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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন www.kolom.


220 Antonyms with উদাহরণ

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1) ABIDE ➫ (দমবন চলা) Antonym:-Disobey

Example:- We don’t disobey law of the land
➫ (ধ্বংস
2) ABOLISH বিবিন্ন করা) Antonym:-Create
প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন
Example:- It is very tough to create something
3) ABOUND ➫ (প্রচুর) Antonym:-Shortage
Example:- There is huge shortage of fund
4) ACCEPT ➫ (গ্রহণ করা) Antonym:-Refuse
Example:- The girl refused the proposal
5) ACCESSIBLE ➫ (প্রববশবযাগয) Antonym:-Inaccessible
Example:- Their room is fully inaccessible for us
6) ADAMANT ➫ (অনড়) Antonym:-Flexible
Example:- Their position is flexible
7) ADEPT ➫ (দক্ষ) Antonym:-Weak
Example:- Ratul is weak in English
8) ADEQUATE ➫ (পযজাপ্ত) Antonym:-Inadequate
Example:- I had inadequate information
9) ADMIRE ➫ (প্রশংসা করা) Antonym:-Hate
Example:- We hate a liar
10) ADULTERATE ➫ (দভজাল স্মমশাবনা) Antonym:-Purify
Example:- We have to purify our hearts
11) AMBIGUOUS ➫ (অস্পি) Antonym:-Clear
Example:- This matter is not clear to me
12) ANARCHY ➫ (বনরাজয) Antonym:-Peace
Example:- Our life in this world is not full of peace
13) APPEAR ➫ (আস্মবভূ জত হওয়া) Antonym:-Disappear
Example:- The thief quickly disappeared from the scene
14) APPRECIATE ➫ (প্রশংসা করা) Antonym:-Criticise
Example:- He has been nakedly criticised

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

15) APPROPRIATE ➫ (উপযু ক্ত) Antonym:-Inappropriate

Example:- Their conduct was inappropriate
16) APPROPRIATE ➫ (উপযু ক্ত) Antonym:-Wrong
Example:- They gave me wrong information
17) APPROXIMATELY ➫ (প্রায়) Antonym:-Exact
Example:- Do you know the exact figure
18) ARREST ➫ (দগ্রফতার করা) Antonym:-Release
Example:- The police did not release the culprit
19) ASSET ➫ (সম্পদ) Antonym:-Liability
Example:- ABC company’s liability is higher than its asset
20) ATTAIN ➫ (অজজন করা) Antonym:-Lose ➫ (হারাবনা)
Example:- Have you lost anything?
21) ATTRACTIVE ➫ (আকষজনীয়) Antonym:-Repulsive
Example:- Her behaviour was repulsive
22) AUTHENTIC ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Antonym:-Inauthentic
Example:- The news of their divorce is inauthentic
23) AUTOCRATIC(একনায়কতাস্মন্ত্রক) Antonym:-Democratic
Example:- Democatic system is better for people
24) AWARD ➫ (পরু ষ্কার) Antonym:-Blame
Example:- We won’t blame them for this
25) AWARENESS ➫ (সবচতনতা) Antonym:-Unconscious-Ness
Example:- They suffered a lot due to their unconsciousness
26) BAGGY ➫ (দ ালা) Antonym:-Tight
Example:- Your dress has been very tight
27) BEAUTIFUL ➫ (সু ন্দর) Antonym:-Ugly
Example:- The dog is an ugly animal
28) BEFOREHAND ➫ (সবার আবগ) Antonym:-Previous
Example:- He was a minister of previous government
29) BELIEF ➫ (স্মবশ্বাস) Antonym:-Disbelief ➫ (অস্মবশ্বাস)
Example:- There are some people who have disbelief in Allah
30) BENEFIT ➫ (উপকার) Antonym:-Harm
Example:- Addiction brings a great harm for us
31) BLEAK ➫ (হতাশাবযঞ্জক) Antonym:-Bright
Example:- Your future is bright
32) BLESSING ➫ (আশজীবাদ) Antonym:-Curse
Example:- A mother never curses her children
33) BLIGHT ➫ (অস্মনি) Antonym:-Blessings
Example:- The rain came as blessings

