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jQuery Accordion Menu - Version 1.1.

A popular implementation of the jQuery Accordion object (available in the WYSIWYG

Web Builder toolbox) is as a navigation menu.
To make it even easier to create such a menu, we've created the Accordion Menu.
It's a simple extension of the standard accordion widget. All you will have to do is
specify the headers and links, configure the style and the menu is ready to use!

The Accordion Menu was created using jQuery and supports ThemeRoller themes.

General Properties
You will use the General page of the properties to add, edit and remove menu items
to the Accordion Menu.
To add a new category click the ‘Add category’ button and specify a name.
To add a link to a category, first select the category name and then click ‘Add Link’.

You can rearrange the links with the ‘Move Up’ and ‘Move Down’ button or by using
drag & drop.

Style Properties
You can control the appearance of the Accordion Menu in Style Properties.

ThemeRoller theme for Preview

Select one of the available themes to quickly change the appearance of the
Accordion Menu.

Note however that this style is only used for preview!

You can set the jQuery UI Theme for all jQuery widgets in the Page Properties!

The Font name and Font Size properties can be used the override the default font
of the theme.
The padding properties control the text padding of the headers.

Icon Offset
The expand/collapse icon offset can be with Icon Offset.

Activate OnMouseover can be enabled to change the active panel on mouse over
instead of the standard mouse click.

The Animation property enables the slide animation for hiding and showing panels.
How to install this extension so it is available in WYSIWYG Web Builder?
You can use the Extension Manager (Menu->Tools->Extension Manager) to install
this extension.

Alternatively you can manually copy all files from the zip file to the Web Builder
extensions folder. Usually this folder is in this location:
My Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\extensions\

WYSIWYG Web Builder 9.2 or higher

Known limitations
 You can only use one Accordion Menu per page.
 In workspace preview the extension only renders solid colors, not the theme’s
images. This was done to reduce the usage of system resources.

License Agreement
This application is free for registered users of WYSIWYG Web Builder.
This application may not be sold, rented, redistributed, sublicensed or modified
without permission of the author.
This application is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind including, but not
limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-
infringement. In no event will Pablo Software Solutions be liable for any direct,
indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including damages
for loss of profits, loss or inaccuracy of data, incurred by any person from such
person's usage of this application if advised of the possibility of such damages.

This extension was created by Pablo Software Solutions.

Copyright 2015 Pablo Software Solutions

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