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Gramatică engleză

Practice the modal verbs with the following Romanian contexts:

1. Maybe no one remembers how it happened?
2. You should even get a car; the prices are rising and you may not find it
an opportunity.
3. If you were kind enough to introduce yourself, I could make an appointment
for you; expect a lot of audience for the director.
4. As much as you want something, you need to learn that it takes a lot of work to
get it.
5. They all insisted that he not get out of bed, because his health did not allow
him to do so.
6. I wish Santa would bring me some skates this year.
7. He cannot have missed such an important gathering.
8. I couldn't go to school yesterday because I was under medical supervision.
9. I can take your suitcase. It will be easier for you only with luggage.
10. Such events occur quite often when you are traveling.
11. Do you mind if I smoke on the balcony?
12. Although it was very late, I was finally able to finish that stressful project.
13. I know they were gone this morning so they should have been back by now.
14. How dare he just visit them at their daughter's reception without being invited
or even announced?
15. I wonder why they didn't bring their kitten too; she must feel very alone at
16. I would like to stop addressing such harsh words to me.
17. I suggested they come early because it's getting dark soon.
18. If now you can not move without the wheelchair, I am sure that in a few
months he will be able to take small rides.
19. No matter how much time you spend in their company, get a portable cassette
20. You didn't have to remember that anymore. You know he doesn't like being
21. It would be appropriate for young people to give up their seats on the bus for
the elderly.
22. They challenged us to a bicycle race in the city center park.
23. They cannot doubt the truth of your words.
24. You could have notified us from the beginning to know what action to take.
25. When we were little we were playing hide-and-seek in the backyard of the
26. He must have talked a lot during the conference because he was embarrassed
when he left.
27. They may have already passed us on the route and now they are probably
waiting for us.
28. I was able to do it myself then and I hope I'll do it again next time.
29. In the event (s) that you hear someone shouting, do not turn your head, but go
on with a quick step.
30. I couldn't close my eyes all night because of the neighbor above.
31. I couldn't close my eyes all night to keep the barracks unattended.
32. Whenever he saw him at the end of the lane, he would speed up the visible step
and pass the bullet past him, shaking his head.
33. We were advised to be more punctual and less noisy.
34. If he woke up early he would finish writing the article; maybe it's already over.
1. Do not rush. It must be a long time before the take-off takes off.
2. It's starting to snow so we have to get thicker clothes.
3. Did you notice that your brother's aunt has not arrived yet? You must have
missed the train.
4. The phone is ringing. Why are not you answering? He must be my classmate.
5. My younger sister is sleeping, so you don't have to make noise in the bedroom.
6. He was staring at me as if he knew me from somewhere. I had the same
feeling. He must have seen us somewhere else.
7. Now I will forgive you, but you do not have to repeat such mistakes.
8. Grandma doesn't knit anymore as usual in front of the fireplace: she must have
lost her glasses on the floor.
9. We don't have to park the car there! Don't see the indicator?
10. I don't know why he hasn't come yet. He is probably talking to his girlfriend in
the park.
1. Your parents should be much more cautious, right?
2. Fat people should not eat too many sweets, what do you think?
3. You should call him on his birthday, don't you?
4. You should buy Christmas gifts by now!
5. You shouldn't talk to strangers in any form.
6. You should visit us more often!
7. I think we shouldn't take it all over again.
8. You should be reviewing most of the subject: we're starting to forget, right?
9. If the pensioner still arrives, we should also pay the TV subscription.
10. You had to be more careful when crossing the street.
11. You should have quit smoking for a long time; now you would have no
problems with your heart and lungs.
12. You should not have told him the whole truth; don't you see how sad it is now?
13. If the postman with the child allowance still arrived, shouldn't the newspaper
have brought us today?
14. I think you should have relied more on your powers.
15. She said she should drive her to the station at least.
16. You see, it would not have been appropriate to make such a statement.
17. Maybe it was better to have taken you on the train, don't you think?
1. - Can she come with us?
- No, it's not allowed, only adults go.
2. You speak less rarely; I do not understand everything you say!
3. - Do you know how to play chimp or whistle?
- No, but I will have to know by the end of the course.
4. After the sun rose, I was able to get out onto the terrace.
5. I cannot read with these glasses; can i use yours?
6. - Can I take you to the airport?
- Yes, you can go with us - there's another free car seat.
7. I would have told you more in advance if I could ...
8. They could have come earlier, but they preferred to go back on foot.
9. I couldn't send the telegrams yesterday - I was told the post was closed.
10. He was very happy because he was able to buy the computer he needed so
11. They will be able to ski again as soon as it snows.
1. - I would rather not eat tonight than get fat again ...
- You better have tried a weight-loss cure.
2. I promise you'll have the t-shirts you want so soon.
3. Shouldn't we be waiting on the platform vis-à-vis?
4. I would rather take the universal literature exam in the fall session than now.
5. You should pay more attention to the English pronunciation. there are a lot of
words that are pronounced differently than they are written; In addition, make a lot of
intonation mistakes.
6. You should have listened to yesterday's radio show: it was very educational.
7. Wouldn't it be better to talk about it now, to remove any concerns?
8. - Ask him now, when he is better off and he has not yet got bored with all this
pipe work?
- No, it's not necessary ... Maybe you shouldn't ask him at all.
9. You'd better take care of organizing dinner. Each participant will only cover
your travel expenses.
10. Why encourage it? She doesn't need any encouragement. We better help her
11. - Tomorrow is the birthday of my fiancée. Should I call her many years old or
send her a greeting?
- You better get her a bouquet of flowers. It would be more pleasing to see you than to
hear you.
1. You will be able to play as soon as you finish the themes.
2. Can you talk less, please? I can't understand Italian very well.
3. There must be someone at home, because the door is open.
4. It would be good to take your umbrella - the rain begins and it may cool if it
gets wet.
5. I didn't finish the translation until midnight, so I had to work almost until dawn.
6. Do you really have to leave now? Can't you hang on a bit?
7. They told me they would rather live in a guesthouse than in a dormitory.
8. You can use the fire ladder anytime you want.
9. We think they were outraged when they heard this news when the evening
news was broadcast.
10. I suppose you could postpone the farewell show, if absolutely necessary.
11. The landlady should have looked nicer to the tourists, right?
12. He didn't even want to listen to me, even though I tried to explain his situation.
13. Don't you think you should visit her if you say she's not feeling well?
14. The deputy director must arrive from time to time.
15. I would prefer not to write by hand: I have a messy writing and in addition to the
computer I can make the correction much easier.
16. We were told we shouldn't stay here long. Many fines have been paid for violating the
regulation lately.
17. I must finish this manual before the end of the month.
18. The only one in our group who, according to him, knew how to speak something
German was George. The funny thing is that when in Frankfurt we met that German painter,
he couldn't even read a sentence like the world.
19. I understood that his neighbor knows how to cook heel like a master of culinary art
from a large Parisian restaurant.
20. It must have been snowing in the mountains, since the wind is so cold ...
21. You may not sit at the table without washing your hands!

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