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

34) BLITHE ➫ (হাস্মসখুস্মশ) Antonym:-Anxious

Example:- Rais was anxious about his result
35) BONNY ➫ (সু শ্রী) Antonym:-Ugly
Example:- The crow is an ugly bird
36) BRAVE ➫ (সাহসী) Antonym:-Coward
Example:- He was a coward
37) BRIEF ➫ (সংবক্ষপ) Antonym:-Long
Example:- It was a long story
38) BRIEF ➫ (সংবক্ষপ) Antonym:-Elaborate
Example:- You have to make elaborate discussion
39) BROAD ➫ (প্রশস্ত) Antonym:-Narrow
Example:- Most of the roads of old Dhaka are narrow
40) BUSY ➫ (বযস্ত) Antonym:-Free
Example:- Are you free this evening?
41) CALM ➫ (শাি) Antonym:-Agitated
Example:- The police threw tear gas to disperse agitated mob
42) CALM(শাি) Antonym:-Excited
Example:- Why are you so excited?
43) CANCEL ➫ (বাস্মতল করা) Antonym:-Enforce
Example:- Law enforcing agency enforces law
44) CAREFULLY ➫ (সাবধাবন) Antonym:-Carelessly
Example:- The man handled the materials carelessly
45) CEASE ➫ (থামা) Antonym:-Start
Example:- Our class will start after a few days
46) CHEAP ➫ (সস্তা) Antonym:-High
Example:- The price of vegetables is very high
47) CHILDISH ➫ (স্মশশু সু লভ) Antonym:-Mature
Example:- You aren’t mature in habits
48) CHOOSY ➫ (খুুঁত খুুঁবত) Antonym:-Indifferent
Example:- The boy is indifferent to his study
49) CLOSE ➫ (স্মনকবি) Antonym:-Far
Example:- They live far away from Dhaka
50) CLOSE(স্মনকবি) Antonym:-Distant
Example:- They came here from a distant place
51) CLUMSY ➫ (অমাস্মজজত) Antonym:-Decent
Example:- She came wearing a decent dress
52) COMEDY ➫ (হাসযরসাত্মক) Antonym:-Tragedy
Example:- He had a great tragedy in his life

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

53) COMPLY ➫ (অনু সরণ করা) Antonym:-Disagree

Example:- I will disagree with you
54) CONFIDENT ➫ (আিাশীল) Antonym:-Doubtful
Example:- I am doubtful about your eagerness
55) CONFIRM ➫ (স্মনস্মিত করা) Antonym:-Cancel
Example:- We have cancelled our programme
56) CONSTRUCTION ➫ (গ ন) Antonym:-Destruction
Example:- We should refrain from all sorts of destruction
57) COURAGE ➫ (সাহস) Antonym:-Fear
Example:- You have no fear here
58) CREDIBLE ➫ (স্মবশ্বাসবযাগয) Antonym:-Incredible
Example:- The man narrated an incredible story
59) DAMAGE ➫ (ক্ষস্মত) Antonym:-Profit
Example:- Many businessmen earn higher profit
60) DANGER ➫ (স্মবপদ) Antonym:-Safety
Example:- Social safety is a must for people
61) DARING ➫ (সাহসী) Antonym:-Timid
Example:- Sakib is not a timid person
62) DARK ➫ (অন্ধকার) Antonym:-Light
Example:- There was no light there at that dark night
63) DECLARE ➫ (দঘাষণা করা) Antonym:-Hide
Example:- He will hide information
64) DECLARE ➫ (দঘাষনা করা) Antonym:-Hide
Example:- We did not hide the truth
65) DECLINE ➫ (প্রতযাখান করা) Antonym:-Agree
Example:- Do you agree with us?
66) DEFEAT ➫ (পরাজয়) Antonym:-Win
Example:- Bangladesh could not win the match
67) DELETE ➫ (মুবে দফলা) Antonym:-Undelete
Example:- Undelete the line
68) DELICATE ➫ (দু বজল) Antonym:-Strong
Example:- We are in favour of strong family bondage
69) DELIGHT ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow
Example:- There is none to see her sorrow
70) DELIGHT ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow
Example:- There is none to see the sorrow of the widow
71) DEPARTURE ➫ (প্রিান) Antonym:-Arrival
Example:- These shoes are new arrival

