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The Scholarship Selection Committee,

Xxxx scholarshipFoundation,


14th April, 2010

I hereby wish to recommend Mr. S.Rogers for the Xxxx scholarshipAward. I have
known Mr. Anas for the past 5 years during which he has been a student in our

Mr. Anas has been diligent and a very sincere student whose sheer hard-work is a
constant source of motivation for the other students. He has always excelled in his
academics and ranks among the top 3% in his class. To his credit, he has won many
prizes in academic as well as extra-curricular activities.

It’s noteworthy that despite of his financial problems he has shown an exemplary
academics result. In order to facilitate his studies he works part-time in the
Department Library and takes part-time teaching jobs.

However, the financial problems have not deterred his enthusiasm and motivation to
finish his Graduate and Post Graduate Studies.

I sincerely recommend Mr. Anas for the Xxxx scholarshipAward.



Mohammed zendden

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