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Interviewing My New Friends

Nama : Nur Qilla Febri

NPM : 2006600671

Hello everyone! My name is Nur Qilla Febri, but people used to call me Qilla.
Meeting new people is a very extraordinary thing and to be grateful. We can add relationships
and friendships. Last Monday was the first day I attended English class. I met five of my
friends .. There were Desi, Ari, Disney, Safira, and Dymas. They all have different backgrounds.
Starting from the school's origin to the talents they have. First of all I want to introduce Desi to
you. Desi has the full name Desi Fitria, she comes from Tangerang and graduated from SMAN
11 Tangerang. Her favorite food is fried rice. Second, Ari Mawangi. She comes from Depok and
graduated from SMAN 5 Depok. She really likes drinking juice and has a hobby of listening to
music. Third, Pricillia Disney. She used to be called Disney. Originally from Cibubur and
graduated from SMA Al-Azhar 4 Kemang Pratama. Her favorite food is sushi. Wow, it looks
delicious! Fourth, Safira Rahmalia. She is from Jakarta and graduated from SMAN 49 Jakarta.
She really likes chocolate and has a hobby of drawing. Now the last one is Dymas. He is from
Jakarta and graduated from SMAN 26 Jakarta. He really likes instant noodles and has a hobby of
Well, above is my introduction to my new friends. I hope we can get along well! Thank you.

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