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Tingkatan : SMA/MA Paket : PAKET-02

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Jurusan : IPS

No. Soal

1 Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.


Questions 1 to 4.


In this part of the test you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue and the questions about it, read the five possible answers, and decide which one would be the best answer to the
question you have just heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear:

Man : I highly appreciate you for helping me choose the right loan I need.

Woman : My pleasure, Sir. I hope you can use the money to buy your dream house.

Narrator : What is the topic of the conversation?

A. Asking for help

B. Giving an opinion

No. Soal
C. Giving directions

D. Expressing pleasure

E. Expressing gratitude

Narrator : The best answer to the question “What is the topic of the conversation?” is “Expressing gratitude”. Therefore, you should answer (E).

Now let’s begin with number 1.

0:00 / 3:03

A. Attending International Youth Forum in Bali

B. Congratulating the boy’s achievement

C. International Youth Forum in Bali

D. Participants of the International Youth Forum

E. Studying various Balinese cultures at the event


Dijelaskan dalam ungkapan pembicara pria bahwa dia menghadiri International Youth Forum di Bali.

No. Soal

0:00 / 0:52

A. To come to her friend’s wedding party

B. To share cost of renting car with other friends

2 C. To rent a car to go to her friend’s wedding party

D. To ask the man to accompany her to attend the wedding party

E. To go to her friend’s wedding party in another town with the woman


Dijelaskan dalam ungkapan penutur wanita bahwa dia mengusulkan untuk menyewa mobil dan berbagi biaya sewa dengan mengajak teman yang lain.

0:00 / 0:49

A. She has the highest GPA among other students.

B. She is graduated faster than the man.

3 C. She is offered as lecturer assistance.

D. She is graduated with cumlaude.

E. She has better GPA than the man.


Dijelaskan dalam ungkapan penutur lelaki bahwa penutur wanita lulus dengan predikat cum laude.

No. Soal

0:00 / 0:46

A. There is a problem experienced by few trains.

B. The train passengers are mad and impatient.

4 C. The hectic situation in the train station.

D. There is delay in the station

E. Few trains are late.


Dijelaskan dalam ungkapan penutur wanita bahwa ada beberapa kereta yang terlambat sehingga membuat banyak penumpang marah.


Questions 5 to 7.


In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will
not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question.

Woman : Hi, Tom.

Man : Hi, Nancy. What are you doing here?

Are you waiting for someone?

Woman : No, I’m waiting for a taxi. I want to go to a book store.

Man :…

Narrator : What is the best response to the woman's statement?

No. Soal

A. Let me take you to the book store.

B. I'll find a good book for you.

C. The store is open till 7 p.m.

D. Oh, the book store is somewhere else.

Narrator : The best answer to the question “What is the best response to the woman's statement” is "Let me take you to the book store." Therefore, you should choose answer (A).

Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

0:00 / 2:44

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. Few trains are late.


Dijelaskan dalam dialog tersebut bahwa penutur wanita melupakan satu hal yang harus dilakukan dan penutur pria memberikan bantuan untuk mengerjakannya.

No. Soal

Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

0:00 / 1:25

A. A

B. B
C. C

D. D

E. Few trains are late.


Dijelaskan dalam dialog tersebut bahwa bencana gempa bumi menimpa saudara penutur pria dan peutur wanita berdoa dan berharap tidak terjadi gempa susulan.

Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

0:00 / 1:44

A. A

B. B

7 C. C

D. D

E. Few trains are late.


Dijelaskan dalam dialog tersebut bahwa sering terjadi penyelundupan hewan langka meskipun peraturan bandara semakin ketat dan
para petugas karantina bandara sudah semakin waspada sehingga para penyelundup harus menerima hukuman yang lebih berat.

No. Soal

Questions 8 to 11.


In this part of the test, you will hear some monologues spoken in English. The monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed
in your test book, so you must listen carefully to what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the monologue, look at the five pictures
provided in your test book, and decide which would be the most suitable one for the monologue you have just heard.

0:00 / 2:15

No. Soal



No. Soal


No. Soal


No. Soal



Aktor Indonesia yang sesuai dengan ciri fisik yang disebutkan adalah Jawaban B.

0:00 / 1:59

No. Soal



No. Soal



No. Soal



Gambar yang sesuai dengan monolog adalah Tugu Proklamasi (Jawaban E).


0:00 / 1:52

No. Soal



No. Soal



No. Soal

Gambar yang sesuai dengan monolog adalah Manatee (Sea cow), Jawaban C.


0:00 / 0:00



No. Soal




No. Soal
Gambar yang sesuai dengan monolog tentang Festival Kucing di Jepang adalah Jawaban D.


Questions 12 to 15.

In this part of the test you will hear several monologues, each monologue would be spoken twice they will not be printed in your test book
so you must listen carefully to understand what is the speaker saying. After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the
five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to that question you have just heard.

12 0:00 / 3:00

A. A lucky uncle

B. Finding a smartphone on the way back home

C. The lost smartphone

D. A lucky day experienced by the speaker

E. Walking home from school


Disebutkan di awal monolog bahwa pembicara menemukan ponsel cerdas di jalan pada saat pulang sekolah, yang ternyata milik pamannya.

No. Soal

0:00 / 0:00

A. By calling his phone using the speaker’s

B. By asking his nephew to find it

13 C. By finding it on the way back home

D. By opening the app on the phone

E. By asking his cousin to call him


Dijelaskan dalam monolog tersebut bahwa paman pembicara menelpon ponsel pintarnya dengan menggunakan ponsel pembicara.

0:00 / 0:00

A. Opening tender for the construction of Patimban Port by Indonesian government

B. The Japan and Indonesian working together to construct Patimban Port in Subang
14 C. Three packages in the Patimban Port construction offered in tender process

D. The announcement of the winner on the tender process for the construction of Patimban Port

E. The construction of Patimban Port worth 3,7 trillion rupiahs


Topik dari berita yang disampaikan adalah pembukaan proses tender dalam pembangunan Pelabuhan Patimban di Subang, Jawa Barat.

No. Soal

0:00 / 0:00

A. The announcement of the winning bidders in the tender process for the construction Patimban Port

B. The contract signing between Japan government and Indonesian government

15 C. The ground breaking of the Patimban Port in Subang, West Java

D. The completion of port terminal

E. The completion of Patimban Project


Disebutkan bahwa Proyek Patimban diharapkan selesai pada Desember 2019 (akhir 2019).

No. Soal

The sky was pitch black, the house was creaking, and I still had four hours until my parents got home. Locked in my parents’ room, I turned on the TV full blast so I wouldn’t hear the creaking house.

I barely heard the phone ring. I picked it up and said, “Hello … hello …?” but there was no response. I knew someone was on the other end. Finally, I hung up. A minute later, the phone rang again; still
no one was there. I became more frightened as time passed; the same person called five more times.

At this point I didn’t bother picking up, but the ringing continued. To get my mind off this prank caller, I called my friend. She told me not to worry and to turn the phone off. As we talked, I heard
someone pull into the driveway. When I peeked out the window, I saw an unfamiliar car.

Thirty minutes passed and the car was still in my driveway. It drove up and down the drive as if aware I was watching. My friend told me to call the cops, but I refused.

