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1. Roberts S.Do not attempt resuscitation policy. NHS Northamptonshire;

2. Resuscitation Group.Do not resuscitate policy(DNR) (for adults only).
NHS Wirral;2010
3. Mental Capacity Act 2005. UK: The Stationery Office Limited; 2005.
4. American Medical Association.Guidelines for the appropriate use of Do-
Not-Resuscitate orders.JAMA.1991:265:1868-71.:
5. Ethics Department. Decisions about cardiopulmonary resuscitation; model
patient information leafleat.BMA;2008.
6. Cabinet for Health and Family Service,Department for Community Based
Services,Division of Protection and Permanency,DNR request form
7. Children’s Hospital, Ethic Advisory Committee.Guidelines for Do-Not-
Resuscitate orders;2009.
8. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.Do not
attempt resuscitation (DNAR) decisions in the perioperative period.
9. Medical Society of New Jersey do not resuscitate(DNR) orders outside the
hospital:guidelines for healthcalkprofesionals, patiens, and their
10. Atlantic Health System Overlook Hospital.Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders:
guidelines for patients, families, and caregivers. AHS Bioethics Committee.
11. National Association of Emergency Medical Services
Physicians(NAEMSP).National guidelines for statewideiimplementation of
EMS”Do Not Resuscitate”(DNR) programs.1994.

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