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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Welcome To Lisp
Chapter 3: Lists
Chapter 4: Specialized Data Structures
Chapter 5: Control
Chapter 6: Functions
Chapter 7: Input And Output
Chapter 8: Symbols
Chapter 9: Numbers
Chapter 10: Macros
Chapter 11: CLOS
Chapter 12: Structure
Chapter 13: Speed
Chapter 14: Advanced Topics
Chapter 15: Example: Inference
Chapter 16: Example: HTML generation
Chapter 17: Example: Objects

A. Debugging
B. Lisp In Lisp
C. Changes To Common Lisp
D. Language Reference

Detailed Toc


Chapter 1: Introduction
1. New Tools
2. New Techniques
3. A New Approach

Chapter 2: Welcome To Lisp

1. Form
2. Evaluation
3. Data
4. List Operations
5. Truth
6. Functions
7. Recursion
8. Reading Lisp
9. Input And Output
10. Variables
11. Assignment
12. Functional Programming
13. Iteration
14. Functions As Objects
15. Types
16. Looking Forward

Chapter 3: Lists
1. Conses
2. Equality
3. Why Lisp Has No Pointers
4. Building Lists
5. Example: Compression
6. Access
7. Mapping Functions
8. Trees
9. Understanding Recursion
10. Sets
11. Sequences
12. Stacks
13. Dotted Lists
14. Assoc Lists
15. Example: Shortest Path
16. Garbage

Chapter 4: Specialized DataStructures

1. Arrays
2. Example: Binary Search
3. Strings And Characters
4. Sequences
5. Example: Parsing Dates
6. Structures
7. Examples: Binary Search Trees
8. Hashtables

Chapter 5: Control
1. Blocks
2. Context
3. Conditionals
4. Iteration
5. Multiple Values
6. Aborts
7. Example: Date Arithmetic

Chapter 6: Functions
1. Global Functions
2. Local Functions
3. Parameter Lists
4. Example: Utilities
5. Closures
6. Example: Function Builders
7. Dynamic Scope
8. Compilation
9. Using Recursion

Chapter 7: Input And Output

1. Streams
2. Input
3. Output
4. Example: String Substitution
5. Macro Characters

Chapter 8: Symbols
1. Symbol Names
2. Property Lists
3. Symbols Are Big
4. Creating Symbols
5. Multiple Packages
6. Keywords
7. Symbols And Variables
8. Example: Random Text

Chapter 9: Numbers
1. Types
2. Conversion And Extraction
3. Comparison
4. Arithmetic
5. Exponentiation
6. Trigonometric Functions
7. Representation
8. Example: Raytracing

Chapter 10: Macros

1. Eval
2. Macros
3. Backquote
4. Example: QuickSort
5. Macro Design
6. Generalized Reference
7. Example: Macro Utilities
8. On Lisp

Chapter 11: CLOS

1. Object Oriented Programming
2. Classes And Instances
3. Slot Properties
4. Superclasses
5. Precedence
6. Generic Functions
7. Auxiliary Methods
8. Method Combination
9. Encapsulation
10. Two Models

Chapter 12: Shared Structure

1. Shared Structure
2. Modification
3. Example: Queues
4. Destructive Functions
5. Example: Binary Search
6. Example: Doubly Linked Lists
7. Circular Structure
8. Constant Structure

Chapter 13: Speed

1. The Bottleneck Rule
2. Compilation
3. Type Declarations
4. Garbage Avoidance
5. Example: Pools
6. Fast Operators
7. Two Phase Development

Chapter 14: Advanced Topics

1. Type Specifiers
2. Binary Streams
3. Read Macros
4. Packages
5. The Loop Facility
6. Conditions

Chapter 15: Example: Inference

1. The Aim
2. Matching
3. Answering Queries
4. Analysis

Chapter 16: Example - Generating HTML

2. HTML Utilities
3. An Iteration Utility
4. Generating Pages

Chapter 17: Example: Objects

1. Inheritance
2. Multiple Inheritance
3. Defining Objects
4. Functional Objects
5. Defining Methods
6. Instances
7. New Implementation
8. Analysis

A. Debugging
B. Lisp In Lisp
C. New Implementation
D. Analysis

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