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3. Use either the Simple Present or the Present continuous:


Mary can´t answer the phone because she ________ (have) a shower.

We use theMary ________

present simple(wash)
to talkher hair everyday.
about: We use the present continuous to talk about:
  Mary´s grandmother usually ________(call) early.  
· Personal information - I live in Lisbon
I ________ (try) to connect my computer. · Current activities - I´m travelling by train.
· General st5atements of true.— The sun rises in the east.
· Permanent I sent a message
situations to Ann
- They lastParis.
live in month and I ________ (still/wait)
· Temporary forsituations.-
her reply. They´re living in Lisbon for a year.
· Routines After tree months
and habits of draught,
- I usually get up atI´m glad it ________(now/rain)
7 o´clock. so heavily.
· Planned future arrangements. - I´m meeting Mary in
· Fixed timeLook!
tables and schedules. - The film starts at
It ________ ! (snow) It never ________(snow) in ourfive town.
· Details of fixed future plans. - We leave Lisbon at 9 p.m.  
on Tuesday.

4. Change the sentences into the present Continuous where possible.

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the 1. Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous
He teaches English .
verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple: of the verbs in brackets:
Do you watch television?
Mary ________ (go) to the bathroom and I think Mark ________ (sleep) while he
________(wash) her face. ________ ((listen) to radio.
I hate this fish. It smells.
________ she ________ dinner for her and her My friends ________(not study) they
mother? (prepare) ________(watch) TV.
I suppose she wants a new bike.
Every day Mary ________ (take) her dog for a Today is a lovely day. The sun ________(shine),
walk in the park. the birds ________(sing) and I ________ (feel)
We prefer to live in the country.
________ they ________ for a walk in the park very well.
near their house? (go) It ________ (not rain) but the sky ________
We have dinner at 8 p.m.
Mary´s grandmother sometimes ________(get) (get) grey.
lost in Lisbon. My mother ________ (shop) while my father
That music sounds good to me .
Mary´s friends ________ (like) her dog very ________ (repair) his car.
much and they ________(have) a lot of fun The kids ________ (play) football at the
together. moment.

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