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Dialog Text

Di susun oleh :

Watching movie
Jelita ; hai gais how are you
Iksan ; I am fine and you eva
Evha ; I am fine
Jelita ; what will we do this weekend
iksan ; I do not know.come on we have to go to a place for refreshing our mind
Evha ; last week we had gone to the beach.i not want to go the beach I not want to
Go there again this weekend
Jelita ; eva is right .we should plan something new for this weekend
Iksan ; how about going to the shopping center? I heard there will be massive
Discount there
Evha ; seems I could not go,if we go to the shoping center
Jelita ; why evha? don’t you love shoping?
Iksan ; I just don’t wan to waste my money
Evha ; how about going to the cinema?
Jelita ; that sounds pretty interesting. What movie will be played dew?
Iksan ; I heard from evha that the cinema is playing the latest movie night at the
three museum three now
Evha ; did you say nigh at the museum three? It is may favorit movie I always
Watch the movie from the fist sequel
Jelita : will the story remain ,the same as the prevlous story?

Iksan : I have seen the taeser night at the museum three on the interne
the story is slightly different whit it’s prevleus sotrie
Evha : I also suwit. This time the museum kept by his son. He replaces his father
who has been old
Jelita ; the story is different in the previous film the statues in the museum cannot
be exposed to sunlight
Iksan ; it seems the producors want to pind a new at musphare in the film
Ehva ; you are right .night at the museum has become the best movie that played
in thenters in the warted states be iro n women movie
Jelita ; okay if so we have already decided that this weekend we will watch movie
night a the museum tree in cinema
Evha ; I totally agree
Iksan ; where we will met tomorrow
Jelita ; I will plet up greace frist then I iil meet you at the summer pizza house
Evha ; i walt for you there at 14;00 so do not be late?
Iksan ;look teachers had come.come on in claas!
Jelita ; and eva lets go

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