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Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106647

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Penetration resistance: An effective indicator for monitoring soil compaction T

in pastures
Pedro A.N. Benevenutea, Everton G. de Moraisa, André A. Souzaa, Isabela C.F. Vasquesb,
Dione P. Cardosoa, Flávia R. Salesa, Eduardo C. Severianoc, Bruno G.C. Homemd,

Daniel R. Casagranded, Bruno M. Silvaa,
Soil Science Department, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Minas Gerais 37200-000, Brazil
Soils Department, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais 36570-900, Brazil
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás, Rio Verde, Campus Rio Verde, Goiás 75.901-970, Brazil
Animal Science Department, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Minas Gerais 37200-000, Brazil


Keywords: Compaction, often promoted by animal trampling and loss of forage plants, is a main cause of soil degradation in
Compaction pastures. Our objectives were to evaluate various pasture management strategies for maintaining soil physical
Least limiting water range quality and to evaluate penetration resistance as an indicator of soil compaction in pastures. For each strategy,
Pedotransfer functions the goal was to maintain or extend least limiting water range (LLWR) and soil compressive behavior. Three
Preconsolidation pressure
treatments [Brachiaria (Br); Br intercropped with forage peanut (Arachis pintoi) (Br + L); and Br fertilized with
150 kg N ha−1 (Br + N) were compared to a native forest reference (Ref) in four pasture areas in Brazil. Pasture
management strategy did not significantly influence LLWR, but the Br + N treatment resulted in greater soil
degradation evidenced by a lower LLWR. These results are useful for improving pedotransfer functions and
decision aides that predict physical–mechanical soil quality, impact on vegetative cover, and the appropriate
animal carrying capacity for specific pasture areas. They also confirm that soil moisture and penetration re-
sistance are effective for calculating load carrying capacity, factors that help with decision making regarding
implementation of new management practices in pasture areas.

1. Introduction depend on soil structure and texture, positively influencing soil struc-
tures more strongly developed and soils with higher clay contents, up to
One of the main causes of soil degradation is compaction induced by certain bulk density limits (Severiano et al., 2011). Studies indicate that
machine and animal trampling (Kunz et al., 2013). Soil compaction is LLWR determination can help avoiding productivity losses caused by
characterized by increased soil density, which results in higher soil soil compaction by evidencing root growth restriction (Romero et al.,
penetration resistance (PR), greater water retention, decreased porosity 2014). Soil compaction is already evaluated by different indexes (Bulk
and the nutrient (Freddi et al., 2009) and water uptake by roots (Silva density, degree of compactness) and the appropriate use of them is
et al., 2015). The conversion of native forest in different soil manage- associated with sustainable soil management decisions (Xu et al.,
ment systems can affect soil compressibility (Iori et al., 2012) and, 2017).
therefore, studies comparing and evaluating soil managements, espe- Colombi et al. (2018) reported that increased soil penetration re-
cially the conservationists, are relevant to predict the effects on soil sistance (PR) may cause a restriction in water uptake, which has de-
compaction. According to Luz et al. (2019) constant monitoring of soil creased plant growth and productivity and has been the most frequently
physical quality is important in order to adopt preventive and effective reducing LLWR factor (Silva et al., 2015). Therefore, productivity
management strategies to minimize soil compaction in no-tillage area. limited by drought stress may be a result of lack of access to water,
The least limiting water range (LLWR) completes the attributes of probably not caused by low soil moisture, but by high PR. Thus, the
soil physical quality, allowing inferences closer to field conditions. reduction in LLWR amplitude and bulk density increase were also re-
Plants are known to be more likely to grow unrestricted when the water ported to be responsible for a reduction in biomass production and root
content is within the LLWR (Reichert et al., 2011), and the LLWR will development by Bécel et al. (2012). Consequently, given the close