Soon the phone calls started again. I heard noises in the background, but I couldn’t tell what they were. I really didn’t want that person to get out of the car and start toward the house. If they did, I didn’t
know what I’d do. None of the doors were locked, and I would have no way of protecting myself. The only thing I could do was hide, which wasn’t a very good plan.

At this point I was considering calling the cops, but my friend offered to drive by. “Maybe if they see me pull in, they will leave,” she suggested. By the time she arrived, the car had left. The phone rang
again and I picked up, thinking it might be my friend. Someone on the other end said “Bye-bye.”

At that point I wasn’t as scared as curious. Since then I have not stayed home alone and I probably never will.

What was the source of the writer’s problem?

A. He/she was at home alone in that night.

B. He/she was staying at the creaking house.

C. He/she was intimidated by mysterious phone call.

D. He/she did not lock any doors of his/her house.

E. He/she was left by his/her parents at night.


Jawaban C dijelaskan dalam paragraf kedua bahwa ketakutannya semakin menjadi ketika ada penelpon misterius.

17 The sky was pitch black, the house was creaking, and I still had four hours until my parents got home. Locked in my parents’ room, I
No. Soal

turned on the TV full blast so I wouldn’t hear the creaking house.

I barely heard the phone ring. I picked it up and said, “Hello … hello …?” but there was no response. I knew someone was on the other end. Finally, I hung up. A minute later, the phone rang again; still
no one was there. I became more frightened as time passed; the same person called five more times.

At this point I didn’t bother picking up, but the ringing continued. To get my mind off this prank caller, I called my friend. She told me not to worry and to turn the phone off. As we talked, I heard
someone pull into the driveway. When I peeked out the window, I saw an unfamiliar car.

Thirty minutes passed and the car was still in my driveway. It drove up and down the drive as if aware I was watching. My friend told me to call the cops, but I refused.

Soon the phone calls started again. I heard noises in the background, but I couldn’t tell what they were. I really didn’t want that person to get out of the car and start toward the house. If they did, I didn’t
know what I’d do. None of the doors were locked, and I would have no way of protecting myself. The only thing I could do was hide, which wasn’t a very good plan.

At this point I was considering calling the cops, but my friend offered to drive by. “Maybe if they see me pull in, they will leave,” she suggested. By the time she arrived, the car had left. The phone rang
again and I picked up, thinking it might be my friend. Someone on the other end said “Bye-bye.”

At that point I wasn’t as scared as curious. Since then I have not stayed home alone and I probably never will.

Paragraph 2 is about …

A. what made the writer scared

B. how the phone calls were ended

C. why someone called the writer that night

D. how many times someone called the writer

E. how long the writer waited for his/her parents


Paragraf 2 menceritakan apa yang membuat penulis ketakutan, yaitu ada seseorang yang menelpon penulis tetapi tidak ada tanggapan
ketika telepon tersebut diangkat
No. The sky was pitch black, the house was creaking, and I still had Soal
four hours until my parents got home. Locked in my parents’ room, I
turned on the TV full blast so I wouldn’t hear the creaking house.

I barely heard the phone ring. I picked it up and said, “Hello … hello …?” but there was no response. I knew someone was on the other
end. Finally, I hung up. A minute later, the phone rang again; still no one was there. I became more frightened as time passed; the same
person called five more times.

At this point I didn’t bother picking up, but the ringing continued. To get my mind off this prank caller, I called my friend. She told me not to
worry and to turn the phone off. As we talked, I heard someone pull into the driveway. When I peeked out the window, I saw an unfamiliar

Thirty minutes passed and the car was still in my driveway. It drove up and down the drive as if aware I was watching. My friend told me
to call the cops, but I refused.

Soon the phone calls started again. I heard noises in the background, but I couldn’t tell what they were. I really didn’t want that person to
get out of the car and start toward the house. If they did, I didn’t know what I’d do. None of the doors were locked, and I would have no
way of protecting myself. The only thing I could do was hide, which wasn’t a very good plan.

At this point I was considering calling the cops, but my friend offered to drive by. “Maybe if they see me pull in, they will leave,” she
suggested. By the time she arrived, the car had left. The phone rang again and I picked up, thinking it might be my friend. Someone on
the other end said “Bye-bye.”

At that point I wasn’t as scared as curious. Since then I have not stayed home alone and I probably never will.

Why did the unknown car leave? Because …

A. the writer’s friend arrived

B. the writer called the police

No. Soal
C. the writer could identify the car

D. the writer’s friend called the police

E. the writer called his/her friend to come


Jawaban A dijelaskan dalam kalimat 3 paragraf 6.

19 The sky was pitch black, the house was creaking, and I still had four hours until my parents got home. Locked in my parents’ room, I
turned on the TV full blast so I wouldn’t hear the creaking house.

I barely heard the phone ring. I picked it up and said, “Hello … hello …?” but there was no response. I knew someone was on the other end. Finally, I hung up. A minute later, the phone rang again; still
no one was there. I became more frightened as time passed; the same person called five more times.

At this point I didn’t bother picking up, but the ringing continued. To get my mind off this prank caller, I called my friend. She told me not to worry and to turn the phone off. As we talked, I heard
someone pull into the driveway. When I peeked out the window, I saw an unfamiliar car.

Thirty minutes passed and the car was still in my driveway. It drove up and down the drive as if aware I was watching. My friend told me to call the cops, but I refused.

Soon the phone calls started again. I heard noises in the background, but I couldn’t tell what they were. I really didn’t want that person to get out of the car and start toward the house. If they did, I didn’t
know what I’d do. None of the doors were locked, and I would have no way of protecting myself. The only thing I could do was hide, which wasn’t a very good plan.

At this point I was considering calling the cops, but my friend offered to drive by. “Maybe if they see me pull in, they will leave,” she suggested. By the time she arrived, the car had left. The phone rang
again and I picked up, thinking it might be my friend. Someone on the other end said “Bye-bye.”

At that point I wasn’t as scared as curious. Since then I have not stayed home alone and I probably never will.

The writer thought that he/she had no way to protect him/her-self … the doors were not locked.

Which of the following completes the sentence best?

No. Soal
A. Because of

B. After

C. Once

D. And

E. For


Kata sambung yang tepat untuk menghubungkan kalimat akibat-sebab dalam soal adalah “for” (karena).

No. Soal

Once a father and son went to the kite flying festival. The young son became very happy seeing the sky filled with colourful kites. He too
asked his father to get him a kite and a thread with a roller so he can fly a kite too. So, the father went to the shop at the park where the
festival was being held. He purchased kites and a roll of thread for his son.

His son started to fly a kite. Soon, his kite reached high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, “Father, it seems that the thread is holding up a kite from flying higher. If we break it, it will be free and
will go flying even higher. Can we break it?” So, the father cut the thread from a roller. The kite started to go a little higher. That made a son very happy.

But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. And, soon it fell down on the terrace of the unknown building. The young son was surprised to see this. He had cut the kite loose of its thread so it can
fly higher, but instead, it fell down. He asked his father, “Father, I thought that after cutting off the thread, the kite can freely fly higher. But why did it fall down?”

