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Archer Daniels Midland and the Friendly Competitors

Disusun Oleh :





1. According to the case, the ADM plant could produce “250 million tons of lysine a
year—enough to supply half of the annual worldwide demand,” so the average
worldwide demand for lysine was about 41.7 tons a month. Calculate how much
the lysine companies were making each month their price-fixing scheme was actu-
ally working (i.e., when lysine was selling for $1.20 per pound). Next, based on the
price lysine sold for when the price-fixing schemes broke down, estimate what you
think the equilibrium price of lysine was during the period of the case. Calculate
how much the lysine companies would have made each month if lysine had sold
for the equilibrium price. Now calculate the dif- ference between what the
companies made each month their price-fixing scheme actually worked, and what
they should have made each month if lysine had sold for the equilibrium price, in
order to get the “monopoly profit” the companies made each month they success-
fully fixed prices. Finally, estimate the total number of months that you think the
price-fixing scheme was actu- ally working. In light of your estimate of the total
num- ber of months their price-fixing worked, what was the total amount of
“monopoly profit” the companies took from their customers? Explain fully the
ethics of ex- tracting this monopoly profit from customers. Did the U.S. and
European government fines fully recover the total amount of monopoly profits the
companies made?
Jawab :
Ada asumsi perhitungan yang akan dijelaskan sebagai berikut:
Total Penjualan per bulan = 41.700.000 x 1,2 = 50.040.000
Harga keseimbangan = 41.700.000 x 1,2 x 0,5 = 25.020.000
Selisih harga setelah mix price = 25.020.000

Berdasarkan perhitungan diatas, saya berasumsi bahwa adanya kerugian

yang didapat oleh konsumen, serta tidak terbentuknya persaingan pasar akibat dari
konsumen yang tidak bisa memilih produk lain dengan produk yang sama. Selain itu
tidak ada produk subtitusi lainnya, sehingga hal ini cukup merugikan konsumen serta
memberi keuntungan penuh pada perusahaan.

2. This chapter of your text cites a number of factors that cause companies to engage
in price-fixing. Identify the factors that you think were present in the ADM case.
Explain your answer and be specific
Jawab :
Menurut saya, faktor yang mendasari terjadinya price-fixing adalah sebagai
berikut :
a. Pressure : Dalam hal ini dimana Mark Whiterace mendapatkan tekanan akibat
kehilangan $7juta perbulan dari bisnis Lysine yang dilakukan, serta ADM juga
memproduksi dalam jumlah yang besar sehingga menyebabkan harga Lysine jatuh.
b. Anti Competitive Behaviour : Terjadinya lingkungan anti kompetitif segingga
mengurangi persaingan di pasaran antar produsen.
c. Opportunities : Adanya pertemuan yang dilakukan oelh Mark Whiterace dan Terry
Wilson utuk membereskan masalah persaingan harga dan semua perusahaan yang
terlibat menyetujui, maka dari itu semua perusahaan memperroduksi lagi sehingga
terjadi produk.

3. In your view, was Mark Whitacre to blame (i.e., mor- ally responsible) for what he
did? Explain. Were any of the obstacles to moral behavior (see Chapter 1) operat-
ing in his situation? Explain. Do you agree with Whit- acre’s own assessment that
although “others have said that ultimately the corporate culture of ADM played a
primary role in my decision making at the time” this is, “Alas, not true”?
Jawab :
Dalam kasus ini, terdapat dua sisi yang berbeda. Dari sudut pandang
perushaan, Mark Whitacre melakukan tindakan yang merugikan atas tindakan
pelaporan konspirasi permainan harga kepada FBI. Faktanya Mark Whitacre
sendirilah yang membuat ide terkait hal tersebut. Tetapi pada sudut pandang lain,
Mark Whitacre tidak dapat disalahkan karena jika dipandang dari teori
Utilitatianisme, tindakan yang lakukan oleh Mark Whitacre memiliki dampak positif
bagi banyak orang, dalam hal ini masyaraat.

4. Do you believe that in the end Mark Whitacre was treated justly? Explain.
Jawab :
Menurut saya, tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Mark Whitacre masih bersifat
adil, namun perilaku tidak etis yang dilakukan Mark Whitacre dapat dijerat oleh
hukum, yakni tindaka seperti mengambil uang perusahaan dengan jumlah yang
sangat besar dan hanya demi kepentingan pribadinya, serta menjadi pelaku dibalik
permainan harga lysine yang merugikan banyak perusahaan.

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