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B.M. Silva).
Received 4 February 2020; Received in revised form 16 June 2020; Accepted 21 June 2020
1470-160X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.A.N. Benevenute, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106647

association between soil attributes that predict compaction and pro- (Br); II) an area of 1.0 ha with Brachiaria intercropped with a species of
ductivity, obtaining accurate values for PR should be reinforced. leguminous plant (Br + L): forage peanut (Arachis pintoi); III) an area of
Thus, pedotransfer functions (PTF) arise to evaluate soil physical- 0.75 ha with Brachiaria fertilized with 150 kg ha-1N (urea – 45% N)
hydraulic properties and even as a way of predicting compaction, as (Br + N), divided into three applications of 50 kg ha−1 carried out in
they were already applied for soil penetration resistance (Fritton, December, February and April; IV) and an area at the South of the
2008). Pedotransfer functions can characterize the physical relation- experimental area in an intermediate stage of regeneration with
ships between soil variables such as texture (sand, silt and clay), bulk minimal anthropic influence, which is under native forest given as a
density, particle density and organic matter contents with hydraulic reference (Ref).
properties such as the soil water retention and unsaturated hydraulic All treatments with Brachiaria were managed continuously stocked
conductivity (Haghverdi et al., 2012). According to Lebert et al. (2007), with variable stocking rate. The stocking rate was managed according
PR may be considered the most common parameter for detecting soil to the canopy height: from 0.20 to 0.25 m during summer, spring and
compaction, but it is highly dependent on soil moisture, texture and fall and 0.15 m during winter. Nellore heifers with initial weight of 214
pedological effects, highlighting the importance of reliable pedotransfer ( ± 17) kg and 12 ( ± 1.3) months of age with varied stocking rate were
functions to estimate soil physical quality. used, as shown in Table 3. Thus, the Br + N treatment paddock pre-
In this study, LLWR, PR and soil compressibility were evaluated in sented the highest biomass production (Table 3) and was the one with
three different pasture managements cultivated with Brachiaria bri- the highest stocking rate, followed by the Br + L and Br.
zantha Stapf. A. Rich. cv. Marandu under continuous animal stocking
with variable stocking rate. The hypothesis is that the higher rate of 2.3. Penetration resistance determined in laboratory at dry and rainy
animals at the Br + N management area was sufficient to limit the season
LLWR and increase the PR, approaching its physical attributes to the
other managements studied. Therefore, the objective was to infer soil Soil sampling was made in the rainy and dry season approaching the
compaction using the load bearing capacity model and LLWR models real situation of the area, regardless of seasons. In the rainy season,
and to propose a pedotransfer function to evaluate the compaction undisturbed samples were collected in metal rings with 2.5 cm height
degree and the soil preconsolidation pressure (σp) from PR and soil and a 6.3 cm diameter using an Uhland sampler for the analysis of PR in
moisture. the laboratory. After six months, during the dry period, an impact pe-
netrometer was used to evaluate the PR in the field, and undisturbed
2. Materials and methods samples were also taken from the same site to determine the PR in
laboratory. The studied areas were sampled at the soil surface depth
2.1. Experiment conditions (0.10 m).

