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Selfieometry By: Dalhart Dobbs Period 4

1 - Parallelogram A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides

2 - Right Triangle A right triangle contains one right angle
3 - Square A square is a parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles
4 - Regular Polygon A regular polygon is a polygon that is both equilateral and equiangular
5 - Sphere A sphere is the set of points in that are a given distance r, the radius, from a given point C, the center
6 - Pentagon A pentagon is a polygon with five sides
7 - Perpendicular Bisector (H) The perpendicular bisector of a segment is a line, segment, or ray that is perpendicular to the
segment at its midpoint

8 - Circle A circle is the set of all points in a plane that are a given distance, the radius, from a given point, the center
9 - Congruent Polygons Congruent polygons are polygons that have corresponding sides congruent and corresponding angles
10 - Supplementary Angles Two angles are supplementary if the sum of their measures is 180°
11 - Vertical Angles Vertical angles are two angles whose sides form two pairs of opposite rays
12 - Isosceles Triangles An Isosceles triangle is a triangle that has at least two congruent sides
13 - Same-Side Interior Angles Same-Side interior angles lie on the same side of the transversal between parallel lines
14 - Rectangle A rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles
15 - Parallel Planes Parallel planes are planes that do not intersect
16 - Diameter of a Circle A diameter of a circle is a segment that contains the center of the circle and whose endpoints are on
the circle

17 - Perpendicular Lines Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect and for only right angles
18 - Parallel Lines Parallel lines are lines that lie in the same plane but do not intersect

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