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Snails and Slugs

Integrated Pest Management for Home Gardeners and Landscape Professionals

Snails and slugs are among the most Snails and slugs are most active at
bothersome pests in many gardens and night and on cloudy or foggy days. On
landscapes. The brown garden snail, Cor- sunny days they seek hiding places out
nu aspersum (formerly Helix aspersa), is the of the heat and bright light. Often the
most common snail causing problems in only clues to their presence are their
California gardens (Fig. 1). It was intro- silvery trails and plant damage. In
duced from France during the 1850s for areas with mild winters, such as south-
use as food. Another troublesome snail is ern coastal locations, snails and slugs
the white garden snail, Theba pisana (Fig. can be active throughout the year.
2). It currently is established only in San
Diego County but has been found in Los During cold weather, snails and slugs Figure 1. Brown garden snail.
Angeles and Orange counties as well. hibernate in the topsoil. During hot,
dry periods or when it is cold, snails
Several species of slugs also cause seal themselves off with a parchment-
damage including the gray garden slug like membrane and often attach them-
(Deroceras reticulatum, formerly Agrio- selves to tree trunks, fences, or walls.
limax meticulatus) (Fig. 3), the banded
slug (Lehmannia poirieri), the three-band DAMAGE
garden slug (L. valentiana), the tawny Snails and slugs feed on a variety of liv-
slug (Limacus flavus) (Fig. 4), and the ing plants and on decaying plant matter.
greenhouse slug (Milax gagates). They chew irregular holes with smooth
edges in leaves and flowers and can clip Figure 2. Adult white garden snail,
IDENTIFICATION AND succulent plant parts. They also can
Theba pisana.
BIOLOGY chew fruit and young plant bark.
Both snails and slugs are members of
the mollusk phylum and are similar in Because they prefer succulent foliage or
structure and biology, except slugs lack flowers, they primarily are pests of seed-
the snail’s external, spiral shell. These lings and herbaceous plants, but they
mollusks move by gliding along on a also are serious pests of ripening fruits
muscular “foot.” This muscle constant- that are close to the ground such as
ly secretes mucus, which facilitates strawberries, artichokes, and tomatoes.
their movement and later dries to form They also will feed on foliage and fruit
the silvery “slime trail” that signals the of some trees; citrus are especially sus-
presence of either pest. ceptible to damage. Look for the silvery Figure 3. Gray garden slugs with chew-
mucous trails to confirm slugs or snails ing damage and slime trails on leaves.
All land slugs and snails are hermaph- caused the damage and not earwigs,
rodites, so all have the potential to lay caterpillars, or other chewing insects.
eggs. Adult brown garden snails lay an
average of 80 spherical, pearly white MANAGEMENT
eggs (Fig. 5) at a time into a hole in the A good snail and slug management pro-
soil. They can lay eggs up to 6 times a gram relies on a combination of methods.
year, and it takes about 2 years for snails The first step is to eliminate, as much as
to mature. Slugs reach maturity after possible, all places where they can hide
about 3 to 6 months, depending on the during the day. Boards, stones, debris,
species, and lay clear, oval to round eggs weedy areas around tree trunks, leafy
in batches of 3 to 40 beneath leaves, in branches growing close to the ground, Figure 4. Tawny slug, also called yellow
soil cracks, and in other protected areas. and dense ground covers such as ivy are cellar slug.