The experimental area was located in Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil 2.4. Least limiting water range and penetration resistance determined in
(21°14′09.90″ S and 44°58′13.28″ W) at a climate defined as Cwa ac- laboratory at rainy season
cording to the Köppen classification (Kottek et al., 2006). The soil
classification based on the Soil Taxonomy system (Soil Survey Staff, Undisturbed samples were saturated and then submitted to matric
2010) is Rhodic Acrudox, or Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, according to potential: −4; −6 and −10 kPa on the ECOTECH automatic tension
the Brazilian Soil Classification System (SBCS, 2018), a representative table and −100 matric potentials; −500 and −1500 kPa in Richards’
soil class in Brazil. Chamber (Klute, 1986). After reaching equilibrium at each potential,
Soil analysis after installing the experiment is shown in Table 1. each sample was weighed and subsequently its PR was determined by
Liming was performed in the area based on soil analysis done before the the bench penetrometer (Tormena et al., 1998), and in the same sam-
experiment was implemented (Table 2), and 30 days after P2O5 was ples uniaxial compression test was performed by automatic con-
added. In order to cultivate Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, solidometer (Dias Júnior, 1994). Then all samples were oven dried at
12 kg ha−1 of pure live seeds were sown in December 2015. Twelve 105 °C for 48 h and weighed.
months later, Arachis pintoi (legume) BRS Mandobi was sown with Bulk density was determined by the volumetric ring method ac-
10 kg ha−1 of pure live seeds. Other maintenance practices were per- cording to the following equation: BD (g cm−3) = W / V, where: W is
formed in the area such as maintenance fertilization made in December the dry soil weight at 105 °C (g) and the ring volume (cm3) (Teixeira
2016 with P205 and K2O. et al., 2017).
The penetrometer used was made by Marconi, model MA 933,
2.2. Experiment design and treatments having a tapered end with a penetration angle equivalent to 45° and
diameter of 0.00384 m, at a constant velocity of 0.01 m min−1. Applied
The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with force (kgf) were converted to PR in (MPa) by the following adapted
three replicates, twelve experimental units for each analysis of PR, soil equation from Serafim et al. (2013): PR = Mg / (πr2 / cos45°) × 1/106;
compression curve (SCC) and LLWR. Four treatments were evaluated: I) where: PR is the soil penetration resistance in MPa; M is the mass of the
an area of 1.2 ha with single Brachiaria without nitrogen fertilization apparatus (kg); g is the gravitational acceleration (9.806648 m s−2); π

Table 1
Soil physical attributes (0 – 0.10 m) at the experimental area after experiment has been installed (table before shown at Vasques et al., 2019).
Area Clay Silt Sand Pd WDC CFI

g kg−1 g cm−3 g kg−1

Br 562 ± 1 175 ± 8 263 ± 3 2.63 ± 0.02 382.2 ± 8.2 288.3 ± 13.7

Br + L 535 ± 1 191 ± 13 274 ± 24 2.49 ± 0.08 388.0 ± 1.5 269.4 ± 1.9
Br + N 534 ± 1 187 ± 11 279 ± 16 2.56 ± 0.02 366.0 ± 1.5 264.3 ± 18.4
Ref 599 ± 4 131 ± 1 271 ± 5 2.55 ± 0.03 404.0 ± 6.2 306.9 ± 18.5

Clay, silt, sand: determined by the pipette method; Pd: particle density determined by the Picnometer method (Teixeira et al., 2017); WDC: Water dispersive clay; CFI:
Clay flocculation index.

P.A.N. Benevenute, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106647

Table 2
Soil analysis before experiment has been installed (0 – 0,20 m) (table before shown at Vasques et al., 2019).
Area pH O.M. P K Ca Mg H + Al BS CEC V%

−1 −3 −3
H2O dg kg mg dm cmolc dm

Br 5.7 2.36 6.85 36.0 1.80 0.50 3.24 2.39 5.36 42.49
Br + L 5.6 2.11 3.53 40.0 1.40 0.40 3.24 1.9 5.14 37.01
Br + N 5.5 2.61 7.94 52.0 1.70 0.50 5.05 2.33 7.38 31.62

pH in water: 1:2.5 (relation soil:water); O.M.- Organic Matter – Oxidation with Na2Cr2O7 4 N + H2SO4 10 N; P and K: Extractor Mehlich 1; Ca and Mg: Extractor: KCl
– 1 mol/L; H + Al: Extractor: SMP; BS – Base saturation; CEC – Cation Exchange Capacity at pH 7.0; V%: Base saturation index.

