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EDU 201 Field Observation

Assignment #1 (Observation)

1. The classroom that I observed in was organized chaos. The tables were in the middle

and on the outskirts of the class, it looked like it was used for storage. It was a decent

sized classroom, it holds a maximum of 40 students. The class had a pirate theme, so it

had decorations of Jolly Rogers, skulls, and treasure chests throughout the class.

2. For the most part, the average class size was 30 students which If I had to give a

percentage, I would say that it was 90% latino. The gender ratio was fairly equal and

there were no ELL students or any that had any physical challenges.

3. I did not see any class rules posted.

4. I did not see any posted class rules but I did see consequences that were up on the

board. 1. Warning 2. 2nd warning 3. Note/phone call home 4. Loss of privileges

Assignment #2 (Classroom Layout)

1. I did feel that Mrs. Jones used her given space effectively. At first glance it looks like

chaos but every spot in her class serves a purpose. She also used shelves all throughout

her class to help use her space efficiently.

2. I believe that Mrs. Jones has a great physical arrangement in her class. The only thing

that I would change would be where her desk is located. I would move it from the back

of the room to being close to the door for safety purposes.

Assignment #3 (instruction)

1. There was no posted weekly schedule, I only saw learning objectives that the

students will be learning for the day.

2. The class is divided in to groups of four with a maximum of ten teams.

3. In my opinion I feel that Mrs. Jones had a hybrid style of teaching her students. She

did a lot of lectures and had her students observe. She also had them attempt and

experiment and they also worked in groups.

4. Mrs. Jones has her students visualize and see her demonstrate what they will be

learning on the projector. Once they have done that, she has them attempt and

work together to help them accomplish that day’s objective.

5. For the most part I did see the students engaged in the lesson. Most were eager to

ask questions if they did not understand. They also seem excited to participate

especially when asked a question, I saw most of the class’s hands go up when they

were prompted to answer a question.

6. The only reason that a student would be isolated was if there was some type of

behavioral problem which I did not see at all during my observation.

7. There was not any type of transition from activity to activity at all. At the school I

was observing, they have rotational periods. When the students are in her class they

were learning how to properly write a letter which took the whole class period.

8. The teacher used very basic “attention getting” commands. The ones that I heard

were “listen up” and “be quiet”. They were effective as the students responded


9. The two different classes were well behaved for the most part. The only behavioral

problems that I observed were talking issues. Students would not focus on the

lesson and would instead talk and joke around amongst each other. The teacher
would raise her voice and in one instant pulled the student to the side and had a talk

with the student.

10. There were no hindrances involving instructional time. They rotate three times a day

and they are efficient in rotating. It takes them no more than 5 minutes to rotate.

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