University of California
Publication 7427

Statewide Integrated Pest Management

Agriculture and Natural Resources November 2009
November 2009 Snails and Slugs

ideal sheltering spots. It won’t be possible to potential hiding places. After the
to eliminate some shelters such as low population has noticeably declined, a
ledges on fences, the undersides of wood- weekly handpicking can be sufficient.
en decks, and water meter boxes, so make
a regular practice of trapping and remov- To draw out snails and slugs, water the
ing snails and slugs from these areas. infested area in the late afternoon. After
dark, search them out using a flashlight,
Locate vegetable gardens or susceptible pick them up (rubber gloves are handy
plants as far away from snail and slug when slugs are involved), place them in
hiding places as possible. Reducing hid-
a plastic bag, and dispose of them in the
ing places allows fewer snails and slugs Figure 5. Snail eggs.
trash. You also can put them in a bucket
to survive. The survivors congregate in
with soapy water and dispose of them
the remaining shelters, where you can
more easily locate and remove them. in your compost pile after they are dead.
Alternatively, crush captured snails
Switching from sprinkler irrigation to and slugs and leave them in the garden.
drip irrigation will reduce humidity and Another option for killing slugs you
moist surfaces, making the habitat less have collected is to spray them with a
favorable for these pests. Choose snail- solution of household ammonia diluted
proof plants, such as those listed below, to a 5 to 10% solution in water.
for areas where snails and slugs are
dense. Copper barriers can be useful for Traps Figure 6. This turned over board trap
protecting especially susceptible plants. reveals snails on its underside.
You can trap snails and slugs beneath
Though baits can be part of a manage-
boards or flower pots that you position
ment program, it is better to use them in
throughout the garden and landscape.
conjunction with other habitat modifica-
tion, especially in gardens that contain Inverted melon rinds also make good
plenty of shelter, food, and moisture. traps. Construct wooden traps using 12-
by 15-inch boards (or any easy-to-han-
Plant selection can greatly affect how dle size) raised off the ground by 1-inch
difficult your battle with snails and runners (Fig. 6). The runners make it
slugs will be. Because snails and slugs easy for the pests to crawl underneath.
favor seedlings and plants with succu- Scrape off the accumulated snails and
lent foliage, you will need to vigilantly slugs daily and destroy them; crushing
protect these. Some plants these pests is the most common method. Don’t use Figure 7. Copper barriers can keep snails
will seriously damage include basil, salt to destroy snails and slugs, since it and slugs out of trees and raised beds.
beans, cabbage, dahlia, delphinium, will increase soil salinity.
hosta, lettuce, marigolds, strawberries, Barriers
and many other vegetable plants. On the Some people use beer-baited traps Several types of barriers will keep
other hand, many plants resist snail and buried at ground level to catch and snails and slugs out of planting beds.
slug damage including begonias, Cali- The easiest to maintain are those made
drown slugs and snails that fall into
fornia poppy, fuchias, geraniums, impa- with copper flashing and screen. It is
them. Because it is the fermented part
tiens, lantana, nasturtiums, and purple believed that copper barriers are effec-
of the product that attracts these pests,
robe cup flower as well as many plants tive because the copper reacts with the
with stiff leaves and highly scented foli- you also can use a sugar-water and
yeast mixture instead of beer. However, slime that snails and slugs secrete, caus-
age such as lavender, rosemary, and sage. ing a disruption in their nervous system
Most ornamental, woody plants, and these traps aren’t very effective for the
similar to an electric shock. When erect-
ornamental grasses also aren’t seriously labor involved. Beer traps attract slugs
ing vertical copper screens, it is best to
affected. If you design your landscape and snails within an area of only a few
use ones that are at least 4 inches tall, so
using snail and slug resistant plants, you feet, and you must replenish the bait you can bury a portion of it a few inches
are likely to have very limited damage. every few days to keep the level deep below the soil to prevent slugs from
enough to drown the mollusks. Traps crawling beneath the barrier.
Handpicking must have deep, vertical sides to keep
Handpicking can be very effective if the snails and slugs from crawling out Copper foil (e.g. Snail-Barr) wrapped
done thoroughly on a regular basis. and a top to reduce evaporation. You around planting boxes, headers, or trunks
At first you should look for snails and can purchase this type of snail and (Fig. 7) will repel snails for several years.
slugs daily, paying careful attention slug trap at garden supply stores. When banding trunks, wrap the copper

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November 2009 Snails and Slugs