Table 3 was calculated by the equation: θAP = [1 − (BD / PD)] − 0.10. Where:
Animal stocking rate and shoot biomass per ha under different treatments (table θAP is the volumetric soil water content when air-filled porosity is 0.10
adapted from Vasques et al., 2019). cm3 cm−3; BD refers to the bulk density (g cm−3); PD is particle density
Treatments Stocking rate Shoot biomass (g cm−3) and 0.10 cm3 cm−3 is pore space occupied by air.
Therefore, for each area, the LLWR was determined based on the
Animal unit ha−1 kg ha−1 values of θFC, θPWP, θAP e θPR, using the criteria proposed by Silva et al.
(1994), where if θAP ≥ θFC and θPR ≤ θPWP, interpretation:
Br 1.60 ± 0.20 8498.52 ± 709.11
Br + L 2.26 ± 0.47 9455.06 ± 483.82 LLWR = θFC − θPWP; if θAP ≥ θFC and θPR ≥ θPWP, interpretation:
Br + N 3.47 ± 0.56 11977.90 ± 1847.55 LLWR = θFC − θPR; if θAP ≤ θFC and θPR ≤ θPWP, interpretation:
LLWR = θAP − θPWP; if θAP ≤ θFC and θPR ≥ θPWP, interpretation:
The data represent averages of four different stocking rates and the shoot LLWR = θAP − θPR.
biomass production in the period of one year. Critical bulk density is associated with the impediment of plant root
growth and corresponds to the bulk density value when the LLWR is
is 3.1415926 (dimensionless); r is the the straight circular cone radius zero (Kaiser et al., 2009). Beneficial bulk density is associated with a
(0.00192 m); and the 45° cosine of the cone surface angle, which is compaction that changes the structure of the soil and promotes im-
0.7071. provements associated with the absorption of water and nutrients
The PR in field was assessed by the IAA / Planalsucar Stolf impact (Resende et al., 2007), as well as improvements to plant development
penetrometer. This conventional penetrometer consists of an impact and transformation of part of the macropores into micropores, resulting
weight, a rod and a ground penetrating cone. The PR is obtained by the in increased crop productivity, especially in the driest years (Freddi
impact of a mass of 4 kg in free fall at a height of 0.40 m. For each et al., 2009). In summary, beneficial bulk density refers to the beneficial
impact promoted by the weight, the penetration cone displacement effect caused by increased bulk density.
value is also recorded in meters and these values are later converted to
penetration resistance (MPa) through the equation proposed by Stolf
2.6. Preconsolidation pressure
(1991) PR = (Mgh / Ax) M / (M + m) + ((M + m) / A) g, where: M /
(M + m) is the fraction of energy remaining minus impact losses; M
The uniaxial compression test performed was based on the metho-
(kg) is the mass of 4 kg; m (kg) is the mass of the penetrometer; A (m2)
dology proposed by Bowles (1986). The consolidometer was Durham
is the cone base area; and g (m s−2) the gravitational acceleration.
GeoSlope®, model S-450 Terraload. Samples from dry and rainy seasons
Undisturbed samples were also used for soil moisture determina-
were submitted to the following pressures: 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800
tion. For both laboratory penetration resistance and penetration re-
and 1600 kPa on the consolidometer (Dias Júnior, 1994) and each
sistance at the field, twenty points distributed in the experimental area
pressure was applied up to 90% of the pressure corresponding to the
were sampled at the soil surface depth (0.10 m).
maximum deformation.
Regarding the PR curves, the relationship between PR and θ in as-
The σp was obtained at the compression curve as proposed by Dias
sociation with BD to the nonlinear model was adjusted according to the
Júnior and Pierce (1995) as a function of the gravimetric soil moisture,
procedure described by Silva et al. (1994) by the equation: PR = d θe
using the equation: σp = 10(a + bGW) to generate the soil load bearing
BDf. Where: PR is the soil penetration resistance (MPa); θ is the volu-
capacity model, where: σp is the preconsolidation pressure; a and b are
metric soil water content (cm3 cm−3); d, e and f are the coefficients
the parameters estimated by the model; GW is the gravimetric water
obtained with data fitting to the equations; and BD is the bulk density (g

