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Problem Statement
To develop a Cost effective, wearable thermometer patch to
monitor and treat the Covid-19 patients and save medical
staffs from Covid-19.

■ The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

(SARS-CoV-2; previously provisionally named 2019 novel
coronavirus or 2019-nCoV) disease (COVID-19) in China at the
end of 2019 has instigated a global outbreak with major public
health issues.
■ As per data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) on
11th February 2020 displayed more than 43000 confirmed cases
acknowledged in 28 states/countries, with > 99% of cases being
detected in China. On 30 January 2020, the WHO declared
COVID-19 as the sixth public health emergency of international
Existing System
■ As the pandemic accelerates, access to personal protective equipment
(PPE) for health workers is a key concern.
■ Medical staff are prioritized in many countries, but PPE shortages have
been described in the most affected facilities. Some medical staff are
waiting for equipment while already seeing patients who may be infected
or are supplied with equipment that might not meet requirements.
■ Alongside concerns for their personal safety, health-care workers are
anxious about passing the infection to their families.
■ Health-care workers who care for elderly parents or young children will
be drastically affected by school closures, social distancing policies, and
disruption in the availability of food and other essentials.
Project Concept
■ The System gathers data wirelessly through its specialized BLE/Wi-Fi
gateways which collects patients’ temperatures via their Temp smart
patches attached onto their bodies. In Taiwan, the 1000-bed Cheng Hsin
General Hospital, a government-designated coronavirus hospital,
deployed Temp Pal System in its negative pressure isolation rooms. It
reveals the cloud monitor system can save medical staffs’ time, reduce
record errors, decrease consumption of protective clothing, and their risk
of infection.
■ The system’s networking technology is relatively straightforward – the
thermometer connects via Bluetooth/WiFi to gateway, which reports
anonymized data back to AWS/ Azure cloud over the Internet.
■ Armed with the temperature reading and some basic demographic
information about the person whose temperature was taken and their other
symptoms, the app can offer rudimentary guidance about whether a visit
to the doctor is needed or not, and whether the user’s area is seeing
unusual levels of fever.
Proposed Architecture




Block Diagram


Heartbeat SCREEN
Sensor -1 Microcontroller/ Dashboard


Project Features

■ fast, professionally accurate and reliable and Show reading in few

■ BLE and Wi-Fi Connectivity
■ Low Powered and Battery operated
■ Remote monitoring
Hardware required

■ ESP32/ CC3300/Raspberry pi
■ Temperature sensors, Heartbeat Sensor, SPO2 Sensor
■ OLED Display
■ Power Supply (5V DC) / Battery
Software required

■ Programming language – Python / Node

■ Tool – PyCharm, FileZilla, SSH client
■ Protocol – MQTT / HTTP
■ Cloud – Amazon AWS / Google Firebase
■ Web – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
■ Other - Flask

■ Remote monitoring, Reduced Errors, Reduced Cost

■ Better patient experience
■ Improved disease management
■ Homecare– System allows patients to be monitored in the
comfort of their own homes.

■ Security and privacy

■ Risk of failure
■ Integration
■ Cost
While in 2020, the world continues to rely on classic public health measures for undertaking
the COVID-19 pandemic, a variety of digital technology is available that can be utilized to
enhance worldwide human health strategies. In order to overcome COVID-19 pandemic
challenges through digital technologies, current study propose a novel smart edge
surveillance system which is capable to (a) diagnose coronavirus infection in human body
with the help of health monitoring gadget, (b) recognize the virus suspected H2H chain with
the help of deep edge computing and IoT and (c) monitor the suspected person live tracking
through Application. The proposed model also provides a recommendation and alert
mechanism module to secure healthy persons whenever an infected/suspected person enters
in any public place.



■ Development and Implementation of Smart Healthcare Bidet - Sungphil Heo ; Suyong Jeong ; JunDong Lee ; Hwan-Seog Kim
2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI),Year: 2019 | Conference
Paper | Publisher: IEEE

■ Combination of a wireless sensor network and drone using infrared thermometers for smart agriculture Tomoya Moribe ;
Hiraku Okada ; Kentaro Kobayashl ; Masaaki Katayama 2018 15th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking
Conference (CCNC) Year: 2018 | Conference Paper | Publisher: IEEE

■ A temperature monitoring system incorporating an array of precision wireless thermometers Amir Javadpour ; Hamidreza
Memarzadeh-Tehran ; Fatemeh Saghafi 2015 International Conference on Smart Sensors and Application (ICSSA) Year: 2015 |
Conference Paper | Publisher: IEEE

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