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Learning Journal Oral Interaction

The activity carried out yesterday had the purpose of seeing our experiences as
apprentices and to see how the theory justifies those educational, methodological and
educational processes. The strategy I used was to read the documents and take out the
concepts that were most identified or marked my life as an apprentice and also now as a
professional, taking into account that in my university process I was able to know the
theory of the next point of development or the critical period, which helped me a lot to
understand these theories in the readings that we had to develop the activity. With the
presentations of my classmates I realized that most of us had similar experiences with
respect to learning English and what goals we want to achieve with our career. For
example, Veronica said that her parents encouraged her to learn English from an early age
with music and videos and something very similar happened to me since I watched movies
and played games. What I learned from my classmates about learning English is that
motivation is a fundamental factor for all of us to be interested in learning a language but
we all agree that a language should be learned to improve not only our lives abroad but
also to improve our internal capabilities such as Bryam Marin who learned English only for
a job but ended up becoming the bridge to begin his goal of being a bilingual teacher and
the independence we all have to understand that being an English teacher is not only
knowing English and handling a computer almost to perfection, means transcending every
day and cultural limitations and showing our students that learning English or another
language opens the way to an experience full of diversity and entrepreneurship where
they not only improve economically but also as people and citizens

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