foil around the trunk, tab side down, and problems. Be careful, though, as these
cut it to allow an 8-inch overlap. Attach birds also can eat seedlings.
one end or the middle of the band to the
trunk with one staple oriented parallel to The predatory decollate snail, Rumina de-
the trunk. Overlap and fasten the ends collata, (Fig. 9) has been released in South-
with one or two large paper clips to al- ern California citrus orchards to control
low the copper band to slide as the trunk young brown garden snails and is pro-
grows. Bend the tabs out at a 90° angle viding very effective biological control. It
from the trunk. If the bands tarnish, you feeds only on small snails, not full-sized
can clean them with a vinegar solution. ones. Because of the potential impact of
the decollate snail on certain endangered Figure 8. The devil’s coach horse, Ocy-
When using copper bands on planter mollusk species, it can’t be released in pus olens, which is more than an inch
long, is a predatory beetle that feeds on
boxes, be sure the soil within the boxes California outside of Fresno, Imperial,
snails and slugs.
is snail free before applying them. If Kern, Los Angeles, Madera, Orange, Riv-
it isn’t, handpick the snails and slugs erside, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino,
from the soil after applying the band San Diego, Ventura, and Tulare counties.
(but before planting new plants) until Decollate snails can feed on seedlings,
the box is free of these pests. Solarizing small plants, and flowers and can be a
the soil—a technique that uses clear, nuisance when they cover the back patio
plastic tarp and the sun’s heat—is a on a misty day. Because snail baits will
good way to kill eggs in raised beds. kill decollate snails, you shouldn’t use
them where these predators are active.
Instead of copper bands, Bordeaux
mixture (a copper sulfate and hydrated Baits
lime mixture) or copper sulfate alone Snail and slug baits can be effective Figure 9. The decollate snail is a preda-
brushed onto trunks will repel snails. when used properly in conjunction tor of snails.
One treatment should last about a year. with a cultural program incorporating
Adding a commercial spreader or white the other methods discussed above. Baits containing only metaldehyde are
latex paint can help the Bordeaux mix- However, baits alone won’t effectively most reliable when temperatures are
ture remain effective for two seasons. control snails or slugs. Baits are toxic to warm or during periods of lower hu-
all snails and slugs, including the pred- midity. When it is sunny or hot, these
Barriers of dry ashes or other abrasives atory decollate snail and native species. baits cause snails and slugs to die from
heaped in a band 1 inch high and 3 desiccation or dehydration. The pests
inches wide around the garden also can Several types of snail and slug bait prod- usually die with one day of ingesting
be effective. However, these barriers lose ucts are available. Baits containing the the chemical or getting it on their foot.
their effectiveness after becoming damp, active ingredient metaldehyde are most If cool, wet weather follows the bait-
making them difficult to maintain and common; however, metaldehyde baits ing, they can recover if they ingest a
not very useful in most garden situations. are particularly poisonous to dogs and sublethal dose. Don’t water heavily for
cats, and the pelleted form is especially at least 3 or 4 days after bait placement,
Natural Enemies attractive to dogs. Don’t use metaldehyde since watering will reduce effectiveness.
Snails and slugs have many natural en- snail baits where children and pets could Most metaldehyde baits break down
emies including ground beetles, patho- encounter them. Metaldehyde baits con- rapidly when exposed to sunlight and
gens, snakes, toads, turtles, and birds, taining 4% active ingredient are more high irrigation; however, some paste or
but most are rarely effective enough effective than those containing only 2%; bullet formulations (e.g. Deadline) hold
to provide satisfactory control in the however, they also are more toxic to dogs up somewhat longer in these conditions.
garden. One predator found in some and wildlife. Avoid getting metaldehyde
California gardens is a large Staphyli- bait on plants, especially vegetables. Iron phosphate baits—available under
nid beetle called the devil’s coach horse, many trade names including Sluggo
Ocypus olens (Fig. 8). However, this Some metaldehyde products are formu- and Escar-Go—have the advantage
beetle, which is more than 1-inch long, lated with carbaryl, partly to increase of being safe for use around children,
also will feed on ripening or decaying the spectrum of pests controlled such domestic animals, birds, fish, and other
fruits and vegetables. as soil- and debris-dwelling insects, spi- wildlife, making them a good choice
ders, and sowbugs. However, carbaryl for an integrated pest management
Domesticated fowl—such as ducks, is toxic to earthworms and soil-inhab- program in your garden. Ingesting
geese, or chickens—kept penned in iting beneficial insects such as ground even small amounts of the bait will
infested areas can be effective snail beetles, so it is better to avoid using cause snails and slugs to stop feeding,
predators that significantly reduce snail baits containing carbaryl. although it can take several days for

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November 2009 Snails and Slugs

the snails to die. You can scatter the and Native Fauna of California. Oakland:
bait on lawns or on the soil around any Univ. Calif. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 8336.
vegetable, ornamental, or fruit tree that
needs protection. Iron phosphate baits Sakovich, N. J., J. B. Bailey, and T. W.
can be more effective against snails Fisher. 1984. Decollate Snails for Con-
than slugs overall and more effective trol of Brown Garden Snails in Southern
than metaldehyde during periods of
California Citrus Groves. Oakland: Univ.
higher humidity. Snails and slugs tend
Calif. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 21384. v
to hide before they die, so you won’t
see scattered empty shells or dead
snails and slugs as you would if treat-
ing them with metaldehyde.

