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Hippocrates – the father of medicine

Hippocrates is considered the father of medicine because in his books which are more than 70 he
described in a scientific manner many diseases and their treatments after a series of investigations.

Hippocrates and his followers were first who described many diseases and medical conditions. He began
to categorize illnesses as acute, chronic, endemci and epidemic and use terms as crisis, resolution,
covalescence. Another of Hippocrate’s major contribution may be found in his descriptions of the
symptomatology, physical findings.

Hippocrates’s achievements are still big until today. There is no person who doesn’t know who is
Hippocrates and his major role in medicine. In conclusion I want to emphasize the idea that medicine is
an old branch which is studied from ancient times until present. It is not enough a whole life to study all
aspects of this noble job. I think that Hippocrates formed a good beginning for future and for safety life.

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