2.7. Statistical analysis

2.5. Least limiting water range (LLWR)
All statistical analyzes were performed using R software (R Core
The interaction between BD, PR, soil moisture (θ) and matric po- Team, 2019). To observe the effect of matric potential on soil pene-
tential (Ψm) determined the LLWR. For water retention curves, the tration resistance according to each management studied, exponential
relationship between θ and Ψm, associated with BD, was adjusted by models (PR = a * Ψmb) were adjusted as proposed by Vaz et al. (2011).
the model proposed by Leão et al. (2006): θ = Exp (a + b BD) Ψmc, The parameters of the LLWR curves [water content in aeration per-
where: θ is the volumetric soil water content (cm3 cm−3); a, b and c are centage (AP), water content at FC, water content at PWP and water
the coefficients obtained by data fitting to the equations and Ψm is the content at PR of 2 MPa as a function of BD] were determined by the nls
matric potential (MPa); and BD is the bulk density (g cm−3). function of the stats package (R Core Team, 2019). The load carrying
The LLWR was determined by the methodology proposed by Silva capacity model, which predicted the σp as a function of the gravimetric
et al. (1994) and Tormena et al. (1998). A limiting value of 2.0 MPa was soil moisture and the matric potential, were individually generated by
adopted for the determination of PR (Taylor et al., 1966). Volumetric the nls function of the stats package (R Core Team, 2019), while the
soil water content at field capacity (θFC) and volumetric soil water confidence intervals of each model was generated using the bootstrap
content at permanent wilting point (θPWP) were estimated in −6 and technique using the nlsBoot function of the nlstools package (Baty et al.,
−1500 kPa respectively (Teixeira et al., 2017). The air-filled porosity 2015).

P.A.N. Benevenute, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106647

The PR at the rainy season was compared between treatments as a restriction of LLWR limits with animal trampling (Table 3), which could
function of different matric potentials using the confidence interval be a consequence of the rearrangement of soil particles promoted by the
overlap (p < 0.05), while the PR of the dry period was compared load carrying.
between treatments and determination methods by Tukey test The beneficial bulk density in these areas is close to 1.27 g cm−3
(p < 0.05). This last comparison was performed according to the and the confidence interval of Br + L and Br + N treatments exceeds
presence or absence of interaction between the factors studied, in- this value. This indicates a possible degradation with animal trampling
dicated by the F test in the variance analysis (p < 0.05). Bulk density and also no increase in LLWR that could be promoted by the increment
was only compared between treatments using the Tukey test of biomass from nitrogen treatment or legumes intercropped, possibly
(p < 0.05). The anova function of the statistics package was used to due to the greater animals trampling (Table 3). Thus, LLWR is a tool
perform the variance analysis and to perform the Tukey test for mul- that can help mitigate the harmful effects of soil compaction (Romero
tiple comparisons, using the Tukey test function of the agricolae et al., 2014).
package (Mendiburu, 2019). A simple correlation study of pearson was In agreement with the results obtained in our study, Chen et al.
also performed between field and laboratory PR using the correl func- (2014) concluded that, mainly in soils with higher clay content, the
tion of the agricolae package (Mendiburu, 2019). effects of compaction reduce the LLWR in soils, with the restriction
Multiple regression was performed to predict σp as a function of soil given at the upper limit by AP and the lower limit by PR. In sandy soils,
moisture and PR, 72 samples from the initial sampling were used, using LLWR reduction is mainly associated with PR, which is the lower limit
the lm function of the stats package (R Core Team, 2019). Multiple of LLWR. For our study, this statement is valid for all Brachiaria man-
regression validation was performed with the Faraway package vif agements (Fig. 1A), all of them have LLWR limited by AP and PR.
function (Faraway, 2016) and for the regression validation after six It is noteworthy that the compacting effect of the animals was more
months, 20 samples (corresponding to 30% of the 72 samples used to decisive than the biological decompressing effect of the vegetation
create the model) were analyzed by comparing the observed values and cover, either by the root system of the plants or by the soil fauna, an
those predicted by the model, and their variance homogeneity was effect on the soil structure that has already been reported by Flávio
assessed by the Levene test using the car package levene Test function Neto et al. (2015). According to Carvalho et al. (2018), the increase in
(Fox and Weisberg, 2011). According to homoscedasticity or hetero- the number of animals in each pasture management, that is, intensive
scedasticity, the observed and predicted values were compared by the t pastures, may lead to the emergence of larger uncovered areas due to
test by the t test function of the stats package (R Core Team, 2019) and increased grazing pressure. However, managements that increase bio-
Pearson's simple correlation analysis was also performed using the mass production, allow the increase in the stocking rate, which agrees
observed and predicted values by the model through the correl function with the direct relationship between biomass production and higher
of the agricultural package (Mendiburu, 2019). number of animals in the Br + N area. According to Oliveira et al.
(2007), considering phytotechnical, zootechnical and edaphic factors in
3. Results and discussion the stocking rate decision can guarantee the sustainability of the
3.1. LLWR on the soil compaction diagnosis The available water capacity data (Fig. 1B) corroborate the pre-
viously mentioned results, since it shows that the reference area can
Fig. 1A shows that all studied treatments, except the reference area, still have this variable increased with its bulk density increase. Al-
have their LLWR’s limited by the penetration resistance, showing the though confidence intervals of the management areas have overlapped,
importance of this factor regarding water availability for plants in only the Br treatment reached the beneficial bulk density, indicating
highly weathered soils. The reference area showed a LLWR that has not that the structuring action of the vegetation cover at an adequate
yet reached its maximum, being limited only by the PWP and FC. A stocking rate contributed to reach a beneficial compaction degree
slight compaction in this area would increase the LLWR due to structure (Flávio Neto et al., 2015).
modification, this is, particles rearrangement and porosity modifica-
tion. According to Zangiabadi et al. (2017), in general, soils with 3.2. PR at different matric potentials on the soil compaction diagnosis
smaller pore sizes as well as greater size diversity can generally lead to
an increase in LLWR limits. However, in our study it is observed a Fig. 2 shows that the management with nitrogen fertilization, as

