to have cured her with his marshmallow syrup, lichen and milk concoction. Padre Damaso’s transfer to
a Tayabas parish was brought up. On the other hand, Padre Salvi told Capitan Tiago that having
confession have helped Ma. Clara recover but this was contested by Dona Victorina who insisted that it
was her husband who healed her. Ma. Clara was prepared that night for an examination of conscience
so that she could receive communion on the next day.


It is human nature to admit one’s participation if it is a good deed. Take the case of Ma. Clara whose
health improved after her father offered masses and alms. Padre Salvi not to be outdone, claimed that
it was the examination of conscience and communion that healed the sick woman. Dona Victorina
meanwhile claims that it was the concoction of her husband Don Tiburcio that healed Ma. Clara.

Chapter 46: The Fugitives


1) Capitan Pablo - lost his 2 sons who were wrongly accused; is now seeking revenge for the
injustices done to them.
2) Elias - had long been convinced to join the group of bandits


Elias went to the forest where the bandits headed by Capitan Pablo and his armed men of 12 –
15 were staying. Elias paid the old man a visit after he had heard what happened to the latter. Capitan
Pablo was full of vengeance and had told Elias what drove him to be fugitive: his daughter was molested
by a friar and his two sons confronted the perpetrator. The friar for fear of retaliation accused both
sons with crimes they did not commit. One son was accused of theft, tortured and hanged by the hair.
The other son was arrested by the guardia civil because the former had forgotten to bring his residence
certificate, hence, maltreated, harassed and this drove him to commit suicide because of his injuries.
Capitan Pablo was remorseful for doing nothing to help his children hence vowed revenge. Elias pacified
him and told the old man that vengeance will beget retaliation especially against the innocent people
who will unjustly accused. He was able to convince Capitan Pablo to postpone any armed violence as he
will ask for the help of Ibarra to bring their complains to the Capitan General.


“ A tooth for a tooth,” as the saying goes was practiced during the Spanish period. Filipinos have
high tolerance for pain, insults and other negative emotions but if these emotions have reached its
tolerable and acceptable levels, these have the tendency to burst like a volcano spewing hot magma and
scorching anything along the way.

After the death of his sons did he realize how coward he had been in defending them. This time,
he is like a dragon spitting fire on the people who had wronged him.

Chapter 47: The Cockpit:


1) Capitan Basilio - one of the cockfight aficionados

2) Lucas - scar face, whose brother died at the cornerstone laying and had been recruiting the 2
brothers in joining thebandits.
3) Capitan Tiago – came with his cocks: Lasak (red and white)
4) Tarsilo and Bruno - brothers who were at the cockpit whose father died of 100 lashes by the
guardia civil
5) Pedro - Sisa’s husband; present at the cockpit


If Spain has a bullfight for a pastime, Filipinos have their local version, the cockfight. Afficionados
and enthusiasts would find their way to the cockpit during Sundays ( a passion introduced by the
Spaniards) wherein the rich go to entertain themselves while the poor risk their hard earned money in
the hope of doulbling it. Here in San Diego, the likes of the Gobernadorcillo, Capitan Pablo, Capitan
Basilio and Capitan Tiago are frequent clients of the cockpit. They place heavy bets on their cocks
including the house they live in. There are also spectators who place their bets on the cocks that are
most likely to win. Lucas, the brother of the dead construction worker had been convincing the 2
brothers, Tarsilo and Bruno to accept his proposition but the 2 were bent on placing their bets on the
cock. Both brothers were thinking of the fate of their sister if ever they join Lucas and his group. But
when the 2 lose, they looked for Lucas and told him they will join him in exchange for money that they
will place for bets.

Engaging in cockfights is as addictive as opium. This is one of the things the Spaniards have
passed on to us. A favourite pastime for indolent Filipinos who entrust their fates on the victories of the
winning cocks. The cockpit is also a place for illegal transactions under the guise of gambling. Lucas was
at the wrong place at the right time (wherein gamblers who have lost would be needing money to try
their luck again.) such was the deal Lucas offered and took advantage of the losers who would try their
luck again by giving them money in exchange for accepting his proposal in joining the uprising.