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

72) DEVELOPMENT ➫ (উন্নয়ন) Antonym:-Backwardness

Example:- They suffered a lot due to their backwardness
73) DEVIATE ➫ (স্মবচুযত হওয়া) Antonym:-Adhere To
Example:- We will adhere to our principles
74) DIMINISH ➫ (কমা/হ্রাস পাওয়া) Antonym:-Increase
Example:- Problems of Dhaka city are increasing day by day
75) DISPARITY ➫ (অসমতা) Antonym:-Parity
Example:- Parity should be established in the society
76) DISTRESS ➫ (স্মনদারুণ যন্ত্রণা) Antonym:-Pleasure
Example:- We should read books for pleasure
77) DIVINE ➫ (স্বগজীয়) Antonym:-Hellish
Example:- Many people suffer from helish pain in this world
78) DRY ➫ (শুকনা) Antonym:-Wet
Example:- Place the wet clothes in the sun
79) DULL ➫ (দভাতা) Antonym:-Sharp
Example:- Mr. Ruhul’s brain is very sharp
80) EARLY ➫ (তাড়াতাস্মড়) Antonym:-Late
Example:- He was late by two hours
81) EARNEST ➫ (আিস্মরক) Antonym:-Insincere
Example:- They seemed to be insincere
82) EFFEMINATE(বমবয়স্মল স্বভাব) Antonym:-Manly
Example:- Being a man, you should behave manly
83) ELDERLY ➫ (দপ্রৌঢ়) Antonym:-Younger
Example:- Do you have any younger brother?
84) EMINENT ➫ (প্রখযাত) Antonym:-Unknown
Example:- The man is unknown here
85) EMPTY ➫ (খাস্মল) Antonym:-Replete/Full
Example:- The shop is replete with various items
86) ENMITY ➫ (শত্রুতা) Antonym:-Friendship
Example:- Do you have friendship with them?
87) ENORMOUS ➫ (স্মবশাল) Antonym:-Trivial
Example:- Slum dwellers quarrel over trivial matters
88) EXCESS ➫ (অস্মতস্মরক্ত) Antonym:-Deficiency
Example:- We have huge deficiency in fund
89) EXCLUDE ➫ (বাদ দদওয়া) Antonym:-Include
Example:- Your name has been included in the list
90) EXCLUSIVE ➫ (বজজনকর) Antonym:-Inclusive
Example:- This is inclusive figure

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

91) EXHIBIT ➫ (প্রদশজন করা) Antonym:-Hide

Example:- Do not hide the truth
92) EXISTANCE ➫ (অস্মস্তত্ব) Antonym:-Extinction
Example:- People are responsible for the extinction of many animals
93) EXTRAVAGANT ➫ (অপবযয়ী) Antonym:-Economical
Example:- We should be economical in our life
94) FAITHFUL ➫ (স্মবশ্বাসী) Antonym:-Unfaithful
Example:- Some people are unfaithful
95) FAME ➫ (খযাস্মত) Antonym:-Notoriety
Example:- People hate the terrorist for his notoriety
96) FAMILIAR ➫ (পস্মরস্মচত) Antonym:-Unfamiliar
Example:- The man is unfamiliar here
97) FAMOUS ➫ (স্মবখযাত) Antonym:-Notorious
Example:- Ershad Shikdar was a notorious man
98) FERTILE ➫ (উবজর) Antonym:-Barren
Example:- In costal area, land is becoming barren due to saline water
99) FLATTER ➫ (বতাষাবমাদ করা) Antonym:-Censure
Example:- Mass people censured the leader for wrong decision
100) FLEXIBLE ➫ (নমনীয়) Antonym:-Rigid
Example:- Our position will be rigid
101) FOLLOW ➫ (অনু সরণ করা) Antonym:-Retreat
102) (পিািাবন করা)
Example:- The Pakistani forces retreated seeing the freedom fighters
103) FRIEND ➫ (বন্ধু) Antonym:-Foe
Example:- Beaware of your foe
104) GENUINE ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Antonym:-Fake
Example:- The police have recovered some fake currency
105) GIGANTIC ➫ (স্মবশাল) Antonym:-Small
Example:- They live in a small house
106) GLOOMY ➫ (মন মরা) Antonym:-Cheerful
Example:- They seemed to be cheerful
107) GOOD ➫ (ভাল) Antonym:-Bad
Example:- We should shun bad companies
108) GREAT ➫ (মহৎ) Antonym:-Unkind
Example:- Some rich people are unkind to the poor
109) HAPPY ➫ (সু খী) Antonym:-Unhappy
Example:- Many people are unhappy in this world

