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In this pandemic, it is true that the current pandemic and concern over a potential second
outbreak have disrupted traditional schooling practices, I am also having a hard time in adjusting
to the new normal way of learning since we, the students are used to the traditional learning
practices. The universities and colleges are building up a new strategy in learning and brought us
the new possibilities in reviving the education system.

This will be the first time that I will be taking my course subjects online. Although I’ve
had a few experiences of sending the requirements and taking a single subject online when I was
a senior high school student. Taking a whole course subjects online feels foreign to me. I admit
that I was scared and I became really anxious. The first question that came up to my mind was
“will I be able to do this?” “how will this work?” because the internet connection here in the
Philippines is unstable and a lot of students was struggling with their medium and resources. On
the first few days of me attending my online class, I can say that I did well because the level of
my attentiveness improved. I still attended our classes despite the inconsistent internet
connection, and I was attentive even though I’m struggling with that. The assignments that was
assigned for us to pass on a specific date was passed on or ahead of time. And I am trying my
best to listen to the orientation and discussions. Even though the internet connection was not
consistent, I can still manage to do and pass my assignment on time. I will still continue this
behavior in our online class and will try to be more attentive as much as possible,

The new normal online class learning system has its own pros and cons. Even though the
adjustment is hard and the accessibility to technology and resources is limited I still hope that I
will learn a lot from the new learning system. I will still follow the Netiquette and the Online
Learning Policy. I've learned that in order for the online class to be a success, I have to be
disciplined and I should be able to work well on my own. Since I won't be physically going to
class, I can still take part in class from the comfort of in my own home.

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