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The rule of the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle,

By Javiera Molina
n° ideas: (31)
(1)The situation of our planet is very complicated because the pollution is very
high.(2) Thousands of wastes are generated every day all over the world. (3) Every person
generate one kilogram of waste per day , which is too much considering the number of
people living on the planet. (4) This makes the planet more and more polluted. (5) If we do
not take care of the planet we could end up with irreversible damage. (6) For this reason
the Greenpeace company made the rule of the 3Rs which are reduce, reuse and recycle.
(7) This rule was created to improve consumer skills on all persons. (8) Also helps to
generate conscience to throw away less rubbish and reduce the carbon footprint. (9) A
consequence of no taking care of the environment is that the essential balance for life on
earth can be broken. (10) The most difficult damages to fix are overexploitation of natural
resources and degradation of the ecosystem ,because these are essential for living.

(11) Reduce is based onconsume less and avoid buying things that will end up in
the rubbish. (12) The aim is to make people responsable consumers and to make les
rubbish generated. (13) The reduction has two levels ; which are to reduce capital and
energy consumption. (14) An example of reduction is use the washing machine full and
not half full ,this reduce water consumption . (15) Reuse is to give a second life to the
product. (16) It is recommended that things are used as much as possible so you don't
have to buy extra stuff. (17) It is the rule that people take less attention but helps to save
money. (18) Reuse is easier tan you think because clothes , wood , plastic and other can
be reused. (19) Recycle is the best known and most important rule (20) Helps to reduce
waste as much as possible and form new reusable waste. (21) At present most of the
packaging is made of recyclable material.
(22) Waste can be divided according to material such as plastic, glass, aluminium
and others. (23) To make the recycling process easier, there are coloured waste
containers. (24) There are six differents types of containers, which are divided according
to material or type of waste. (25) These are divide in colour grey is for general waste,
orange for organic, green is for glass, yellow for plastic , blue for paper and red for hospital
supplies. (26) If the waste is not separated in the containers when they arrive at the
recycling plant , they cannot be properly separated. (27) The 3Rs rule brings several
benefits and the three most important are ;(28) Environmental benefits, these helps to
improve the quality of the soil and reduce the amount of solids reaching landfills. (29)
Sociocultural benefits, reduce air pollution and recycling helps people to have more
communication in charity campaigns. (30) Economic benefits, as it helps people and
companies to economize.(31) It is for all these reasons and much more that the 3Rs
should be implemented in order to have better quality of life.

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