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

110) HARD ➫ (শক্ত) Antonym:-Soft

Example:- Mr. Sajid is a soft-minded man
111) HARSH ➫ (ককজশ) Antonym:-Sweet
Example:- The cuckoo sings with its sweet voice
112) HATE ➫ (ঘণা করা) Antonym:-Love
Example:- Do you love your country?
113) HATEFUL ➫ (ঘণয) Antonym:-Loveable
Example:- The baby is very loveable
114) HIDEOUS ➫ (অস্মত কুৎস্মসত) Antonym:-Beautiful
Example:- She is a beautiful lady
115) HOLY ➫ (পস্মবত্র) Antonym:-Unholy
Example:- Unholy alliance is always harmful
116) HONEST ➫ (সৎ) Antonym:-Dishonest
Example:- Many people are dishonest in our society
117) HOPE ➫ (আশা) Antonym:-Despair
Example:- His hope has turned into despair
118) HOSTILE ➫ (শত্রুভাবাপন্ন) Antonym:-Friendly
Example:- We have friendly relationship with them
119) HUGE ➫ (বযাপক) Antonym:-Little
Example:- There is a little milk in the glass
120) HUMAN ➫ (মানস্মবক) Antonym:-Inhuman
Example:- They committed inhuman work
121) HUMANE ➫ (পরদু ুঃখকাতর) Antonym:-Cruel
Example:- Are you a cruel man?
122) HUMBLE ➫ (স্মবনয়ী) Antonym:-Proud
Example:- Do you have anything to feel proud?
123) HYGIENIC ➫ (স্বািযকর) Antonym:-Unhygienic
Example:- Road side food is unhygienic for health
124) IDLE ➫ (অলস) Antonym:-Active
Example:- Masuda is an active person
125) IGNORANT ➫ (অস্মশস্মক্ষত) Antonym:-Educated
Example:- Mr. Ruhul is highly educated
126) IGNORE ➫ (অবজ্ঞা করা) Antonym:-Accept
Example:- They did not accept our proposal
127) IMMENSE ➫ (বযাপক) Antonym:-Limited
Example:- The resource of this world is limited
128) IMMORTALITY ➫ (অমরত্ব) Antonym:-Mortality
Example:- Mortality is the nature of human beings

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

129) IMPEDE ➫ (বযাহত করা) Antonym:-Expedite

130) (ত্বরাস্মিত করা)
Example:- Professional degree expedites one’s career
131) INCREASE ➫ (বস্মদ্ধ পাওয়া) Antonym:-Decrease
Example:- Temperature decreases in winter
132) INNOCENT ➫ (স্মনষ্পাপ) Antonym:-Guilty
Example:- A guilty soul always fears
133) INNOCENT ➫ (স্মনষ্পাপ) Antonym:-Sinner
Example:- Sinner will be punished today or tomorrow
134) ISSUE ➫ (োড়া) Antonym:-Stop
Example:- Stop doing your nonsense work
135) KIND ➫ (দয়ালু ) Antonym:-Cruel
Example:- As a man he is very cruel
136) LAME ➫ (দখাড়া) Antonym:-Strong
Example:- Yousuf is a strong man
137) LAME ➫ (দখাড়া) Antonym:-Convincing
Example:- Their arguments are convincing
138) LEGAL ➫ (ববধ) Antonym:-Illegal
Example:- Illegal money often invites many problems
139) LICENCE ➫ (অনু মস্মত) Antonym:-Veto
Example:- The USA put a veto on the bill
140) LOUND ➫ (উচ্চ স্বর) Antonym:-Slow
Example:- He told it in a slow voice
141) LOYALTY ➫ (স্মবশ্বস্ততা) Antonym:-Disloyalty
Example:- There is no room for disloyalty in the army
142) MAGNANIMOUS ➫ (পবরাপকাস্মর) Antonym:-Selfish
Example:- A student should be selfish about his/her study
143) MAGNIFICENT ➫ (জাুঁক-জমক পূ ণজ) Antonym:-Ordinary
Example:- It was an ordinary programme
144) MANDATORY ➫ (বাধযতামূ লক) Antonym:-Optional
Example:- This task is optional for you
145) MARRIAGE ➫ (স্মববয়) Antonym:-Separation
Example:- Separation between spouses is not good for children
146) MASSIVE ➫ (বযাপক) Antonym:-Tiny
Example:- They live in a tiny house
147) MAXIMUM ➫ (সববজাচ্চ) Antonym:-Minimum
Example:- Their minimum target is to earn twenty thousand taka