Chapter 48: Two Ladies


1) Dona Victorina - felt insulted when Dona Consolacion looked down at her with contempt
2) Dr. De Espadana - hapless husband of Dona Victoria
3) Dona Consolacion - whose stares atarted it all.
4) Alferez - joined in the word war between the two ladies
5) Linares - threatened by Dona Victoria to challenge the Alferez in a duel
6) Ma. Clara, Sinang and Victoria –
7) Padre Salvi – pacified the 2 warring couples


Dona Victorina, elegantly dressed with ribbons and flowers on her silk gown took a walk around
town with her husband, Dr. De Espadana. She made negative comments on the houses of the Indios,
their attitudes and expected to be looked up and commented on her elegant costume. When she
passed by the house of the Alferez, Dona Consolacion was at the window who examined her from head
to toe, spat and turned her head away. This made Dona Victorina furious and demanded a reason for
the Dona’s reaction. An exchange of angry words, each with their dirty lines brought out into the open.
The mention of her being a laundrywoman made Dona Consolacion furious. She in turn accused her as a
discarded rag. The arrival of the Alferez further added sparks and if not for Padre Salvi who pacified the
2 couples, it would have ended in an exchange of blows. Dona Victorina plucked out her husband’s
dentures ( in her rage) for not defending her. Upon arrival at Capitan Tiago’s house, she ordered Linares
to challenge the Alferez to a duel, if not, she will tell Capitan Tiago about the lies he created about
himself and not to allow him to marry Ma. Clara.


Dona Victorina and Dona Consolacion both ith eccentric character, insecure as personsand
charlatans, the former trying to deny her real race and the latter rising above her laundry woman status
to become a high official’s wife. The two ladies met, and all hell break loose as each throw her dirty
linens to each other. Dona C accused Dona V of having affairs before her husband and the latter
insulted the former’s sensibilities by sarcastically reminding her of her humble beginnings as a laundry

Chapter 49: The Enigma


1) Ibarra – paid an unexpected visit to Ma. Clara to tell her about his reconciliation with the church
2) Linares - was with Ma. Clara when Ibarra came
3) Ma. Clara – still pale and weak when Ibarra came to visit
4) Nor Juan - the architect of the prop0sed building
5) Elias - an undocumented labourer of the school building who came to see Ibarra


Don Crisostomo, upon arrival, immediately went to the home of Ma. Clara to tell her the good
news. His being “ex communicado” had been lifted with no less by the Archbishop himself. He was
shocked to see Linares with Ma. Clara at the latter’s balcony. When he left, there was doubt or was it
betrayal or rejection that he felt upon seeing Linares and Ma. Clara?

He went straight to his project site where he saw Elias working among the labourers. The latter
told Ibarra that he wants to talk with him at the lake because of some important matters.


Ibarra had mixed feelings when he saw Linares with Ma. Clara. He must have felt betrayed ( his
absence had made Ma. Clara forget him?) doubt of Ma. Clara’s feelings for him or even rejected (maybe
Ma. Clara doesn’t love him anymore?) Such thoughts were unanswered as he had no time to talk and
be alone with Ma. Clara.

Chapter 50: The voice of the persecuted


1) Ibarra - met with Elias by the shore and told the latter to bring him to the town with the bell
tower because that was the excuse he gave to the Alferez who wanted to accompany him.
2) Elias - had expressed the sentiments of the outlaws


While they were at the boat, Elias told Ibarra what the outlaws wanted: radical refporms in the
armed forces, in the clergy and in the administration of justice. They wanted respect for human
dignoity, less power to the military, less privilege for those in power. Ibarra couldn’t understand the
plight of the oppressed having lived a sheltered life, schooled in a Jesuit school, grew up in Europe and
only saw the bright side of life. Ibarra defended the missionaries and expressed his love for his mother
country and the Philippines and charged those seeking for reforms as criminals. Elias was discouraged
with Ibarra’s reaction and reminded him of the misfortunes that befell the latter’s family: his father’s
death, Ibarra’s persecution.