Fig. 1. Prediction indicators of soil compaction by volumetric water content (θ cm3 cm−3) (A) and least limiting water range (LLWR cm3 cm−3) (B) as a function of
bulk density; Volumetric water content in aeration porosity (θ AP), in field capacity (θ FC), in permanent wilting point (θ PWP) and in soil PR of 2 MPa (θ PR); AWC:
available water content (cm cm−3). Br, Br + L, Br + N, Ref: confidence interval (95%) respectively to Brachiaria, Brachiaria with leguminous, Brachiaria with
nitrogen fertilization (150 kg ha−1) and reference area. BD-Benef: Beneficial bulk density; BD-Crit: Bulk density where LLWR is zero.

P.A.N. Benevenute, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106647

that is difficult to estimate and avoid. Even so, the correlation between
the methods showed a coefficient of 0.79 (Fig. 3B), with PR at field
presenting constant increases in relation to bench penetration re-
Impact penetrometers (or field dynamic hammer penetrometers)
generally have higher PR values compared to bench electronic penet-
rometers, but with a high correlation between them (Beutler et al.,
2006), thus making it possible to create mathematical functions to
predict one measurement by having another. This enables farmers with
lack access to laboratories to make use of the impact penetrometer,
which is easier to acquire, build and handle. This development is very
important especially for small farmers and may increase productivity
and encourages adequate decision making on soil management.
It was observed that the Br + L treatment presented the lowest PR
for both conservative methods (Br + L and Br + N) and, therefore,
would be the most indicated between the two managements to avoid
soil compaction caused by animal trampling (Fig. 3A). Even with this
lower PR value, the management with Br + L was not different from
the Br treatment and Br did not differ from the Br + N. Therefore, there
were no benefits with the installation of different soil managements
regarding PR in pastures.
According to Bayat et al. (2017), little vegetative cover may in-
crease PR values, and free grazing is the method that would most da-
mage soil physical condition, followed by controlled grazing and ab-
Fig. 2. Prediction indicators of soil compaction by penetration resistance (PR)
sence of grazing. Bayat et al. (2017) reinforced that animal trampling,
as a function of matric potential. Br, Br + L, Br + N, Ref: confidence interval
especially in wetter conditions, can significantly increase soil penetra-
(95%) respectively to Brachiaria, Brachiaria with leguminous, Brachiaria with
nitrogen fertilization (150 kg ha−1) and reference area.
tion resistance, since high plasticity index values indicate more plastic
soils and greater susceptibility to compaction (Keller and Dexter, 2012).
Then, a small increase in PR could increase the water storage and plants
well as the intercropping with legumes, are not sufficient to approx- support capacity.
imate the PR determined in the laboratory to the conditions under
native forest (Ref), at different matric potentials. All treatments are 3.3. Preconsolidation pressure and its prediction by penetration resistance
statistically similar in terms of PR and differ from the conditions found on the soil compaction diagnosis
at the Ref. This result can be explained because the efficiency of in-
tercropped legume management depends on several factors (Paulino Another tool proposed to be used on the prediction of soil com-
and Paulino, 2003) and this management alone can not be sufficient to paction is a PTF seeking to infer the σp from the PR and soil moisture.
supply all the nitrogen required. In this case, in addition to the inter- Thus, from Fig. 4A it is observed that the correlations performed were
cropping with legumes, the physical attributes would be enhanced with highly significant, indicating that the increase in the predicted σp in-