The Father explained, “Son, At the height of life that we live in, we often think that some things we are tied with and they are preventing us from going further higher. The thread was not holding the kite
from going higher, but it was helping it stay higher when the wind slowed down and when the wind picked up, you helped the kite go up higher in a proper direction through the thread. And when we cut
the thread, it fell down without the support you were providing to the kite through the thread”.


The son realized his mistake.

What kind social situation has possibly inspired the creation of the story?

A. Flying a kite is one of activities to strengthen father and son relationship.

B. The fact that to fly a kite needs a proper handling through a thread.

C. Good wind is important for kite to get higher and higher.

D. It needs others’ support to get where we want to be.

E. To be free means let all the burdens go.


No. Soal

Once a father and son went to the kite flying festival. The young son became very happy seeing the sky filled with colourful kites. He too
asked his father to get him a kite and a thread with a roller so he can fly a kite too. So, the father went to the shop at the park where the
festival was being held. He purchased kites and a roll of thread for his son.

His son started to fly a kite. Soon, his kite reached high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, “Father, it seems that the thread is holding up a kite from flying higher. If we break it, it will be free and
will go flying even higher. Can we break it?” So, the father cut the thread from a roller. The kite started to go a little higher. That made a son very happy.

But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. And, soon it fell down on the terrace of the unknown building. The young son was surprised to see this. He had cut the kite loose of its thread so it can
fly higher, but instead, it fell down. He asked his father, “Father, I thought that after cutting off the thread, the kite can freely fly higher. But why did it fall down?”

The Father explained, “Son, At the height of life that we live in, we often think that some things we are tied with and they are preventing us from going further higher. The thread was not holding the kite
from going higher, but it was helping it stay higher when the wind slowed down and when the wind picked up, you helped the kite go up higher in a proper direction through the thread. And when we cut
the thread, it fell down without the support you were providing to the kite through the thread”.


The son realized his mistake.

What can we learn from the story?

A. Our family, our home is not holding us; they are supporting us to reach our goals.

B. Never forget where you are from and try to payback the good deed you get.

C. Experience is the best teacher and it will broaden our sight.

D. The one who will never betray you is your family.

E. Home is where we get support and belong to.


Jawaban A dapat disimpulkan dari paragraf 4 bacaan.

No. Soal

Once a father and son went to the kite flying festival. The young son became very happy seeing the sky filled with colourful kites. He too asked his father to get him a kite and a thread with a roller so
he can fly a kite too. So, the father went to the shop at the park where the festival was being held. He purchased kites and a roll of thread for his son.

His son started to fly a kite. Soon, his kite reached high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, “Father, it seems that the thread is holding up a kite from flying higher. If we break it, it will be free and
will go flying even higher. Can we break it?” So, the father cut the thread from a roller. The kite started to go a little higher. That made a son very happy.

But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. And, soon it fell down on the terrace of the unknown building. The young son was surprised to see this. He had cut the kite loose of its thread so it can
fly higher, but instead, it fell down. He asked his father, “Father, I thought that after cutting off the thread, the kite can freely fly higher. But why did it fall down?”

The Father explained, “Son, At the height of life that we live in, we often think that some things we are tied with and they are preventing us from going further higher. The thread was not holding the kite
from going higher, but it was helping it stay higher when the wind slowed down and when the wind picked up, you helped the kite go up higher in a proper direction through the thread. And when we cut
the thread, it fell down without the support you were providing to the kite through the thread”.

22 The son realized his mistake.

The underlined word in “That made a son very happy” refers to …

A. His son started to fly a kite

B. Soon, his kite reached high up in the sky

C. If we break it, it will be free and will go flying even higher

D. So, the father cut the thread from a roller

E. The kite started to go a little higher


Kata “That” dalam “That made a son very happy” merujuk pada kalimat “The kite started to go a little higher”.

23 Once a father and son went to the kite flying festival. The young son became very happy seeing the sky filled with colourful kites. He too
asked his father to get him a kite and a thread with a roller so he can fly a kite too. So, the father went to the shop at the park where the
festival was being held. He purchased kites and a roll of thread for his son.

No. Soal

His son started to fly a kite. Soon, his kite reached high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, “Father, it seems that the thread is
holding up a kite from flying higher. If we break it, it will be free and will go flying even higher. Can we break it?” So, the father cut the
thread from a roller. The kite started to go a little higher. That made a son very happy.

But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. And, soon it fell down on the terrace of the unknown building. The young son was
surprised to see this. He had cut the kite loose of its thread so it can fly higher, but instead, it fell down. He asked his father, “Father, I
thought that after cutting off the thread, the kite can freely fly higher. But why did it fall down?”

The Father explained, “Son, At the height of life that we live in, we often think that some things we are tied with and they are preventing
us from going further higher. The thread was not holding the kite from going higher, but it was helping it stay higher when the wind slowed
down and when the wind picked up, you helped the kite go up higher in a proper direction through the thread. And when we cut the
thread, it fell down without the support you were providing to the kite through the thread”.

The son realized his mistake.

How are paragraph 3 and 4 related?

A. Both paragraphs are the main point the writer wants to teach the readers.

B. Paragraph 3 teaches the son that he had a mistake to cut the thread.

C. Paragraph 4 is solution for problem mentioned in paragraph 3.

D. Both paragraphs show the best way to keep the kite fly high.

E. Paragraph 3 is the problem faced by the son.


Paragraf 3 adalah masalah utama yang terdapat dalam cerita tersebut yang kemudian diceritakan penyelesaian masalah dalam paragraf 4.

24 Avery Jones
123 Main Street /
No. Soal

Anytown, CA 12345

September 1, 2018

Viola Lee
Vice President, Customer Relations

ACME Financial
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Lee,

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. I sincerely appreciate the time you spent reviewing my career goals and
recommending strategies for achieving them. Your advice was very helpful and gave me a new perspective on available opportunities.

I especially appreciate your offer to connect me to others in your network. I plan on following up with the contacts you emailed me right
away. I will also use the online networking resources you recommended to further my job search.

Any additional suggestions you may have would be welcome. I'll update you as my search progresses.

Again, thank you so much for your help. I greatly appreciate the assistance you have provided me.

Best regards,
No. Soal

Avery Jones

The text tells us about …

A. the importance to have discussion

B. the gratitude toward help offered

C. the suggestion to do the strategy

D. the appreciation of received aid

E. the need of progress report


Jawaban D secara tersirat dikemukakan dalam bagian penutup surat tersebut

25 Avery Jones

123 Main Street

Anytown, CA 12345


September 1, 2018

Viola Lee

Vice President, Customer Relations

ACME Financial

123 Business Rd.

Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Lee,

No. Soal

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. I sincerely appreciate the time you spent reviewing my career goals and recommending strategies for achieving them. Your advice was very helpful
and gave me a new perspective on available opportunities.

I especially appreciate your offer to connect me to others in your network. I plan on following up with the contacts you emailed me right away. I will also use the online networking resources you
recommended to further my job search.

Any additional suggestions you may have would be welcome. I'll update you as my search progresses.

Again, thank you so much for your help. I greatly appreciate the assistance you have provided me.

Best regards,

Avery Jones

What will the writer do right after sending the letter?