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

148) MEEK ➫ (নম্র ও বধযজশীল) Antonym:-Impolite

Example:- The boy is impolite
149) MERCIFUL ➫ (ক্ষমাশীল) Antonym:-Cruel
Example:- As a person he is very cruel
150) MERIT ➫ (দযাগযতা) Antonym:-Disqualification
Example:- Any sort of recommendation will be treated as disqualification
151) MERITORIOUS ➫ (বমধাবী) Antonym:-Dull
Example:- As a student he is very dull
152) MISERABLE ➫ (দশাচনীয়) Antonym:-Comfortable
Example:- Man hankers after a comfortable life
153) MISERY ➫ (দু রবিা) Antonym:-Happiness
Example:- Her happiness did not last long
154) MOCKING ➫ (স্মবদ্রুপকর) Antonym:-Respectful
Example:- We are respectful to law
155) MODERN ➫ (আধু স্মনক) Antonym:-Ancient
Example:- Her thinking is very ancient
156) MORAL ➫ (বনস্মতক) Antonym:-Immoral
Example:- Their immoral behaviour hurt us
157) NATIVE ➫ (দদস্মশ) Antonym:-Foreign
Example:- Mijan lives in a foreign country
158) NATURAL ➫ (প্রাকস্মতক) Antonym:-Unnatural
Example:- To rain heavily in winter is unnatural
159) NAUGHTY ➫ (দু ি) Antonym:-Good
Example:- She is a good girl
160) NEUTRAL ➫ (স্মনরবপক্ষ) Antonym:-Partial
Example:- He is partial to the people of his own locality
161) NULLIFY ➫ (বাস্মতল করা) Antonym:-Accept
Example:- Your proposal has been accepted
162) OBEY ➫ (মানয করা) Antonym:-Disobey
Example:- We shouldn’t disobey our elders
163) OBSOLETE ➫ (দসবকবল) Antonym:-Advanced
Example:- They are learning advanced English
164) OBVIOUS ➫ (অবশযম্ভাবী) Antonym:-Unsure
Example:- Her return is unsure
165) OPPOSITION ➫ (স্মববরাধী) Antonym:-Friendliness
Example:- Their friendliness charmed us
166) OPTIMISTIC ➫ (আশাবাদী) Antonym:-Pessimist
Example:- We should not be pessimist

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

167) PARDON ➫ (ক্ষমা করা) Antonym:-Punish

Example:- The thief has been punished
168) PATIENCE ➫ (বধযজ) Antonym:-Impatience
Example:- The result of impatience isn’t good
169) PETTY(ক্ষুদ্র) Antonym:-Big
Example:- This is a big task
170) PLEASURE ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow
Example:- It is a matter of great sorrow that many young people are drug
171) PRIMITIVE ➫ (প্রাচীন) Antonym:-Modern
Example:- Modern science has developed a lot
172) PROFICIENT ➫ (দক্ষ) Antonym:-Incompetent
Example:- He is an incompetent person
173) PROFOUND ➫ (গভীর) Antonym:-Light ➫ (হালকা)
Example:- They have been given heavy punishment for light offence
174) PROFUSE ➫ (মাত্রাস্মতস্মরক্ত) Antonym:-Meager
Example:- Our class was not held due to meager attendance
175) PROSPER ➫ (উন্নস্মত করা) Antonym:-Deteriorate
Example:- Flood situation is deteriorating
176) PROTECT ➫ (রক্ষা করা) Antonym:-Endanger
Example:- A bad friend may endanger your life
177) PROVE ➫ (প্রমাণ করা) Antonym:-Refute
Example:- Have you refuted their arguments?
178) PUBLIC ➫ (সরকাস্মর) Antonym:-Private
Example:- He works for a private company
179) PUGNACIOUS ➫ (কলহস্মপ্রয়) Antonym:-Peaceful
Example:- He is a peaceful man
180) PURE ➫ (খাুঁস্মি) Antonym:-Impure
Example:- Many people drink impure water
181) RARE ➫ (কদাস্মচৎ) Antonym:-Common
Example:- This is a common error
182) RECKLESS ➫ (দবপবরায়া) Antonym:-Cautious ➫ (সতকজ)
Example:- We are very cautious about our responsibilities
183) RECLINE ➫ (বহলান দদওয়া) Antonym:-Straighten
Example:- Straighten the bedsheet
184) REJOICE ➫ (আনন্দ) Antonym:-Sorrow
Example:- This is a matter of great sorrow

