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2ena0ts 1. PHP stands for [A] Hypertext preprocessor [B] Hypertext proessor [C] HTML preprocessor [D] HTML processor CChaplor-wise PHP Mulple Choice Questions and Answers [Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A 2. PHP scripts are used in [A] Server-side scripting [B] Command-line scripting [C] Client-side GUI applications [D] All of these above [Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D 3. Which is/are of the following is/are true about PHP-GTK ? [A] PHP-GTK provides an object-oriented interface to GTK+ classes and functions. [B] PHP-GTK is a library for PHP programming language which implements language bindings. [C] Only A [D] Both [A] and [8] [Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D itor okseris.comicomputer-ongneeringpnpintroduction-to-phpintrductor-to-php 12 2ena0ts CChaplor-wise PHP Mulple Choice Questions and Answers 4. PHP does not have an built in support for which one of the following ? [A] JPEG [B] GIF [C] MPEG (D] PDF [Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C 5. In PHP language PEAR stands for [A] PHP Enhancement and Application reduce [B] PHP Event and Application Repository [C] PHP Extension and Application Repository [D] None of these above [Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C itor okseris.comicomputer-ongneeringpnpintroduction-to-phpintrductor-to-php

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