A. She will send the progress report by email.

B. She will make a plan to do the strategies she has.

C. She will contact the people listed in the previous email.

D. She will use the network she has to achieve her work goal.

E. She will meet and have another discussion with the vice president of the company.


Jawaban C dapat ditemukan kalimat 2 paragraf 2.

26 Avery Jones
123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345

No. Soal


September 1, 2018

Viola Lee
Vice President, Customer Relations
ACME Financial
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Lee,

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. I sincerely appreciate the time you spent reviewing my career goals and
recommending strategies for achieving them. Your advice was very helpful and gave me a new perspective on available opportunities.

I especially appreciate your offer to connect me to others in your network. I plan on following up with the contacts you emailed me right
away. I will also use the online networking resources you recommended to further my job search.

Any additional suggestions you may have would be welcome. I'll update you as my search progresses.

Again, thank you so much for your help. I greatly appreciate the assistance you have provided me.

Best regards,

No. Soal

Avery Jones

What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?

A. Realizing all the suggestions and recommendations the vice president gave

B. Conveying her gratitude toward the aid that the vice president gave

C. Delivering her ideas to the vice president in the next email

D. Thanking for the opportunity she got from the company

E. Explaining the way to run the strategies she had


Jawaban B dapat ditemukan dalam bagian penutup dari surat tersebut.

27 Avery Jones

123 Main Street

Anytown, CA 12345

September 1, 2018

Viola Lee
Vice President, Customer Relations
ACME Financial
123 Business Rd.
Business City, NY 54321
No. Soal

Dear Ms. Lee,

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. I sincerely appreciate the time you spent reviewing my career goals and
recommending strategies for achieving them. Your advice was very helpful and gave me a new perspective on available opportunities.

I especially appreciate your offer to connect me to others in your network. I plan on following up with the contacts you emailed me right
away. I will also use the online networking resources you recommended to further my job search.

Any additional suggestions you may have would be welcome. I'll update you as my search progresses.

Again, thank you so much for your help. I greatly appreciate the assistance you have provided me.

Best regards,

Avery Jones

According to the writer, why are the networking resources important?

A. They will make her easier to reach her goals.

B. They enable her to further her job search.

C. They are necessary for both parties.

D. They may have better suggestions.

E. They can finish her job faster.


Jawaban B dapat ditemukan dalam kalimat terakhir paragraf 2.

No. Soal

28 One of the best aspects of modern laptop screens is that they are far more durable than their older counterparts. Thanks to many having touch functionality, they’re designed to be capable of handling
pressure – and in fact, special glass like Corning’s Gorilla Glass has made its way from smartphones to laptops for even more durability. Fingertips, however, can leave marks, which is why cleaning
them on a regular basis is of the utmost importance.

Things you will need:

- A brand-new household sponge

- Distilled water

- Microfiber cloth


Avoid standard tap water as it can leave mineral marks on your display


- Shut down your laptop and unplug it from its power source. If possible, you should also remove the battery.

- Wipe all the dust you can see in one direction using microfiber cloth.

- Wet the sponge with the distilled water and wring it out so there are no drips.

- Gently wipe your monitor’s screen with the sponge to remove dirt and grime. Watch for drips and clean them up immediately if there are any.

- Once the area is clean, wait for the display to completely dry out before closing the lid and/or using your machine.

What is the objective of the text?

A. To advise not to use normal water to clean the screen

B. To tell how fingertips can leave marks on the screen

C. To describe the methods in cleaning the screen

D. To inform how to clean the screen from dust

E. To clarify the need of cleaning the screen


Tujuan dari teks prosedur yang disajikan dalam soal adalah cara untuk membersihkan layar laptop.
No. Soal

29 One of the best aspects of modern laptop screens is that they are far more durable than their older counterparts. Thanks to many having touch functionality, they’re designed to be capable of handling
pressure – and in fact, special glass like Corning’s Gorilla Glass has made its way from smartphones to laptops for even more durability. Fingertips, however, can leave marks, which is why cleaning
them on a regular basis is of the utmost importance.

Things you will need:

- A brand-new household sponge

- Distilled water

- Microfiber cloth


Avoid standard tap water as it can leave mineral marks on your display


- Shut down your laptop and unplug it from its power source. If possible, you should also remove the battery.

- Wipe all the dust you can see in one direction using microfiber cloth.

- Wet the sponge with the distilled water and wring it out so there are no drips.

- Gently wipe your monitor’s screen with the sponge to remove dirt and grime. Watch for drips and clean them up immediately if there are any.

- Once the area is clean, wait for the display to completely dry out before closing the lid and/or using your machine.

How does the text benefit the readers?

A. It provides essential information about mineral content in the standard water.

B. It makes the readers understand that clean laptop screen is necessary.

C. It informs the readers the importance to have clean laptop screen.

D. It tells the readers the tools needed to clean the laptop screen.

E. It gives the readers guided ways to clean the laptop screen.


Manfaat teks tersebut kepada pembacanya adalah memberikan informasi langkah untuk membersihkan layar laptop.
No. Soal

30 One of the best aspects of modern laptop screens is that they are far more durable than their older counterparts. Thanks to many having touch functionality, they’re designed to be capable of handling
pressure – and in fact, special glass like Corning’s Gorilla Glass has made its way from smartphones to laptops for even more durability. Fingertips, however, can leave marks, which is why cleaning
them on a regular basis is of the utmost importance.

Things you will need:

- A brand-new household sponge

- Distilled water

- Microfiber cloth


Avoid standard tap water as it can leave mineral marks on your display


- Shut down your laptop and unplug it from its power source. If possible, you should also remove the battery.

- Wipe all the dust you can see in one direction using microfiber cloth.

- Wet the sponge with the distilled water and wring it out so there are no drips.

- Gently wipe your monitor’s screen with the sponge to remove dirt and grime. Watch for drips and clean them up immediately if there are any.

- Once the area is clean, wait for the display to completely dry out before closing the lid and/or using your machine.

What should the reader do after cleaning the laptop screen?

A. Put back the battery on its place.

B. Clean any water drips on the keyboard.

C. Give some times the cleaned area to dry completely.

D. Close the lid and put the battery back on its place before using it.

E. Keep the laptop screen clean by avoiding touch it with dirty hand.


Jawaban C terdapat dalam langkah terakhir dari teks tersebut.

No. Soal

31 One of the best aspects of modern laptop screens is that they are far more durable than their older counterparts. Thanks to many having touch functionality, they’re designed to be capable of handling
pressure – and in fact, special glass like Corning’s Gorilla Glass has made its way from smartphones to laptops for even more durability. Fingertips, however, can leave marks, which is why cleaning
them on a regular basis is of the utmost importance.

Things you will need:

- A brand-new household sponge

- Distilled water

- Microfiber cloth


Avoid standard tap water as it can leave mineral marks on your display


- Shut down your laptop and unplug it from its power source. If possible, you should also remove the battery.

- Wipe all the dust you can see in one direction using microfiber cloth.

- Wet the sponge with the distilled water and wring it out so there are no drips.

- Gently wipe your monitor’s screen with the sponge to remove dirt and grime. Watch for drips and clean them up immediately if there are any.

- Once the area is clean, wait for the display to completely dry out before closing the lid and/or using your machine.