Ibarra may have defended the “oppressors” and charged those seeking for reforms as criminals,
for it is unknown to him what the Spaniards have done to his countrymen. He was blind to what was
happening to the real world having lived a sheltered and comfortable life. Elias has yet to open Ibarra’s
eyes to the realities of the brutalities of the oppressors.

Chapter 51: The family of Elias


1) Grandfather of Elias - charged with arson by his Spanish merchant emp;oyer

2) Grandmother of Elias - resorted to prostitution in order to support her husband and son; had 2
sons, the eldest became a bandit, the second was kind hearted
3) Balat - uncle of Elias; older son of his grandmother; a highwayman/bandit whose body was
dismembered and his body parts were thrown separately
4) Younger brother - Elias’ father; fled and moved to a town where nobody knew him; made
good and had a small business
5) Twin sister of Elis and Elias - brought up by his maternal grandfather after te9r mother died;
educated in exclusive schools


Sixty years ago, the paternal grandfather of Elias was charged with arson by his Spanish merchant
employer. He was punished by being tied to a horse and dragged around town while being beaten by
the people. His poor wife had to resort to prostitution in order that they survive. His grandfather
could’nt stand the misery, hence hanged himself leaving behind 2 sons. The oldest of the 2 sons named
Balat became a bandit while the second son was kind hearted. When Balat was captured, his body was
cut into pieces, and this caused the death of his mother upon seeing his decapitated head. Th e second
son fled the place where they lived and found a place where no one knew his history and started life
anew. He had a small business when he met and fell in love with a young woman. His past was
revealed when he asked the woman’s hand for marriage. The woman’s father accused and had him
arrested. The young woman gave birth to twins: a girl and a boy, named Elias. The twins were brought
up in a comfortable life by their maternal grandfather after their mother’s death. They were sent to
exclusive schools. A distant relative who had a rift with Elias told the latter of his father’s dark past. It
was later found out that the old servant who had been with Elias was his real father. The twins gave up
their inheritance, fled home with their father. It was thru his father that Elias found out about the
former’s painful past. His father died while his sister who was broken hearted fled home and was later
murdered and her body found in an abandoned ricefields.

When Elias asked what he will tell to the bandits, Ibarra told them to wait before they act and he
is not in favour of doing evil to correct evil.


Elias’ family suffered a lot, from his grandfather who was wrongly accused, to the sons and to his
grandson Elias. It was as if, the wrong accusations had been passed from one generation to the next.
They lived a hunted life and just when Elias’ father could have had a different future did his life turned
upside down again. The people then have the tendency to remember the bad and to forget the good.
Despite the painful past gone by, people tend to accuse and to judge people not of who they are today
but who they were in the past.

Chapter 52: Changes

1) Linares - received a letter from Dona Victorina asking if he had already challenged the Alferez to
a duel and if not, threatened to tell Capitan Tiago his lies
2) Padre Salvi - came to Capitan Tiago’s house with the news of Ibarra’s being ex communicado
3) Capitan Tiago – told about the good news regarding Ibarra
4) Ma. Clara, Sinang –
5) Ibarra - came in to talk to Sinang and arrage for a meeting with Ma. Clara


Linares received a letter from Dona Victorina threatening him to arrange a duel with the Alferez
or else she will tell Capitan Tiago about the lies he created about himself. Padre Salvi arrived and
brought the news that Ibarra was no longer ex communicado and admitted that he had misjudged him.
He almost spilled the bills regarding Ma. Clara’s paternity by referring Padre Damaso as the father and
later correcting himself by saying that “ Padre Damaso as a spiritual father.” Meanwhile, Ibarra talked to
Sinang and arranged for a meeting with Ma. Clara.


First impressions could change as in the case of Padre Salvi who later expressed admiration for
Ibarra for making amends. It seems that Padre Salvi knows the secret regarding Ma. Clara’s paternity
and Capitan Tiago and Ma. Clara are unaware of this.

