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Mao,Jr. Abulkhair B.

Intro to Crim(1:30-3:30) MTH
Demonological theory Individuals were throught to
be possessed by good or evil
spirits, which caused good or
evil behavior.
Anomie theory Emile Durkheim A state of normlessness or
rootlessness or the absence of
norms in a society provides a
setting conducive to crimes
and other anti-social acts.
Psychoanalytical theory Sigmund Freud People are strongly
influenced by unconscious
forces, including innate
sexual and aggressive drives.
Human ecology theory Ezra Park Study of interrelationship of
people and their environment.
Maintained that crime is a
result of social change that
occurs along with
environmental change.
Differential Association Edwin Sutherland Maintained that the society is
theory composed of different groups
people and organization
having criminalistic Tradition
and anti-criminalistic
Somatotype theory William Sheldon Inheritance is a primary
determinant of behavior and
physiques is a reliable
indicator of personality.
Containment theory Walter Reckless Every individual, there exist a
containing external structure
and a protective internal
structure, both of which
provide defense, protection or
insulation against crime or
Social class conflict theory Karl Marx, Frederick Engel All are reflected in the ruling
and capitalism theory and Willem Bonger class, thus crime and
delinquency are reflected on
the demoralized remaining
population, which is made up
of the underprivileged – the
Unemployed and
Strain theory Robert King Merton Maintained that the failure of
man to achieve a higher status
of life caused them to commit
crimes in order for that
status/goal to be attained.
Sub-culture theory of Albert Cohen Lower class cannot socialize
delinquency effectively as the middle class
in what is considered
appropriate middle class
Neutralization theory Gresham Sykes Individual will obey or
disobey societal rules
depending upon his or her
ability to rationalize whether
he is protected from hurt or
Differential opportunity Lloyd Ohlin Society leads the lower class
theory to want things, society does
things to people.
Labeling theory Frank tennenbaum, Edwin It’s all about social reaction
Lemert, and Howard Becker to behavior.
Instrumentalist theory Earl Richard Quinney Upper classes create laws that
protect their interestand the
same time the unwanted
behavior of all other members
of society.
Theory of evolution Charles Darwin Humans, like other animals,
are parasite.

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