As explained in the text, distilled water is recommended than … types of water since it will not leave mineral marks on the laptop screen.

A. other

B. another

C. the other

D. the others

E. others


Article yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal tersebut adalah “other”.
No. Soal

32 An electric car is powered by an electric motor instead of a gasoline engine. The electric motor gets energy from a controller, which
regulates the amount of power – based on the driver’s use of an accelerator pedal. The electric car (also known as electric vehicle or EV)
uses energy stored in its rechargeable batteries, which are recharged by common household electricity.

Unlike a hybrid car – which is fueled by gasoline and uses a battery and motor to improve efficiency – an electric car is powered
exclusively by electricity. Historically, EVs have not been widely adopted because of limited driving range before needing to be recharged,
long recharging times, and a lack of commitment by automakers to produce and market electric cars that have all the creature comforts of
gas-powered cars. That has changed. As battery technology improved – simultaneously increasing energy storage, reducing cost, and
speeding up charging times at public locations – major automakers introduced a new generation of electric cars.

Electric cars produce no tailpipe emissions, reduce our dependency on oil, and are cheaper to operate. Of course, the process of
producing the electricity moves the emissions further upstream to the utility company’s smokestack – but even dirty electricity used in
electric cars usually reduces our collective carbon footprint.

Another factor is convenience: In one trip to the gas station, you can pump 330 kilowatt-hours of energy into a tank commonly holding 10
or more gallons. It would take several days to get the same amount of energy from household electric current. Fortunately, it takes hours
and not days to recharge an electric car, because it's much more efficient. Ultra-fast highway DC chargers can top up a battery to 80
percent in about 30 minutes. Speaking of convenience, let's not forget two important points: charging up at home means never going to a
gas station – and electric cars require almost none of the maintenance, like oil changes and emissions checks, that internal combustion
cars require.

The writer’s intention in presenting the text is to …

A. explain the charging process to “refuel” electric cars

B. differentiate the electric cars and the hybrid cars

C. give detail description of modern electric cars

No. Soal
D. inform general description about electric cars

E. tell the convenience of electric cars


Teks report secara umum bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran secara umum dari sebuah benda/binatang/tanaman.

33 An electric car is powered by an electric motor instead of a gasoline engine. The electric motor gets energy from a controller, which
regulates the amount of power – based on the driver’s use of an accelerator pedal. The electric car (also known as electric vehicle or EV)
uses energy stored in its rechargeable batteries, which are recharged by common household electricity.

Unlike a hybrid car – which is fueled by gasoline and uses a battery and motor to improve efficiency – an electric car is powered
exclusively by electricity. Historically, EVs have not been widely adopted because of limited driving range before needing to be recharged,
long recharging times, and a lack of commitment by automakers to produce and market electric cars that have all the creature comforts of
gas-powered cars. That has changed. As battery technology improved – simultaneously increasing energy storage, reducing cost, and
speeding up charging times at public locations – major automakers introduced a new generation of electric cars.

Electric cars produce no tailpipe emissions, reduce our dependency on oil, and are cheaper to operate. Of course, the process of
producing the electricity moves the emissions further upstream to the utility company’s smokestack – but even dirty electricity used in
electric cars usually reduces our collective carbon footprint.

Another factor is convenience: In one trip to the gas station, you can pump 330 kilowatt-hours of energy into a tank commonly holding 10
or more gallons. It would take several days to get the same amount of energy from household electric current. Fortunately, it takes hours
and not days to recharge an electric car, because it's much more efficient. Ultra-fast highway DC chargers can top up a battery to 80
percent in about 30 minutes. Speaking of convenience, let's not forget two important points: charging up at home means never going to a
gas station – and electric cars require almost none of the maintenance, like oil changes and emissions checks, that internal combustion
cars require.

By reading the text, the reader ...

No. Soal

A. understand the distinction between electric cars and hybrid cars

B. may prefer electric cars to conventional cars in the future

C. is able to maintain electric cars’ performance

D. knows the charging process of electric cars

E. gets general insight of electric cars


Setelah membaca teks, seorang pembaca akan memiliki pemahaman mengenai mobil elektrik secara umum.

34 An electric car is powered by an electric motor instead of a gasoline engine. The electric motor gets energy from a controller, which
regulates the amount of power – based on the driver’s use of an accelerator pedal. The electric car (also known as electric vehicle or EV)
uses energy stored in its rechargeable batteries, which are recharged by common household electricity.

Unlike a hybrid car – which is fueled by gasoline and uses a battery and motor to improve efficiency – an electric car is powered
exclusively by electricity. Historically, EVs have not been widely adopted because of limited driving range before needing to be recharged,
long recharging times, and a lack of commitment by automakers to produce and market electric cars that have all the creature comforts of
gas-powered cars. That has changed. As battery technology improved – simultaneously increasing energy storage, reducing cost, and
speeding up charging times at public locations – major automakers introduced a new generation of electric cars.

Electric cars produce no tailpipe emissions, reduce our dependency on oil, and are cheaper to operate. Of course, the process of
producing the electricity moves the emissions further upstream to the utility company’s smokestack – but even dirty electricity used in
electric cars usually reduces our collective carbon footprint.

Another factor is convenience: In one trip to the gas station, you can pump 330 kilowatt-hours of energy into a tank commonly holding 10
or more gallons. It would take several days to get the same amount of energy from household electric current. Fortunately, it takes hours
and not days to recharge an electric car, because it's much more efficient. Ultra-fast highway DC chargers can top up a battery to 80
percent in about 30 minutes. Speaking of convenience, let's not forget two important points: charging up at home means never going to a
gas station – and electric cars require almost none of the maintenance, like oil changes and emissions checks, that internal combustion
cars require.
No. Soal

The electric cars nowadays are different from the past in the term of ...

A. their power source

B. their maintenance

C. their convenience

D. their functionality

E. their price


Jawaban C dapat disimpulkan dari paragraf 2.

35 An electric car is powered by an electric motor instead of a gasoline engine. The electric motor gets energy from a controller, which
regulates the amount of power – based on the driver’s use of an accelerator pedal. The electric car (also known as electric vehicle or EV)
uses energy stored in its rechargeable batteries, which are recharged by common household electricity.

Unlike a hybrid car – which is fueled by gasoline and uses a battery and motor to improve efficiency – an electric car is powered
exclusively by electricity. Historically, EVs have not been widely adopted because of limited driving range before needing to be recharged,
long recharging times, and a lack of commitment by automakers to produce and market electric cars that have all the creature comforts of
gas-powered cars. That has changed. As battery technology improved – simultaneously increasing energy storage, reducing cost, and
speeding up charging times at public locations – major automakers introduced a new generation of electric cars.

Electric cars produce no tailpipe emissions, reduce our dependency on oil, and are cheaper to operate. Of course, the process of
producing the electricity moves the emissions further upstream to the utility company’s smokestack – but even dirty electricity used in
electric cars usually reduces our collective carbon footprint.