Chapter 53: The Card of the Dead and the shadows


1) Shadows - in the cemetery talking with one another

2) Lucas – met Elias and played a game of cards with him at the cemetery
3) Elias – met Lucas, lighted matches while playing a game of card with him


Three shadows met at the cemetery and were talking if Elias would join the group. Ibarra’s name
was also mentioned. Elias came, and met Lucas for the first time. They lighted matches while playing a
deck of cards and the one who lose will leave the cemetery. On the other hand, 2 guardia civil are
patrolling the streets near the church. They were talking about capturing Elias who was in town and
whose features they do not know. When Lucas emerged from the shadows, he pretended that he was
going to offer mass for the next day and denied having seen or having known Elias. When another
shadow emerged, he too was apprehended and when asked where he was going, he told the guards
that he was after the scar faced man named Elias who beat his brother. The guards ran to the direction
where Lucas disappeared.

The civil guards are easily fooled or they could just be too naive not to spot the difference
between the truth from the lies. If they will not investigate themselves the real identity of the person
they are after, they could accuse and punish the wrong person.

Chapter 54: A Good Day is Foretold by the Morning


1) Sisters of the Confraternity - having different versions about the lighted candles seen at the
2) Shepherd – saw men with salakots but was not believed by the Sisters of the Confraternity
3) Don Filipo - visited Tasio to seek for advise
4) Pilosopong Tasio – lies on his sick bed while giving advise to Don Filipo


The lights in the cemetery the night before gave the people something to talk about: the sisters of
the confraternity had different versions. Among the speculations, it was the shepherd who was correct
in saying that he saw 2 persons in salakots. On the other hand, Don Filipo paid the sick Tasio a visit. The
former consulted the latter regarding his resignation and felt bad with the gobernadorcillo for releasing
the soldiers he had apprehended. Tasio advised him that the struggle was not against the
gobernadorcillo but on the abuses of his power, his failure of his duties and to make the people aware of
such injustices.


Sometimes the truth can come from people we neglect to listen to. The Sisters of the
Confraternity thought they were much holier than the shepherd who just spoke the truth of what he
saw. On the other hand, Tasio was sending feelers to Don Filipo on how people could be made aware of
the abuses and to fight back against such injustices.

Chapter 55: Discovery


1) Padre Salve - hurried to the Alferez’ house to warn him of an impending ambush of the
barracks and the parish house
2) Alferez - thought that Padre Salvi came because of Linares who challenged him in a duel.
3) Elias - went to Ibarra to warn him that a conspiracy had been planned and was attributed to
Ibarra in order to destroy him.
4) Ibarra - told to destroy any papers that would implicate him in the conspiracy


A woman confessed to Padre Salvi that the parish house and the barracks would be attacked at
8:00 on that evening. He immediately warned the Alferez who thought he came because of the duel
between him and Linares. He told him to be ready. On the other hand, Elias went to Ibarra to warn him
of the conspiracy against the Spaniards of which was attributed to him.. He told him to burn any
documents that could implicate him. He helped Ibarra with the papers when he saw the name of Don
Pedro Eibarramendia. When he learned that Don Pedro was Ibarra’s great grandfather, he got mad, and
told the latter that it was Don Pedro who calumniated his grandfather and caused his family’s


If Ibarra had escaped death from the cornerstone laying, his enemy will not rest until he gets even
with him, whatever Ibarra has done to him, if any. Added to this conspiracy, Ibarra has another
problem, this time with Elias who had saved him several times from harm. Thou Ibarra may be innocent
of his great grandfather’s faults, Elias could not forget the person who had caused the misfortunes of his
own family.

Chapter 56: Catastrophe


1) Capitan Tiago, Linares and Tia Isabel - are having supper

2) Ma. Clara – expecting a visit from Ibarra
3) Padre Salvi – pacing restlessly in the living room
4) Ibarra – went to visit Ma. Clara when a volley of shots were heard
5) Alferez - had Ibarra arrested
6) Elias - burned the documents in Ibarra’s study


Capitan Tiago, Linares and Tia Isabel were having dinner, while Ma,. Clara was in the living room
waiting for Ibarra and Padre Salvi was pacing back and forth. When Ibarra arrived, a volley of shots were
heard and after a while, the Alferez came running to the house to inform them that everything was
under control. Ibarra went back to his house, gathered his documents, money and pistols when the
soldiers came into the house. He went with them voluntarily. On the other hand, Elias ran without
direction, crossed the fields, reached the forest towards the water and only returned to reality when he
heard the volley of shots. He raced back to Ibarra’s house, saw the documents, money and pistols. He
set the documents on fire, just in time for the arrival of the guards who was about to look for
documents they could use to implicate Ibarra.


