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Hemoglobin is a protein pigment that gives red blood cells red hemoglobin consisting of iron which is

an oxygen carrier smoking habit can accelerate the pathogenesis of various dangerous diseases such
as lung, pancreas, liver and kidney cigarette smoke contains harmful substances in which 40% of
cigarette content is a toxic ingredient of lead hematoxicity effects of cigarette smoke can inhibit
most of the enzymes that play a role in biosynthesis of heme. The purpose of this article is to find
out the comparison of blood hemoglobin levels in male smokers and nonsmokers. The review of this
article is a review of several journal articles. the number of samples used was 60 samples. from the
age of 19-23 years. with a sample comparison of 30 male smokers and 30 non-smoker men. based
on research data, the average value of blood hemoglobin is 16.226 (mg / dl), with a standard
deviation of 0, 9320 (mg / dl), whereas in the study sample 30 nonsmoker men have an average
blood hemoglobin value of 15 .723 (mg / dl) with a standard deviation of 0.8207 (mg / dl). the
results of this study conclude that statistically there is a comparison of datah hemoglobin levels in
male smokers and nonsmokers

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