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Febie Kris O.

Post Hoc Tests

Means Plots
A one-way ANOVA was used to conduct to compare the Science grades the of different strands of the Senior
High School students, the TVLE, ABM, HUMSS/GAS, STEM. All of strands consist of 30 samples each. The descriptive statistics
shows that the TVLE has M=78.3667 SD= 4.39814, ABM has M= 84.5667 SD= 3.93642 , HUMSS/GAS has M= 81.9000 SD=
3.56564, STEM has M= 87.8000 SD= 3.25259. It shows in the test of homogeneity that the sig.= .438 using the Levene’s test.
This means that the variances are assumed equal since it is >.05.

There was a statistically significant differences between group means as shown and determined by one-way ANOVA
(F (3,116) =33.078, p=.000). The effect size was very large (eta squared= .46 ). The Post-Hoc comparison using Bonferroni
showed that the mean scores for each group were statistically difference from each other.

Solution :

Eta squared = (sum of squares bet. group) / (total sum of squares)

= (1442.158/3127.992)

= .46

The Kruskal-Wallis Test also was used to know the different mean ranks of each strand on their correspondence
Science grades. On the Science grade of SHS students, TVLE has a mean rank of 28.92, ABM has 71.10 mean rank,
HUMSS/GAS has 49.42, and STEM has a mean rank of 92.57. The strands that achieve most of the number were the STEM
strand of SHS, which has a big difference compare to the mean rank of TVLE strand. The Asymp Sig. is equal to .000, this
means that there is a significant difference on the groups of data given. Lastly, the independent samples- Kruskal Wallis test
shows the sig. value of .000, as the result, Hypothesis Test Summary decision was then reject the null hypothesis, this mean
that the data violate the homogeneity.

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