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What did the article say the dispute was a worrying source of?

What kind of attacks did the article say were taking place?
In which area did the officials meet?

In what kind of meeting will the two nations resolve their dispute?
What kind of agreements will the nations follow?

What does LAC mean?

When was the Indo-China War?
What kind of terrain did the article say the border was on?
How long ago did China and India establish diplomatic relations?
What kind of resolution would further relations between China and India?

skirmish [ SKUR-mish ]
bilateral [ bahy-LAT-er-uh?l ]

diplomatic [ dip-luh-MAT-ik ]


procrastination - noun - to be slow or late about doing something that should be

Leopold [ LEE-uh-pohld ]

Why do people procrastinate?

Who do you know that always procrastinates?
When is it good to procrastinate?
When is it really bad to procrastinate?
What kinds of things do you put off doing?
How do you feel when other people put off something you want done soon?
Who is the most patient person you know?
What can procrastinators do to change their lives?

Do you ever forget to pay your bills on time?

How do you fee about the late charges on most bills?
What can someone do to have late charges forgiven?

What do people often forget to do on time

Have you ever known someone who was always early to important things?
Do you think people in other cultures are too relaxed?
Do you want to accomplish many things in your life or do you want to take it easy?
We finished on page 105, Have You Heard About Harry? - #6.
How many children would you like to have?
What kind of chores would you require your child to do?
Do you prefer to have a daughter or a son?

Do you think boys are more expensive than girls or vice versa? Why?
Do you think boys are easier to take care of than girls or vice versa? Why?
Would you help your child with their homework/

Would you allow your son or daughter to pierce body parts?

Would you allow your child to get a tattoo?.
What are some things that you would not allow your children to do?
Are there any sports that you consider too dangerous to allow your child to try? If
so, what sports?

Should a good mother give up her job to stay at home with her children?
Do you think it is OK for a father to stay at home with the children and have the
mother work instead?
Should women always get custody (keep the children) after a divorce? Why or why

What would you do if you found out your child was shoplifting (stealing)?
What would you do if your child lied to you?
What would you do if you found out your child jigged (skipped) school for a day?

empirical [ em-PIR-i-kuhl ]

Title: Animals Drink Alcohol


Title: Statue of Belgian King taken down after protests


reign [ reyn ]

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