Another factor is convenience: In one trip to the gas station, you can pump 330 kilowatt-hours of energy into a tank commonly holding 10
or more gallons. It would take several days to get the same amount of energy from household electric current. Fortunately, it takes hours
and not days to recharge an electric car, because it's much more efficient. Ultra-fast highway DC chargers can top up a battery to 80 /
No. Soal

percent in about 30 minutes. Speaking of convenience, let's not forget two important points: charging up at home means never going to a
gas station – and electric cars require almost none of the maintenance, like oil changes and emissions checks, that internal combustion
cars require.

(Adapted from

The underlined word in “an electric car is powered exclusively by electricity” is closest in meaning to …

A. commonly

B. regularly

C. solely

D. certainly

E. precisely


Persamaan kata “exclusively” dalam kalimat tersebut secara kontekstual adalah “solely”.

36 Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect
your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. Why is sleep important?

Sleep helps your brain work properly. While you’re sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day. It’s forming new pathways to help
you learn and remember information.

Studies show that a good night’s sleep improves learning. Whether you’re learning math, how to play the piano, how to perfect your golf
swing, or how to drive a car, sleep helps enhance your learning and problem-solving skills. Sleep also helps you pay attention, make
decisions, and be creative.

No. Soal

Physical health often relate to quality sleep. It plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing
and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high
blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

Besides that, sleep also helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you
don’t get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you’re

The text mainly discusses about …

A. the significance of sleep

B. the impacts of sleep deficiency

C. good sleep and good quality of life

D. how sleep influences physical health

E. relationship between sleep and brain function


37 Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect
your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. Why is sleep important?

Sleep helps your brain work properly. While you’re sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day. It’s forming new pathways to help
you learn and remember information.

Studies show that a good night’s sleep improves learning. Whether you’re learning math, how to play the piano, how to perfect your golf
swing, or how to drive a car, sleep helps enhance your learning and problem-solving skills. Sleep also helps you pay attention, make
decisions, and be creative.

No. Soal

Physical health often relate to quality sleep. It plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing
and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high
blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

Besides that, sleep also helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you
don’t get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you’re

The writer writes the text is to ...

A. state that having enough sleep at night means having enhanced problem-solving skills

B. convince the readers that sleep is sole factor to have good physical health

C. persuade the readers that sleep has key role in health and well-being

D. encourage the readers to sleep more before facing examination

E. show the relationship between sleep and brain function


Jawaban C dapat disimpulkan dari memahami bacaan yang berupa Analytical Exposition Text, yaitu membujuk pembaca agar mengikuti dan setuju dengan pikiran penulis.

38 Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect
your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. Why is sleep important?

Sleep helps your brain work properly. While you’re sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day. It’s forming new pathways to help
you learn and remember information.

Studies show that a good night’s sleep improves learning. Whether you’re learning math, how to play the piano, how to perfect your golf
swing, or how to drive a car, sleep helps enhance your learning and problem-solving skills. Sleep also helps you pay attention, make
decisions, and be creative.
No. Soal

Physical health often relate to quality sleep. It plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing
and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high
blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

Besides that, sleep also helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you
don’t get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you’re

Why does the writer state “Studies show that a good night’s sleep improves learning”?

A. Giving further explanation about the importance of having enough sleep

B. Supporting the idea mentioned in the previous paragraph

C. Telling the relationship between sleep and brain function

D. Showing there are scientific researches on sleep

E. Informing the studies done by researchers


Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat pendukung dari gagasan utama yang disampaikan dalam paragraf sebelumnya.

No. Soal

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety.
Why is sleep important?

Sleep helps your brain work properly. While you’re sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day. It’s forming new pathways to help you learn and remember information.

Studies show that a good night’s sleep improves learning. Whether you’re learning math, how to play the piano, how to perfect your golf swing, or how to drive a car, sleep helps enhance your learning
and problem-solving skills. Sleep also helps you pay attention, make decisions, and be creative.

Physical health often relate to quality sleep. It plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep
deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

Besides that, sleep also helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you don’t get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your
39 level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you’re well-rested

The underlined word in “sleep helps enhance your learning and problem-solving skills” is closest in meaning to …

A. improve

B. intensify

C. advance

D. support

E. censure


Persamaan kata “enhance” dalam kalimat tersebut secara kontekstual adalah “improve”.

40 Recycling is the obvious solution for many people looking to save the world, relieve a guilty conscience, or quiet their annoyingly zealous
environmentalist neighbor, without having to do any real work. Just throw all your recyclables in a box, throw it in the back of your car, and
drop it off at the recycling station on your way to the grocery store.

No. Soal

The proponents say if we are polluting the world and running out of resources, reusing materials and preventing the need of generating
more pollutants by producing new products is obviously a good move. In addition, we are allegedly running out of landfill space, and so
stopping trash from ending up in landfill is a good idea.

However, collecting recyclables, preparing them, and converting them into new products can consume more energy and cause more
pollution than using fresh material. As for landfill, it turns out we are not running out – not even close. We have plenty of space, and many
communities welcome landfills as a source of jobs and tax revenue. Recycling also takes large amounts of money that could be spent on
more useful environmental endeavors. From this point of view, recycling is not only a waste of time, but is actually counterproductive.

As for money, it is true that recycling programs are rarely a wise financial investment. However, garbage collection programs are mostly
the same. The garbage still has to be disposed of, though. If you are concerned about the financial cost of recycling, the same materials
that can be recycled cleanly – glass, metal, paper, etc. – are often also the cheapest to recycle. Plastic and cardboard juice boxes are
harder to process and have a higher cost to recycle.

So, if you want to do what's best for the world – environmentally and economically – recycle paper and metal, throw out mixed materials
and unusable plastics, and reuse anything you can yourself.

The purpose of the text is to …

A. influence the readers to reuse unusable plastics

B. inform the process of plastic and cardboard

C. explain how recycle can save the world

D. present an issue with its different views

E. persuade the readers to recycle trash


Secara umum, tujuan dari discussion text adalah untuk mengungkapkan dua sudut pandang (pro dan kontra) akan sebuah isu.

No. Soal
41 Recycling is the obvious solution for many people looking to save the world, relieve a guilty conscience, or quiet their annoyingly zealous
environmentalist neighbor, without having to do any real work. Just throw all your recyclables in a box, throw it in the back of your car, and
drop it off at the recycling station on your way to the grocery store.

The proponents say if we are polluting the world and running out of resources, reusing materials and preventing the need of generating
more pollutants by producing new products is obviously a good move. In addition, we are allegedly running out of landfill space, and so
stopping trash from ending up in landfill is a good idea.

However, collecting recyclables, preparing them, and converting them into new products can consume more energy and cause more
pollution than using fresh material. As for landfill, it turns out we are not running out – not even close. We have plenty of space, and many
communities welcome landfills as a source of jobs and tax revenue. Recycling also takes large amounts of money that could be spent on
more useful environmental endeavors. From this point of view, recycling is not only a waste of time, but is actually counterproductive.

As for money, it is true that recycling programs are rarely a wise financial investment. However, garbage collection programs are mostly
the same. The garbage still has to be disposed of, though. If you are concerned about the financial cost of recycling, the same materials
that can be recycled cleanly – glass, metal, paper, etc. – are often also the cheapest to recycle. Plastic and cardboard juice boxes are
harder to process and have a higher cost to recycle.