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

185) RESPECT ➫ (শ্রদ্ধা) Antonym:-Disrespect

Example:- Their behaviour indicated their disrespect on us
186) REVEAL ➫ (প্রকাশ করা) Antonym:-Conceal
Example:- Do not conceal the fact
187) ROBUST ➫ (দমািাবসািা) Antonym:-Weak
Example:- The man is physically very weak
188) RUSH ➫ (তীব্র দববগ েু বি যাওয়া) Antonym:-Lag
Example:- We are lagging behind day by day
189) SCARCITY ➫ (স্বল্পতা) Antonym:-Plenty
Example:- Plenty of jute grows in Bangladesh
190) SELFISH ➫ (স্বাথজপর) Antonym:-Unselfish
Example:- Mother’s love is unselfish
191) SENSIBLE ➫ (স্পশজকাতর) Antonym:-Irrational
Example:- This is an irrational demand
192) SHALLOW ➫ (অগভীর) Antonym:-Deep
Example:- This sea is very deep
193) SHARP ➫ (ধারাবলা) Antonym:-Blunt
Example:- The knife was blunt
194) SIGNIFICANT(গুরুত্বপূ ণজ) Antonym:-Insignificant
Example:- This information is insignificant
195) SOFT ➫ (নরম) Antonym:-Hard
Example:- Asad is a hard hearted man
196) SPACIOUS ➫ (চওড়া) Antonym:-Narrow
Example:- Most of the roads of Dhaka are very narrow
197) SPLENDID ➫ (মুগ্ধকর) Antonym:-Unimpressive
Example:- His way of talking was unimpressive
198) START ➫ (শুরু করা) Antonym:-Finish
Example:- Have you finished the work?
199) STRONG ➫ (শস্মক্তশালী) Antonym:-Weak
Example:- The man is too weak to walk
200) (বলাকস্মি এত দু বজল দয হাুঁিবত পাবর না)
201) SUCCESS ➫ (সফল) Antonym:-Failure
Example:- Failure is the pillar of success
202) SYMPATHY ➫ (সহানু ভূস্মত) Antonym:-Ruthlessness ➫ (স্মনমজমতা)
Example:- Their ruthlessness stunned us
203) TAME ➫ (দপাষা) Antonym:-Wild ➫ (বনয)
Example:- Some wild animals are ferocious

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বিবিন্ন প্রবিয োবিিোমূলক পরীক্ষোর স্টোবি মমবিবরয়োলস সম্পূর্ণ বিনোমূযলে মপযি আমোযের সোইযি বিবিি করুন

204) THEIST ➫ (আস্মস্তক) Antonym:-Atheist

Example:- There are a few atheists in our city
205) THICK ➫ (দমািা) Antonym:-Thin
Example:- The baby is very thin and sickly
206) TIE ➫ (বাধা) Antonym:-Untie
Example:- Untie the parcel
207) TRUST ➫ (স্মবশ্বাস) Antonym:-Distrust
Example:- Distrust is one of the reasons of conjugal conflict
208) UNIQUE ➫ (অননয) Antonym:-Common
Example:- Trafficjam is a common phenomenon in Dhaka
209) URBANE ➫ (মাস্মজজত) Antonym:-Impolite
Example:- Shafin is an impolite man
210) UTTER ➫ (পুরাপুস্মর) Antonym:-Partial
Example:- Your answer is partial
211) VACANT ➫ (খাস্মল) Antonym:-Engaged
Example:- Rahul is engaged in business
212) VACILATE(স্মিধাস্মিত হওয়া) Antonym:-Determine
Example:- We are determined to learn English
213) VISIBLE ➫ (দদখা যায় এমন) Antonym:-Invisible
Example:- Air is invisible but can be felt
214) VITAL ➫ (গুরুত্বপূ ণজ) Antonym:-Unimportant
Example:- We should not kill time for unimportant work
215) WAVER ➫ (স্মিধাগ্রস্ত বযস্মক্ত) Antonym:-Rigid
Example:- Their position was rigid
216) WEAKNESS ➫ (দু বজলতা) Antonym:-Strength
Example:- What is your strength?
217) WISDOM ➫ (প্রজ্ঞা) Antonym:-Ignorance
Example:- Their ignorance brought danger for them
218) WITHDRAW ➫ (প্রতযাহার করা) Antonym:-Put In
Example:- I will put your name in the list
219) ZENITH ➫ (চূ ড়া) Antonym:-Nadir
Example:- His position is at nadir
220) ZIGZAG ➫ (আকাবাকা) Antonym:-Straight

Example:- The road that leads to Gagipur is straight

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