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Miftah : Good morning. If you don’t mind sit down.

Novera : Good morning.
Miftah : So, your name is Novera right?
Novera : Yes Miss.
Miftah : I am Miftah, the head of Manager Marketing division in
this organization.
Novera : Nice to meet you Miss.
Miftah : Are you prepared for the prospective employee meet-
Novera : Yes, I am prepared Miss.
Miftah : How would you think about occupation opportunity in
This organization? What’s make you intrigued to apply
as the Manager Marketing in this organization?
Novera : I read an ad on Newspaper The Post, Sunday release. I
Intrigued to apply as the Marketing.
Miftah : Okay, Please introduce yourself briefly?
Novera : My name is Novera, I am twenty years old. I have
Graduated from vacation high school, majoring in
accounting. I can speak English very well, even though I
am not Majoring in English.
Miftah : What department do you apply and why do you
interested on it?
Novera : I want to apply for the Manager Marketing position, I
Interested working on that position because that is my
passion and I am also love working since I was a kid.
Miftah : Why did you leave your previous job?
Novera : I leave my previous job because I want more challenge
and new experiences.
Miftah : What if in this new place you feel the same as you did in
your last work/office?
Novera : It is okay for me, because I think it will be different
from my previous job, also as I mention before, I love to
gain new experience.
Miftah : When were you most satisfied in your work?
Novera : It’s When I completed my job properly and on time, also
when I get a job that related to my passion.
Miftah : What are your strengths, please specify each of three?
Novera : My strengths are, I love to learn new things, I have a
Good analytical thinking and I like to pursue my target.
Miftah : What are your weakness, please specify each of three?
Novera : My weakness are, I often to lose focus when I have too
Many distractions, next I am a perfectionist, so
sometimes I took a long time to finish a job, because I
want to finish it perfectly, and the last is I am easily to
get bored.
Miftah : Why should we hire you
Novera : Because I have very good experiences in this field, even
this field is my own passion, so I have a very strong
spirit for this field.
Miftah : Can you work with a team and under pressure
Novera : Yes I can, I also don’t think it’s a pressure because it’s
The responsibility of my work and it’s also a great
change to improve the quality of myself.
Miftah : What do you know about our company?
Novera : Yes, your company is a company that engaged in
Miftah : Why do you want to work in our company
Novera : Because your company have a good reputation and of
course to get the great experience to work in here.
Miftah : What are your goals?
Novera : To become a better person and more professional.
Miftah : Well, it was an extraordinary time to have a meeting
with you. I thought you are an extraordinary possibility
to top off the position. I will call you later after the
governing body settle on a choice. Much obliged to you
for nearing Novera.
Novera : You are welcome Miss.

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