So, if you want to do what's best for the world – environmentally and economically – recycle paper and metal, throw out mixed materials
and unusable plastics, and reuse anything you can yourself.

By reading the text, the readers will have an understanding that recycling is not always good because ...

A. there are still trash in the process of recycle

B. it means taking more sources than producing new goods

C. some materials are harder and have a higher cost to recycle

No. Soal
D. landfills provide jobs for some people and create tax revenue

E. reusing any materials we can still use is better than recycling all the trash


Jawaban C terdapat dalam kalimat terakhir paragraf 4.

42 Recycling is the obvious solution for many people looking to save the world, relieve a guilty conscience, or quiet their annoyingly zealous
environmentalist neighbor, without having to do any real work. Just throw all your recyclables in a box, throw it in the back of your car, and
drop it off at the recycling station on your way to the grocery store.

The proponents say if we are polluting the world and running out of resources, reusing materials and preventing the need of generating
more pollutants by producing new products is obviously a good move. In addition, we are allegedly running out of landfill space, and so
stopping trash from ending up in landfill is a good idea.

However, collecting recyclables, preparing them, and converting them into new products can consume more energy and cause more
pollution than using fresh material. As for landfill, it turns out we are not running out – not even close. We have plenty of space, and many
communities welcome landfills as a source of jobs and tax revenue. Recycling also takes large amounts of money that could be spent on
more useful environmental endeavors. From this point of view, recycling is not only a waste of time, but is actually counterproductive.

As for money, it is true that recycling programs are rarely a wise financial investment. However, garbage collection programs are mostly
the same. The garbage still has to be disposed of, though. If you are concerned about the financial cost of recycling, the same materials
that can be recycled cleanly – glass, metal, paper, etc. – are often also the cheapest to recycle. Plastic and cardboard juice boxes are
harder to process and have a higher cost to recycle.

So, if you want to do what's best for the world – environmentally and economically – recycle paper and metal, throw out mixed materials
and unusable plastics, and reuse anything you can yourself.

No. Soal

What does paragraph four tell us about?

A. The disadvantage of recycling in the term of garbage handling cost

B. The disadvantage of recycling in the term of environmental problem

C. The disadvantage of recycling in the term of financial matter

D. The disadvantage of recycling in the term of social impact

E. The disadvantage of recycling in the term of its process


Paragraf 4 secara umum menyajikan sisi negatif dari program daur ulang dalam hal kuangan.

43 Recycling is the obvious solution for many people looking to save the world, relieve a guilty conscience, or quiet their annoyingly zealous
environmentalist neighbor, without having to do any real work. Just throw all your recyclables in a box, throw it in the back of your car, and
drop it off at the recycling station on your way to the grocery store.

The proponents say if we are polluting the world and running out of resources, reusing materials and preventing the need of generating
more pollutants by producing new products is obviously a good move. In addition, we are allegedly running out of landfill space, and so
stopping trash from ending up in landfill is a good idea.

However, collecting recyclables, preparing them, and converting them into new products can consume more energy and cause more
pollution than using fresh material. As for landfill, it turns out we are not running out – not even close. We have plenty of space, and many
communities welcome landfills as a source of jobs and tax revenue. Recycling also takes large amounts of money that could be spent on
more useful environmental endeavors. From this point of view, recycling is not only a waste of time, but is actually counterproductive.

As for money, it is true that recycling programs are rarely a wise financial investment. However, garbage collection programs are mostly
the same. The garbage still has to be disposed of, though. If you are concerned about the financial cost of recycling, the same materials
that can be recycled cleanly – glass, metal, paper, etc. – are often also the cheapest to recycle. Plastic and cardboard juice boxes are
harder to process and have a higher cost to recycle.

No. Soal

So, if you want to do what's best for the world – environmentally and economically – recycle paper and metal, throw out mixed materials
and unusable plastics, and reuse anything you can yourself.

(Adapted from

The underlined word in “In addition, we are allegedly running out of landfill space, and so stopping trash from ending up in landfill is a good
idea” is closest in meaning to …

A. apparently

B. obviously

C. definitely

D. currently

E. clearly


Persamaann kata “allegedly” dalam kalimat tersebut secara kontekstual adalah “apparently”.

44 The government has expressed its commitment to assist with the development of e-sports in Indonesia, to have a positive impact on the
economy and improve the performance of the country's athletes.

"We are starting to issue regulations to support [e-sports development], including education and more. What's also important, is [for us] to
support e-sports events and tournaments," Gatot Dewa Broto, a spokesman for the Ministry of Youth and Sports, said on Tuesday.

Gatot said the ministry would continue to educate the public and raise awareness of e-sports, which have similar values and principles as
other sports. Indonesian athletes earned one gold and one silver medal in e-sports events during last year's Asian Games, hosted by
Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra.

Although e-sports were only a demonstration event during the games and did not count towards Indonesia's final medal tally, the win
successfully promoted e-sports as in the country. /
No. Soal

"We only started organizing e-sports events and tournaments seven years ago, while other countries have been at it for 15 years. We
cannot continue to be left behind," Gatot said.

A major government initiative to promote the development of e-sports in Indonesia was the hosting of the first E-Sports President's Cup in
March this year. The national championship was positively received by various stakeholders in Indonesia. Gatot said the championship
would take place again next year.

According to Gary Ongko Putera, founder and chief executive of e-sports organization BOOM ID, Indonesia is one of the world's largest
e-sports markets. However, he said the country's potential has not being maximized, but expressed hope that the government would
continue to make the right regulations to develop a healthy and competitive e-sports environment in Indonesia.

"Our e-sports athletes have great potential to compete at an international level. We need to support this, and we must realize that e-
sports present us with an opportunity to succeed," he said.

(Adapted from

Why does the government start to issue regulation on e-sport and support e-sport events and tournaments?

A. To improve the performance of the athletes

B. To encourage the development of e-sport athlete

C. To educate the public and raise awareness of e-sport

D. To have a positive impact on the economy of the country

E. To have a positive impact on the country’s economy and improve the athlete performance


Jawaban E terdapat dalam gagasan utama dalam paragraf 1.

No. Soal

The government has expressed its commitment to assist with the development of e-sports in Indonesia, to have a positive impact on the
economy and improve the performance of the country's athletes.

"We are starting to issue regulations to support [e-sports development], including education and more. What's also important, is [for us] to
support e-sports events and tournaments," Gatot Dewa Broto, a spokesman for the Ministry of Youth and Sports, said on Tuesday.

Gatot said the ministry would continue to educate the public and raise awareness of e-sports, which have similar values and principles as
other sports. Indonesian athletes earned one gold and one silver medal in e-sports events during last year's Asian Games, hosted by
Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra.

Although e-sports were only a demonstration event during the games and did not count towards Indonesia's final medal tally, the win
successfully promoted e-sports as in the country.

"We only started organizing e-sports events and tournaments seven years ago, while other countries have been at it for 15 years. We
cannot continue to be left behind," Gatot said.

A major government initiative to promote the development of e-sports in Indonesia was the hosting of the first E-Sports President's Cup in
March this year. The national championship was positively received by various stakeholders in Indonesia. Gatot said the championship
would take place again next year.

