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Pineal gland.

Left is the way it should be.

Right is dried out.
A dry pineal gland is the cause of a great deal of health problems.(photo)

can one decalcify/rehydrate the pineal gland? would it explain my almost constant
brainfog? i dont drink tap, but i know it comes from a plethora of other sources

Fluoride, chlorine and bromide are the most prevalent causes.
Calcium supplements are another but that's why God gave us milk instead.
You can decalcify your pineal gland with vitamin K1/K2 and by changing up your
There's loads of info online.

>Turmeric + black pepper combo extract.

>Lots of iodine
>Lots of exercise
>Lots of fasting
>Never drink or shower in tap water (Drink purified water and get a shower filter.)
>Some people claim fermented skate liver oil can decalcify the pineal gland
>Lots of meditation, at LEAST 20 minutes a day. Transcendental meditation is fine
>Never masturbate. Fapping calcifies the pineal gland extremely quickly.
>Have some sort of cathartic outlet that stimulates the brain. Music, drawing, etc.
Do this for at least 20 minutes a day.

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