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The true doctor should know life, feel it and understand its pattern of flow, like a
blueprint of life, the same as he knows his anatomy, so he can skillfully direct its
wireless currents by removing the blocks and short circuits in the various fields. A
good electrician knows where to look for short circuits in a house and what to do
about them. So also should a good physician know the wireless anatomy of the
human body, which is none other than its energy circuit.

Dr. Randolph Stone

We accept the general truth all around the world has confirmed that modern
civilization is the major problem for a decrease in Health, Restoration & Fulfillment in
our lives. Much research work proves that magnetism is one of the influential factors
for the future Restoration of discomfort and Fulfillment in our lives. Now one must
think should we stop the progress and start living on the previous anecdotes of our
ancestors. No, we need not do that: we can direct our focus to one of the essential
laws of nature, which have proved requisite for the existential life form on earth.
Magnetism has played a pivotal role throughout the centuries like to study the motion
between; the sun and the surrounding planets. Every living cell dwells on the
influence of the magnetic field, both in and out of the environment. Millions of
chemical reactions take place every day in our bodies. Every cell and organ in our
body has a different magnetic fluctuating parameter, which proves its existence. It’s
fascinating and curious to understand the energy form of magnetism has been the
savior of humankind. It leads us to believe that gene, which is the primary genetic
material for sequencing of a double-stranded helical structure called DNA by joining
the negative and positive magnetism in a figure of eight. By considering the facts, it
gives us the signs to recognize and associate the development of zygote cells in the
human embryo with the fundamental natural energies of magnetism, which is also in
the arrangement of a figure of eight. The human body is a pool of information and a
living energy system. Every individual functions at various energy levels out of, which
the magnetism has been the nearer one to the human DNA. DNA carries the genetic
material to site the specific amino acids into succession for the chemical interplay
and growth of the human body to the stresses placed by the environmental factors
and internal biochemistry errors daily. The relation of amino acids in their motion of
energy relative to negative and positive natural magnetism. Amino acids rotate to the
left during life and after death, to the right.

The Human energy field.

Every living creature on the earth has a distinct and different energy field around it.
It’s very clear from the scientific proof, as they learned this in ancient days. Every cell
in the human body communicates to the adjacent cell by transmitting
electromagnetic energies. Nowadays, we can visualize these electromagnetic
energies and distinguish the possibility of a change in the wavelength's emission of
vitality from the human body. According to the first law of thermodynamics states that
the total energy of an isolated system is constant. ​For example, we sweat and feel
warm when we are in a room full of people, and the sweating becomes excessive if
the room size is small. This happens because your body is trying to cool off itself and
hence transfers heat from your body in the form of ‘sweat.’ So it’s proof that the
human can emit electromagnetic energies of many frequencies. When a mother
takes care of a newborn child with love, devotion, and a sense of comfort. It means
that the touch that she offers to her child brings relief to her and the child. Both the
child and the mother transmit their electromagnetic energies to each other at varying
frequencies and get adapted to the feelings and emotions even when they are not
together. It’s simple to understand when a baby cries it is the mother who comes to
the rescue to take away the loneliness he/she might have felt at that moment.

Mind and Brain

It’s fascinating that both of us treat these entities differently, yet they are very close
to each other because the mind results from the work by the brain. As they both are
electromagnetic. They found it that the human brain comprises high magnetite
particles. It’s like a thought-controlled small biochemical activated energy supplied
transmitter of conscious thought patterns with the back-up transmission of the
subconscious mind. Subconscious is a higher frequency mind, one's not
encumbered by the workload placed on the mind by the thinking mechanics of man’s
brain or the animal’s brain. Out of the two energy systems of the magnet ‘North the
pole’ also called negative energy known for its beneficial effect on the brain. When
‘North pole’ applies to the brain, it interferes with the extra traffic of the
electromagnetic energies created by thinking. It reverses the biochemical changes
caused during thinking. By eliminating extra unwanted radio frequencies hindering
inside the brain. It’s like a ‘sponge’ which holds the extra water.