According to Gary Ongko Putera, founder and chief executive of e-sports organization BOOM ID, Indonesia is one of the world's largest
e-sports markets. However, he said the country's potential has not being maximized, but expressed hope that the government would
continue to make the right regulations to develop a healthy and competitive e-sports environment in Indonesia.

"Our e-sports athletes have great potential to compete at an international level. We need to support this, and we must realize that e-
sports present us with an opportunity to succeed," he said.

(Adapted from /

No. Soal

After reading the news, the readers most likely ...

A. start to improve their skills and abilities in e-sport

B. support the government’s commitment on e-sport

C. attend e-sport events and tournaments in their city

D. understand that e-sport has potential future for the athletes

E. take part in e-sport competition held by local government


Jawaban B didasarkan pada kalimat pertama paragraf 3.

46 The government has expressed its commitment to assist with the development of e-sports in Indonesia, to have a positive impact on the
economy and improve the performance of the country's athletes.

"We are starting to issue regulations to support [e-sports development], including education and more. What's also important, is [for us] to
support e-sports events and tournaments," Gatot Dewa Broto, a spokesman for the Ministry of Youth and Sports, said on Tuesday.

Gatot said the ministry would continue to educate the public and raise awareness of e-sports, which have similar values and principles as
other sports. Indonesian athletes earned one gold and one silver medal in e-sports events during last year's Asian Games, hosted by
Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra.

Although e-sports were only a demonstration event during the games and did not count towards Indonesia's final medal tally, the win
successfully promoted e-sports as in the country.

"We only started organizing e-sports events and tournaments seven years ago, while other countries have been at it for 15 years. We
cannot continue to be left behind," Gatot said.

No. Soal

A major government initiative to promote the development of e-sports in Indonesia was the hosting of the first E-Sports President's Cup in
March this year. The national championship was positively received by various stakeholders in Indonesia. Gatot said the championship
would take place again next year.

According to Gary Ongko Putera, founder and chief executive of e-sports organization BOOM ID, Indonesia is one of the world's largest
e-sports markets. However, he said the country's potential has not being maximized, but expressed hope that the government would
continue to make the right regulations to develop a healthy and competitive e-sports environment in Indonesia.

"Our e-sports athletes have great potential to compete at an international level. We need to support this, and we must realize that e-
sports present us with an opportunity to succeed," he said.

(Adapted from

The underlined word in paragraph two refers to ...

A. Gatot Dewa Broto

B. the government

C. the spokesman

D. the Ministry of Youth and Sports

E. the country’s athlete


Kata “we” dalam kalimat pertama paragraf 2 merujuk pada Kementrian Pemuda dan Olah Raga.

47 The government has expressed its commitment to assist with the development of e-sports in Indonesia, to have a positive impact on the
economy and improve the performance of the country's athletes.
"We are starting to issue regulations to support [e-sports development], including education and more. What's also important, is [for us] to
support e-sports events and tournaments," Gatot Dewa Broto, a spokesman for the Ministry of Youth and Sports, said on Tuesday.

No. Soal

Gatot said the ministry would continue to educate the public and raise awareness of e-sports, which have similar values and principles as
other sports. Indonesian athletes earned one gold and one silver medal in e-sports events during last year's Asian Games, hosted by
Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra.
Although e-sports were only a demonstration event during the games and did not count towards Indonesia's final medal tally, the win
successfully promoted e-sports as in the country.
"We only started organizing e-sports events and tournaments seven years ago, while other countries have been at it for 15 years. We
cannot continue to be left behind," Gatot said.
A major government initiative to promote the development of e-sports in Indonesia was the hosting of the first E-Sports President's Cup in
March this year. The national championship was positively received by various stakeholders in Indonesia. Gatot said the championship
would take place again next year.
According to Gary Ongko Putera, founder and chief executive of e-sports organization BOOM ID, Indonesia is one of the world's largest
e-sports markets. However, he said the country's potential has not being maximized, but expressed hope that the government would
continue to make the right regulations to develop a healthy and competitive e-sports environment in Indonesia.
"Our e-sports athletes have great potential to compete at an international level. We need to support this, and we must realize that e-
sports present us with an opportunity to succeed," he said.

(Adapted from

What is the main idea of the text?

A. The need to support e-sport and its athletes

B. The commitment showed by the government to support e-sport

C. The goal of supporting e-sport the government wants to achieve

D. The way to implement the government’s commitment in supporting e-sport

E. The strategy to develop a healthy and competitive e-sports environment in Indonesia


Teks berita tersebut secara keseluruhan membicarakan komitmen pemerintah Indonesia dalam menudukung perkembangan e-sport di tanah air.
No. Dear Mark, Soal

Hope you are doing well.

I’m writing this to invite you for a very useful and entertaining program designed to exhibit various cultural activities. This is going to be a
full day program where some international guests are also likely to join to witness this fantastic event.

The venue is still to be decided by the College management which is likely to be our main branch located near Abu Dhabi Mall. However,
I will confirm this in the coming week.

The day is going to be Sunday 29th of January.

Please do come with your family as this is a wonderful opportunity for us all to enhance our knowledge about our rich culture.

Thanking in anticipation.


Edward G

Why does Edward send the letter?

A. He wants Mark to take part in the upcoming events.

B. He wants Mark to come to the upcoming events.

C. He wants Mark and his family to attend in the upcoming event.

D. He wants Mark and his family to anticipate the upcoming event.

E. He wants Mark and his family to confirm their attendance for the upcoming events.

No. Soal


Jawaban C tersurat dalam kalimat pertama surat tersebut

49 Dear Mark,

Hope you are doing well.

I’m writing this to invite you for a very useful and entertaining program designed to exhibit various cultural activities. This is going to be a
full day program where some international guests are also likely to join to witness this fantastic event.

The venue is still to be decided by the College management which is likely to be our main branch located near Abu Dhabi Mall. However,
I will confirm this in the coming week.

The day is going to be Sunday 29th of January.

Please do come with your family as this is a wonderful opportunity for us all to enhance our knowledge about our rich culture.

Thanking in anticipation.


Edward G

The underlined word in “The venue is still to be decided by the College management which is likely to be our main branch located near Abu
Dhabi Mall” is closest in meaning to ...

No. Soal

A. probably

B. seemingly

C. evidently

D. positively

E. approximately


Persamaan kata “likely” dalam kalimat tersebut secara kontekstual adalah “probably”

No. Soal

Students from Tamirul Islam high school in Solo, Central Java, hand out flowers to National Paralympic Committee athletes who were
about to compete in the wheelchair racing event at the ASEAN Para Games 2020 training camp taking place on campus at the city's
Sebelas Maret University on Wednesday. The ASEAN Para Games 2020 will be held in the Philippines following on from this year's
ASEAN Games.

The caption is to show us that …

A. there are many students attending the opening ceremony of ASEAN Para Games

B. the ASEAN Para Games athlete is ready to compete

C. the students give flowers to the athletes showing their support

D. the track used in the competition is located in Sebelas Maret University

E. the next ASEAN Para Games will be held in Philippines


Dalam keterangan gambar dijelaskan bahwa para siswa memberikan bunga kepada atlet Para Games (yang menunjukkan dukungan mereka).

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