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Auditing and Attestation (AUD)

Duration: 4 hours
Break up: MCQs 50% and Simulations 50%

Testlet Type of Questions Time (in min) Time target per question
1 MCQs-36 45 Approx 60 to 90 seconds
2 MCQs-36 45 Approx 60 to 90 seconds
3 TBS-2 38 15-18 mins per TBS
Optional Break 15
4 TBS-3 56 15-18 min per TBS
5 TBS-3 56 15- 18 min per TBS
Total 240

1. Revisions on the Exams: You are allowed to go back and forth within each of the 5
testlets (2 MCQ testlets and 3 TBS testlets)
✔ If you find a MCQ that seems to be difficult, mark a flag on it toward the bottom
of the screen. So when you are done with all the questions on that testlet, just
come back to the flagged MCQs again "before" you submit the testlet. Note that
you cannot come back to a MCQ on a particular testlet "after" you have
submitted the testlet. This rule applies to all the MCQ testlets that you have on
each exam
✔ Same rule applies for TBS where you can go back and forth between the
Simulations within one testlet. There are 3 testlets for simulations.

2. Break: You can choose to pause or not pause the Exam timer for 15 minutes after the
third testlet only. You may also take breaks after every other testlet, but the timer will
continue to run.

3. Scribble papers: You will be getting papers to scribble on your exams, and you can ask
for more - use them to put your thoughts/mnemonics, do your calculations, and all that
you would do on your HW book

4. MCQs Solving tips:

✔ On numerical questions, read the last line of the question first before going on
to read the entire question. So you know what you are looking for as you read
the qeustions
✔ On conceptual questions, recall the topic on which the question is based and try
to anticipate the answer even before you start reading the answer options and
more often than not, the correct answer will be close to what you had
✔ Even if you are sure of the right answer, make sure you read all answer options
and understand why the wrong ones are wrong (especially for conceptual
✔ Whenever they try to convert practical questions to theory-like questions, put
numbers on the questions and they would be much easier to solve eg. ratio
analysis related questions.
✔ If you go blank on a question, it might help sitting back, re-reading the question
and recalling from which chapter the question is based - try recalling, what did
you learn on the chapter. And there is more than 50% chance that you would get
to the correct answer. Otherwise, make an informed guess (with the best
answer per your judgment) but never leave it blank - remember, there is no
negative marking
✔ Use the calculator on your screen
✔ For FAR: Record means J/E amount, and Report means amount that goes to the

5. TBS Solving tips:

✔ Use the same MCQ tips as above
✔ Some TBS may require you to use the spreadsheet
(like MS-Excel)
✔ Note that you have access to the research database
for all the TBS, and not just the Research TBS (ASC for FAR, AU/AT/AT/ET/etc.
for AUD and IRC for REG). So if, by any chance, you get stuck with a TBS such that
you do not remember the concept very well, you may simply research it up - this
is only a back-up and do not use it often as it might take away a lot of time
✔ For the Research simulations, note that the Research Simulation carries more or
less equal weightage as all other simulations and you need to spend at least 10-
15 minutes on it. If you are done early, recheck if you have identified the correct
subsection, etc.

6. Last word on Exam Preparations

✔ As I always told you, the CPA exams is a test of discipline and not an IQ test - if
you study and you practice, you will pass!
✔ Enjoy your studies - its truly an experience!!
✔ Since your exam times are so near, make sure you put your mind, body & soul
into it - this the only way you will cherish the CPA experience!!!

7. Visualize yourself as a CPA - believe that you can achieve your goal!

8. D-Day
✔ Sleep well before you exam day (at least 6-7 hours)
✔ On the exam day, have a good breakfast (high proteins and some coffee)
✔ Personally, I think a last-minute revision on the exam day helps - flip over your
books - this would give you confidence that you know it all and also serve as a
last-minute revisit to all that you have studied over the last few months
✔ Make sure you carry your NTS, passport and another government-issued ID
✔ Use the restroom just before your exam so that you are all fresh when you hit
the exams
✔ Arrive early at the exam centre - this is very very important, and much more
important than the last-minute revision that I have said above!
✔ Focus, focus, focus - give it your best shot!


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