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Design Structure Matrix

Esci 144 : Engineering Management


• To know what is Design Structure Matrix (DSM) and why would we use it
• To see the DSM Design
• To learn the relationships within a DSM
• To use DSM as part of process change
What is a Design Structure Matrix?

• A DSM is a graphical representation that visualizes the dependencies

between the different sub processes or elements within a system.
• A DSM demonstrates the importance of sequence in which tasks or sub-
processes are performed within a process.
Why would we use a DSM?

• Allows the user to discover flaws in the sequence of current processes and
make them more efficient.
• Can be used as quick reference on process dependencies when sub process
changes are made.
DSM design
• Always square
• Lists sub-processes on the left
• Sub-processed are listed the order of which they occur
• Relationships indicated through binary or impact value numbers
• The diagonal where the (X,Y) columns are the same is used as a boundary
between dependencies.
Relationships in DSM

• Parallel – sets of independent tasks that can be performed at the same time
and do not rely on input from each other.
• Sequential – parts that require input from previous tasks to complete.
• Coupled – tasks that require a “considerable exchange of information” to be
completed (R. Santanam). These tasks may require the rework of previous
tasks once they are completed. For that reason, these tasks are some times
referred to as iterative tasks.
DSM as part of process change
Process Optimization (Time is Money)
• Allows the user to discover flaws in the sequence of current processes and
make them more efficient
• Too many tasks that spawn feedback loops, or having to re-engineer sub-

Can be used as reference on process dependencies when sub-process changes

are made
Thank You!
Design Structure Matrix by Joshua Cunningham (October 19, 2016)

Group 6 :
Baroto, Borinaga, Pasa andYuson – BSME 5

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