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Psychrometric refers to the study of the state of the atmosphere with reference to
moisture. Using psychometric chart, properties of air can be determine such as relative
humidity, humidity ratio, dew point temperature, enthalpy, and others properties concern
of a certain point condition.
For the second activity, using the formulas you have learned in air-conditioning
subject. Using Microsoft Excel, formulate a program that will dictate all the properties of
air under a certain condition.

Create your own format (it must be unique and different from your
classmates). Also the theoretical formulas (NOT the excel formulas as inputted)
must also be written within the file.

1. If a particular given (either 1 or more) is held blank on that cell, cells that indicate
the answers must stay blank. There must be NO “#N/A” must be seen on that
particular cell.
2. Additional formula used on the excel program is the “VLOOKUP” statement. If so
happen you don’t know how to use this statement, research on it. Tip: use help
3. Sheet 1 will be for the psychrometry program while for Sheet 2 is for the table that
will be needed.
4. Time: 4 meetings ONLY!


Input Parameters:
Atmospheric Pressure = ____ Kpa
Temperature dry bulb = ____ OC
Temperature wet bulb = ____ OC

Requirement / Answers:
Humidity ratio, W = ____ kg / kgda
Relative Humidity, RH = ____ %
Degree of Saturation,  = ____ %
Enthalpy, h = ____ KJ / kgda
Specific Volume, v = ____ m3 / kgda
Dew point temperature, Tdp = ____ OC
Partial Pressure of Water vapor, Pw = ____ Kpa
Saturation Pressure at Wet Bulb, Pwb = ____ Kpa
Saturation Pressure at Dry Bulb, Pd = ____ Kpa
Partial Pressure of Dry Air, Pa = ____ Kpa

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