Whoever was out there to destroy Ibarra must have been successful in implicating him to the
conspiracy. Ibarra knew better than to escape or to fight back the arresting officers. Elias on the other
hand, despite his anger against Ibarra and his forebears still thought of helping the latter by burning
documents that may implicate Ibarra.

Chapter 57: Fact and Fancy


1) Sisters of the confraternity - had different stories to tell of what happened the night before
2) Lucas - found hanging from the tree, dead
3) Elias - noticed that the sacristan mayor had the same amor seco found in the clothes of the
dead Lucas


The night’s event brought many people to speculate: thirty people have died; Ibarra and Don
Filipo were imprisoned; Ibarra tied to abduct Ma. Clara; Ibarra wanted to avenge himself by killing all
the Spaniards after hearing that Ma. Clara will marry Linares. All these are fallacies if not speculations
and are yet to be proven. On the other hand, a body was found hanging from a tree and found to be
that of Lucas. Elias dressed like a peasant examined the body and found that there were amor seco on
Lucas’ clothes. When he went to the sacristy in the pretext of offering a mass, he noticed that the
clothes of the sacristan mayor who was sleeping then, had also amor seco.


It is a person’s nature to speculate or make up stories, until the truth comes out. On the other
hand, Elias must have suspected a foul play on Lucas death, based on the presence of the amor seco not
only on his clothes but also on the sacristan mayor. Lucas must have been silenced in order that the
truth will not come out.

Chapter 58: Woe to the Vanquished


1) Dona Consolacion – went to the town hall to witness the interrogation\

2) Alferez - waiting for the arrival of Padre Salvi, announced that Ibarra and Don Filipo were
among those in prison
3) Padre Salvi – came for the interrogation
4) Tarsilo - one of the prisoners and when he would not talk, was killed thru drowning


Dona Consolacion went to the town hall to witness the interrogation. When Padre Salvi arrived,
Tarsilo was brought for questioning and asked what Ibarra had promised them in exchange for the
attacks. Tarsilo denied having direct contact with Ibarra and told the Alferez that he is avenging his
father’s death for beating him to death. The Alferez would not believe him and had him brought where
the corpses were. Among the corpses he saw his brother Bruno, the husband of Sisa and Lucas with the
rope on his neck. When he would not talk, he was tied upside down and lowered to the well where he
drowned and died.


Torture was used to squeeze information from prisoners which could lead to death. Nobody
complained. Such inhumane act with no respect for life was so gross.
Chapter 59: The Culprit


1) Doray - Don Filipo’s wife was among the families of the detainees who were weeping outside
the prison
2) Ibarra, Don Filipo and the other prisoners - were taken out of the prison and to be transferred
to the provincial capital.


The families of the detainee gathered outside the prison cell awaiting their transfer to the
provincial capitol. When they came out, it was only Ibarra who was not handcuffed, but the latter
requested that he be handcuffed like the others. People shouted and blamed Ibarra for what happened
and even threw stones a t him.


Ibarra had been tried by publicity. Instead of accusing the guards with injustice, they look for
people whom to blame, in this case, Ibarra.

Chapter 60: Patriotism and Self Interest


1) Capitan Tinong - from Tondo had offered dinner to Ibarra when the latter arrived from Spain
2) Capitana Tinchang - wife of Tinong and blaming his husband of contemplating to invite Ibarra
for dinner; she feared that people might think he is a friend.
3) Don Primitivo – the couple’s cousin who was sought for his advise


The news reached Manila in 36 hours and was written in the newspapers. Capitan Tinong and
Capitana Tinchang were afraid that they may be associated with Ibarra hence dragged into the crime.
When Ibarra first came to Manila after arriving from Europe, he was invited by Capitan Tinong for a
dinner. Though the dinner did not push thru, they were afraid that they might also be implicated into
the crime.


