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University of San Jose- Recoletos

Department of Psychology and Library Information Science

A.Y. 2020- 2021 (1st sem)
Understanding the Self

Who Am I?

Come up with a 1-page written self- presentation that will be a good reflection of who you are.
Note that the goal of this activity is for you to answer the question “Who am I?” based from your
self-reflection. You are also highly encouraged to make your output extra personal by using
pictures or meaningful symbols that will highlight your strengths, what you enjoy doing, what
you consider important in your life, important memories, etc. Handcrafted outputs are also

Note that you have full control about what aspects about yourself that you are willing to share. It
is important that you feel comfortable and have fun throughout the process of making this
output. This activity is all about YOU!

Deadline of submission is Sept. 1, 2020 (12 nn). Submit your output thru your moodle account in
pdf format to avoid alterations of file content. For handcrafted output, please submit a picture of
your output with the best quality. Use your name as the file name of your output.
University of San Jose- Recoletos
Department of Psychology and Library Information Science
A.Y. 2020- 2021 (1st sem)
Understanding the Self


The following philosophers offer various perspective about the self. Kindly read and take
personal notes of their respective philosophical ideas focusing only on how the self emerges.
There will be no ouput subsmission for this activity, but instead, you will be graded based on the
quality of information that you will be able to contribute during class discussion.
1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. St. Augustine
4. Rene Descartes
5. John Locke
6. David Hume
7. Immanuel Kant
8. Sigmund Freud
9. Gilbert Ryle
10. Paul Churchland
11. Merleau - Ponty

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