Magnetism has been a natural science for many centuries. In this 21st century,
human beings are much more focused on artificial manufacturing designs and
desires. We forgot the importance of nature and the natural energies surrounding us.
We realize the two poles of the magnet differ from each other, yet they have to
function to maintain the balance. Just to avoid the disharmony and chaos in the

​Genesis of Biomagnetic pair therapy.

In the realm of the scientific world, we have witnessed many inventions that have
changed the way of human lives. In the same way from the last 28 years,
bio-magnetism has changed the power of healing. To introduce the concept of
bio-magnetism as a self-healing therapy well established by Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran, a
medical surgeon from Mexico discovered biomagnetism in 1988. By the next year,
the Oxford International University gave him the doctorate of philosophy in
Bioenergetic Medicine. Before being a medical surgeon, he was a physiotherapist,
and he practices in Mexico City. Over 3, 50,000 patients treated through
bio-magnetism and still going on.

They have echoed it from the past and to the future upcoming therapeutic world as
a revolutionary therapy. It works by the principle of balancing the ionic imbalance in
the body. As we know, the human body contains 70% of water. Water is an essential
ingredient for the survival of living creatures like us. Every organ and bodily fluids in
the human body covers a different range of pH values. The pH of the human body
lies in a critical range between 7.35-7.45. Any change in this range can lead to
several clinical manifestations. For example, The pH of saliva ranges from 6.5 to 7.5
but after swallowing, the food reaches down to the stomach and deals with 2
different pH environments. One in the upper part of the stomach with a pH of 4-6.5,
while in the lower part of the stomach the pH is highly acidic ranging from 1.5-4.0.
The interesting part is it becomes slightly alkaline in the intestine pH value ranging
from 7 to 8.5.

Point to remembe​r- For the peak performance of different organs requires an optimal
level of (pH) in the individual tissues of the human body and sum of all it leads to
dynamic wellness.

It’s very simple to understand from our human conscious point of view. Earth has its
own energy currents sucked by the matter. In the same way, the human body has a
tendency to get sucked by positive and negative energies around it. The only
difference between the earth and human body is the part of consciousness. The
duality nature of a human being as a living energy system makes it special and yet
complex to understand it.

Philosophical teaching lays dualism differently. It is a theory or system of thought

regarding a domain of reality in terms of two independent principles, especially mind
and matter, called Cartesian dualism. Dialogue from GOD (I have gifted human
beings with both mental and physical properties). Physical properties come with size,
shape, colour and motion through time. What about the mental properties? It
involves the consciousness, perceptual experience, emotional experience, gestures
shown by the other individuals and making a judgement according to it. Pain is one
of a kind every individual suffers from pain but at a varying intensity, which no one
can relate to the suffering of the next person you meet in your journey.

Goiz’s bio-energetic model of the human body states that disease exists where our
body’s energy separates into two poles. When this disease-duality is absent, our
energy circulates as an uninterrupted singularity. William Gilbert of Colchester, ‘The
father of magnetism’ was the ancient philosophers who studied magnetism. ​Porta
described the loadstone draws that iron as a bride after the bridegroom, and
the iron is so desirous to join with it as her husband and is solicitous to meet
the loadstone: when prevented by its weight, yet it will stand an end as if it
held up its hands to beg off the stone, and flattering of it,….. and shows that it
is not content with its condition but if it once kisses the loadstone, as if the
desire satisfied, it is then at rest; and they are so mutually in alone, that if one
cannot come to the other, it will hang pointlessly in the air.

His explanation, or theory, for this phenomenon is no less anthropomorphic:

He thinks the loadstone is a mixture of stone and iron….. whilst one labours to get
the victory of the other; the attraction made by more of the stone than of the iron; and
therefore the iron, that it may not be subdued by the stone, desires the force and
company of iron; that being not able to resist alone, it may be able by more help to
defend itself. For all creatures defend their being.

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