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Workshop 2

Questions for discussion:

1. What is style? Theory of functional styles and its importance. What is
functional style?
2. Classification of functional styles (types and subtypes). Comment on problem
of classification.
3. The belles-lettres style, its substyles and its peculiarities.
4. Comment on main characteristics of publicist style.
5. Elaborate on peculiarities of newspaper style.
6. Characterize scientific prose style and its subtypes
7. Comment on the aim, subtypes and means of official documents style
8. Provide definitions and examples (no less than 3) to the following phonetic
expressive means:
Onomatopoeia (Direct / indirect)
What are their main functions?
9. Additionally, find and present the information on the system of versification,
poetic foot, rhythm and rhyme in English and Ukrainian. Comment on
peculiarities of the English rhymed verse.

Practical tasks:
1. Identify which functional styles (and substyles) the following texts belong to.
Dwell upon the features that helped you to choose.
Text 1
The recent illumination of linguistic abilities has revolutionary implications for our
understanding of language and its role in human affairs, and for our view of humanity
itself. Most educated people already have opinions about language. They know that it
is man’s most important cultural invention, the quintessential example
of its capacity to use symbols, and a biologically unprecedented event irrevocably
separating him from other animals. They know that language pervades thought , with
different languages causing their speakers to construe reality in different ways.
Text 2
Japan has wasted nearly a decade refusing to attack  its mountain of  bad bank loans.
It has gone from wildly underestimating the size of the festering  pile, to confessing
that it is some 77 trillion yen ($546 billion) high, to admitting – under intense recent
pressure from the United States – that it is indeed a health hazard
for the other countries in its neighbourhood. 
Last week Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto broke out the shovels, presenting a
long-awaited plan for cleaning up the mess.

Text 3
Take a fresh look at a network offering over 200 weekly flights, serving
48destinations in four continents. Aboard one of the world’s most advanced aircraft.
Experience the hospitality that warms up you mood from relaxed to refreshed to
reflective each time we start up the engines.
Royal Jordanian – Reflecting the Change.

Text 4
To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the
loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we can not do in a host of cooperative
Divided, there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds
and split as under. To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we
pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away to be
replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them
supporting out view.

Text 5
Dear Ms Allen,
Thank you for your letter of 1st September, requesting overdraft facilities of $500. In
order that this overdraft facility can be granted we would first need sight of
your contract of employment. Would you therefore kindly inform us of the School at
which you will now be earning your daily crust.
Yours sincerely,
A. Curtis
2. Identify the phonetic expressive means in the following passages:

• Синь уже синіє. Ніч іде нечутно, та для міста ночі наче і нема (В. Сосюра)
• Борвій-буран схопив дерева в бран; І ніжним чадом, чудом чистим
бузкова свічка понад листом вже злотом-променем жива (І. Драч)
• То як тобі пенати?
Тягнись, як шарий віл.
Десь шамотить Хрещатик
і кішлиться Поділ. (В. Стус)
• На восьме літо у неділю, Неначе ляля в льолі білій, Святеє сонечко
зійшло… (Т. Шевченко)
• We rode on again, silent in the slanting afternoon sun, the wall of trees on one
side, a drop on the other. Now the sea was a serene blue, deep and dark
• Корови моляться до сонця,
що полум’яним сходить маком.
Струнка тополя тонша й тонша,
мов дерево ставало б птахом. (Б.-І.Антонич)
• Немов хто косою — черк!
А вдруге світліше — дзінь!
(Володимир Свідзинський)
• I was just beginning to yawn with nerves thinking he was trying to make a fool
of me when I knew his tattarrattat at the door.
• He saw nothing and heard nothing but he could feel his heart pounding and
then he heard the clack on stone and the leaping, dropping clicks of a small rock
• She ate seven sandwiches on a sunny Sunday last year.
Rap rejects my tape deck, ejects projectile
Whether Jew or gentile, I rank top percentile
Many styles, more powerful than gamma rays
My grammar pays, like Carlos Santana plays.
• The lovely lilies shade me as I stroll through the soft and dewy flower beds.
• Sing to me of silent souls rising to heaven above us.
• Sarah crashed through tough surf fleeing dangerous sharks and their bites.

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