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There are two kinds of students, one aim at qualifying and the other eye to be

among the toppers. Former should go for mathematics and aptitude at first as these
sections cover 30 marks and are enough for qualifying the exam. These two are
crucial for toppers as well because 30 is not a less number. For Mathematics, I
suggest students go to Khan Academy. Coming to Digital Design, one can cover it in
3-4 days. Coming to Computer Organization and architecture systems, pipelining,
instruction design, cache are the important topics. For Algorithms, complexity,
sorting, recurring relations and all the paradigms are important. For Programming
and Data Structures, only following the previous trend will do. In Theory of
Computation, the first chapter is really easy, being totally contrary to second and
third, and regular languages and finite automata is one repetitive topic.
Instruction scheduling, paging, disc scheduling, filesystem (capacity, transfer
rates) under Operating System. In Computer Networks, one should definitely cover IP
addressing, stop and wait, SR, GBN and a basic idea of all layers of computer
networks. With all these, one can easily score 50 marks.

Don't ever leave Engineering Mathematics. It has like 10 out of 100 weightage in
GATE. There is 15 for Aptitude in Logical Reasoning and the remaining 85 is for
these subjects. There is no fixed and defined weightage structure. But if you study
the exam pattern over the years, Engineering Mathematics has at least 10 marks
dedicated to it. According to me, another subject which has mark-wise significance
is Compiler and Theory of Computation. These two cover similar topics and these
subjects can be clubbed and practised. The weightage among them is not
distinguishable and are overlapping. Digital Logic has 4 to 5 marks. But it's hard
to distinguish between Digital Logic and Computer Architecture. So for both of
them, there will be like 12 marks in total. Operating System and Computer Networks
are also 10 marks each. Algorithms and Data Structure has good weightage, which is
higher than subjects like Operating System and Computer Networks. You should study
all the topics in-depth for good ranks. For starters, you can study Algorithms and
Data Structure because both sections are great for scoring 15 marks each. After
that Theory of Computation and Compiler should have more focus, which is similar
and has great weightage.

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