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Using certain gestures is rude in some foreign countries.

It is rude to use certain gestures in some foreign countries.

Asking someone's age is often considered rude.

it is often considered rude to ask someone's age

It is not unusual in the United States to address a teacher by his first name.

Addressing a professor by his first name in the United States is not unusual

Hugging friends when you greet them is a custom in many cultures.

It is customary in many cultures to hug friends when you greet them.

Asking strangers if they are married is inappropriate in some countries.

it is inappropriate in some countries to ask strangers if they are married

1. in my culture we take off your shoes only when we go to bed

2. similar
3. In some countries, having a pet such as a dog, cat, or bird is considered inappropriate
in my country you can have the pet you want
4. Similar

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