It is human nature to save one’s own skin in times of trouble.

Chapter 61: Wedding Plans for Ma. Clara


1) Capitan Tiago – happy not to be arrested or interrogated, prepared for Ma. Clara’s marriage to
2) Maria Clara - was at the balcony of their house when Ibarra secretly came from a boat
3) Ibarra – no evidence found that would convict him; admitted that he wrote the letters to Ma .
Clara 7 years ago which was taken from the latter’s possession and used against Ibarra.

Wedding plans were made for Linares and Ma. Clara. While Ma. Clara was by the
balcony, a man jumped pout of the boat. It was Ibarra. Elias, despite his hatred for Ibarra’s
family, helped the latter escape from prison. Ibarra told Ma. Clara that shen was free and to
forget him . On the other hand, Ma. Clara explained why Ibarra’s love letter for her was in the
possession of the authorities. It was in exchange for the letters her mother had written while
she was pregnant and bore the secret of her real father. Also, while she was sick, she learned
about the identity of her real father, when the latter paid her a visit. They professed their love
for each other but Ibarra had to leave immediatedly in case he got caught.


Love for her mother, Capitan Tiago and her real father prevailed over her love for Ibarra.
In order not to hurt her loved ones and to keep the secret safe, Ma. Clara opted to keep silent
and sacrifice her love for Ibarra. Elias on the other hand, had forgiven Ibarra despite what his
forbears had done to his family.

Chapter 62: Pursuit in the lake


1) Elias – with the money he saved from the fire, he advised Ibarra to leave the country for
Spain wherein he will be safe
2) Ibarra - offered to take Elias with him to Spain of which the latter declined


Elias told Ibarra to leave the country for Spain where he will be safe. Ibarra wanted Elias to go
with him but the latter declined. Ibarra was forever grateful to Elias for saving his life twice. Elias told
him to start a war because of his money and his brains and will have people to help him. When the boat
reached the lake they were intercepted by patrol boats. Elias jumped from the boat to mislead the
pursuers and to ward away the attention from the boat where Ibarra was.


Elias helped Ibarra escape to be the voice of the oppressed. He, with the money, the brains and
the connections can help sve his countrymen from oppression.

Chapter 63: Padre Dmaso explains


1) Padre Damaso – came to surprise Ma. Clara for her wedding

2) Ma. Clara – made a request to Padre Damaso


Padre Damaso came to surprise Ma. Clara on her wedding day. As the friar profess his love for her
as a father would to a daughter, Ma. Clara took the opportunity to appeal to him to save her father.
Since, Ibarra was ‘dead,’ she appealed to him that she would not marry Linares otherwise she would
prefer the cloister or death. The friar asked forgiveness from Ma. Clara and admitted that he liked
Ibarra but not as a husband for her as he does not want her to suffer. In the end, the friar gave in to the
request of Ma. Clara not to marry her off and to allow her to become a nun.


Just like any fathers, Padre Damaso only wished what is good for his daughter. Thinking that Ma.
Clara would not be happy if she married Ibarra, he did everything he could to stop the union. But he
was wrong. Ibarra was his daughter’s happiness and he took him away from her.

Chapter 64: Christmas eve


1) Grandfather, young woman, a boy and a girl - lived on the slope of the mountains
2) Basilio – saved and nurtured by the family
3) Sisa –kept coming back to the Alferez home

Basilio was taken cared by a family who lived on the slope of the mountains. On
Christmas he asked permission to leave for town to look for his mother and brother. While in
town the sacristan mayor was found dead hanging, Padre Salvi have gathered all the
documents, Tacio died and was buried in the Chinese cemetery and his books were burned.
Basilio saw his deranged mother and followed her to the woods where she lived. When finally
Sisa at last remembered Basilio, he covered him with kisses and they fell to the ground. When
Basilio recovered consciousness, he found the lifeless body of his mother.

It must be God’s plan to save Basilio from death in order to be reunited with his mother. At
least , before his mother died, she was able to recognize his son and she died a happy death.

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