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I learned that the term philosophy derived from two Greek words “Philos” means love

and “Sophia” means wisdom. Philosophy means love for knowledge and passion for learning.
Meanwhile, philosophy of education is the application of the fundamental principles of
philosophy of life to the work of education. Philosophy of education is the “window” to the
world and “compass” in life. One’ philosophy is reflected in one’s dealings with students,
colleagues, parents and administrators. It contains or includes one’s concept about human
person, the learner in particular and the educated person, what is true and good and therefore
must be taught and how a learner must be taught in order to come close to the truth. Teaching
philosophy is a self-reflective statement of your beliefs about teaching and learning. It develops
variety of ideas with specific, concrete examples of what the teacher and learners will do to
achieve certain goals.
I realized that as a future educator, I should have my ow philosophy on education for
philosophy will help you as you go on with your teaching journey. I believe that as an educator I
should build my relationship with my students based on mutual respect and trust and set a
tone for classroom community. I believe that I should provide my students with tools to be
successful especially in an information literate society. I want to give them the freedom to
express themselves and provide them with a room where they can grow as human beings and
learners while setting appropriate limits. I want to provide an environment that is welcoming
and safe which is accessible to all students and that celebrates their diversity. I will dedicate
myself to lifelong learning and desire to make contributions to my team and to the field of
education. On the other hand, I also realized that education is an essential part in personal
development. It is mandatory for students to grow as individuals by learning about different
aspects of the world in which they live. The benefits from education are endless. One of the
most dynamic benefits is the ability to improve an individual's self-esteem as well as other's
From this time on, I will strive my best to slowly build a realistic philosophy of education.
I will take note of my goal and aspirations in teaching. In addition, the things and knowledge
that I want to impart to my students. If I had already finalized my teaching philosophy, I want to
take those things seriously and live on it, the rest of my teaching journey.

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