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First, the pandemic COVID-19 has changed our social, work, family and

school life as a result, we have taken steps to avoid the COVID-19, at the same
time, these steps have been so difficult because of we are used to greet with a
kiss, talk with somebody without a mask, eat in a restaurant, do exercise
outdoor, etc. and nowadays, we must not do it anymore, therefore, It represents
a measure challenge.

The video is focused on the work life, specifically how the COVID-19 has
changed the way the employers work. I think this area was affected significantly
because some employers lost their jobs and others kept them; the most
employers work at home and some of them feel comfortable working in that way
because they are with their families and they probably feel safe at home,
nevertheless, others do not think in that form because they face some problems
with the technology, they do not have much time because of they have to help
to their children with their homework or their bosses give them lots of work. On
the other hand, there are some employees that their work did not give them the
option to work at home as doctors, nurses, shop assistants, drivers, chefs etc.
Despite of the health risk, they have to work for getting a salary and as result
their families are supported economically, they do not have other option.

Other point so important for me is the school life, the video did not talk
about that, but in my view, the COVID-19 Pandemic impacted seriously to all
the students and teachers of different levels and grades because we were not
ready to face the virtual platforms, we did not have the right resources as
internet, a good laptop, cellphone to run the softwares or we did not get the
knowledge to use them, however, the most students and teachers have put to
test all their knowledge about the basic platforms and have developed new
skills to face this situation.

As we have analyzed, the COVID-19 pandemic is a serious problem that

we have been facing every day. It is important that we continue with the steps to
come down the pandemic and in that way ensure a good economy where the
employees return to their jobs and who lost them can be employed again with a
good salary. This situation is not entirely negative, we are learning new ways to
teach and acquire knowledge.

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