Sprinkle baits in areas that snails and

slugs regularly frequent such as around
sprinkler heads. Placing baits repeated- AUTHORS: M. L. Flint, UC Statewide IPM University of California scientists and other
ly in the same areas maximizes control, Program, Davis/Entomology, UC Davis; and qualified professionals have anonymously peer
because mollusks tend to return to food C. A. Wilen, UC Statewide IPM Program,
reviewed this publication for technical accuracy. The
ANR Associate Editor for Urban Pest Management
source sites. Never pile bait in mounds San Diego Co. managed this review process.
or clumps, especially those products To simplify information, trade names of products
that are more hazardous, because pil-
EDITOR: M. L. Fayard have been used. No endorsement of named products
is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products
ing makes bait attractive to pets and ILLUSTRATIONS: Figs. 1, 3–7 and 9, J, that are not mentioned.
children and is not as effective as sprin- K. Clark, Fig. 2, D. Rosen; and Fig. 8, R.
This material is partially based upon work
supported by the Extension Service, U.S. Department
kling. Thick, liquid baits might persist Weinstein. of Agriculture, under special project Section 3(d),
better when it is rainy or in areas that Integrated Pest Management.
receive sprinkler irrigation.
Produced by UC Statewide
Integrated Pest Management Program
The timing of any baiting is critical; bait- University of California, Davis, CA 95616
ing is less effective during very hot, very This and other Pest Notes are available at
dry, or cold times of the year, because
snails and slugs are less active during
these periods. Irrigate before applying a For more information, contact the University of
California Cooperative Extension office in your
bait to promote snail activity, and apply county. See your telephone directory for addresses University of California
the bait in the late afternoon or evening. and phone numbers, or visit Agriculture and Natural Resources Program
Sprinkle bait around sprinklers, close to
walls and fences, or in other moist and WARNING ON THE USE OF CHEMICALS
protected locations, or scatter it along Pesticides are poisonous. Always read and carefully follow all precautions and safety recommendations
given on the container label. Store all chemicals in the original, labeled containers in a locked cabinet or shed,
areas that snails and slugs cross to get away from food or feeds, and out of the reach of children, unauthorized persons, pets, and livestock.
from sheltered areas to the garden. Pesticides applied in your home and landscape can move and contaminate creeks, rivers, and oceans.
Confine chemicals to the property being treated. Avoid drift onto neighboring properties, especially gardens
containing fruits or vegetables ready to be picked.
REFERENCES Do not place containers containing pesticide in the trash or pour pesticides down the sink or toilet. Either use
the pesticide according to the label, or take unwanted pesticides to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Dreistadt, S. H., J. K. Clark, and M. L. site. Contact your county agricultural commissioner for additional information on safe container disposal and
Flint. 1994. Pests of Landscape Trees and for the location of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection site nearest you. Dispose of empty containers
Shrubs: An Integrated Pest Management
by following label directions. Never reuse or burn the containers or dispose of them in such a manner that
they may contaminate water supplies or natural waterways.
Guide. Oakland: Univ. Calif. Agric. Nat.
The University of California prohibits discrimination or harassment of any person on the basis of race,
Flint, M. L. 1998. Pests of the Garden and color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy (including childbirth and medical conditions
related to pregnancy or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or
Small Farm: A Grower’s Guide to Using genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the
Less Pesticide. 2nd ed. Oakland: Univ. uniformed services (as defined by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of
1994: service in the uniformed services includes membership, application for membership, performance of
Calif. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3332. service, application for service, or obligation for service in the uniformed services) in any of its programs
or activities.
Koehler, C. and W. Barclay. 1983. Snail University policy also prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person in any of its programs or activities
for making a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment or for using or participating in the investigation
Barriers. California Agriculture 37(9-10):15. or resolution process of any such complaint.
University policy is intended to be consistent with the provisions of applicable State and Federal laws.
Inquiries regarding the University’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Affirmative Action/
McDonnell, R., T. Paine, and M. J. Gor- Equal Opportunity Director, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1111 Franklin Street,
mally. 2009. Slugs: A Guide to the Invasive 6th Floor, Oakland, CA 94607, (510) 987-0096.

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