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In sharing stories about Cory, the nation also learned what an extraordinary human being she was.

She was in one sense an icon, recognizable by her trademark yellow and “Laban” sign, but more than
that a humble, warm-hearted person. She touched the lives of countless people in a very direct and
personal way, including political opponents. She practiced the spirit of active non-violence that
sprung from her deep personal faith.

The last rites and the funeral combined all these elements — the institutional, the political, the
personal and the spiritual. It was her parting gift to the nation: she made us come together as a people
to reflect on what we owe the nation, each other and ourselves.
MANILA -- Two opposition senators on Wednesday paid tribute to former President Corazon
Aquino's legacy in helping restore democracy to the country. 

Aquino led the country's transition to democracy from dictatorship after a peaceful 1986 revolution
toppled the 21-year rule of then President Ferdinand Marcos. She succumbed to colon cancer 9 years

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