additional mineral fertilization. According to Kermah et al. (2018), the creases the observed σp. However, for the PR measured in the field, the
beneficial effect of intercropping with legumes is less observed in values predicted by the model are higher than the observed PR. The PR
poorly fertile soils, while in fertile soils, the benefit of legumes can determined in the laboratory showed similar values for the ones pre-
expand to physical attributes such as improved soil structure. It was dicted by the model and the observed ones, regardless the soil moisture
then expected that nitrogen fertilization management would most clo- determination method. However, when the field PR was adjusted by the
sely resemble the conditions of the reference area, but in this case, the equation proposed by Fig. 3B, the predicted σp maintained a high
more intense animal trampling eliminated the effect of Brachiaria’s correlation with the observed σp and there was no difference between
higher biomass production on Br + N treatment (Table 3). the model predicted values and the observed values, either using
As there is a controversy in soil compaction diagnosis regarding the gravimetric or volumetric water content (4B).
evaluation of penetration resistance under wetter or drier conditions Other papers have been published aiming to simplify the determi-
(Peixoto et al., 2019), it is necessary to study and adopt new tools for nation of σp by using PTF (Horn and Fleige, 2003; Fritton 2008) with
soil compaction prediction. Vaz et al. (2011) stated that the increase in other soil properties such as texture, bulk density and organic matter
PR by moisture decrease can be explained by the greater contribution of content. Since PR is an easily measurement performed in the field, the
adhesion forces between the soil and the penetrometer, and at lower use of PTF based on it not only simplifies the method, but also saves
water content this force becomes more determinant. This is in line with time in determining σp compared to determining soil load bearing ca-
the greater soil fragility when compacted under greater water contents, pacity, and can be used as an auxiliary decision criteria concerning
while under drier conditions, the limit at which PR begins to be limiting mechanized operations (Dias Júnior et al., 2004). Then, as shown in our
is much higher. Penetration resistance is so influenced by water content study, σp can be used for other purposes such as the compaction di-
that PTF are proposed in the literature to estimate the former mea- agnosis in pasture areas.
surement as a function of the latter, with high prediction coefficients Fig. 5 presents the same representation of the data previously
(Almeida et al., 2008). shown, but only with the PR data determined in laboratory and in the
To then suggest new tools associated with soil compaction predic- field with the transformation to laboratory PR, since these were sta-
tion, in order to make easier to obtain PR data, comparative measure- tistically similar to the observed data. There are different evaluations
ments with the field impact penetrometer and bench penetrometer were regarding soil moisture at Fig. 5, which is expressed as weight (g g−1)
performed 6 months after the first sampling, showing a significant (5A) and volume (cm3 cm−3) (5B) as a function of σp (kPa) predicted
difference between these two methods presented (Fig. 3A). Laboratory by the proposed PTF.
measurements may be underestimated due to the possibility of frag- When performing an accurate analysis of Fig. 5, it is generally ob-
mentation of soil structure during the sampling with metal rings, a fact served that regardless of whether water content is based on weight or

P.A.N. Benevenute, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106647

Fig. 3. Soil penetration resistance (PR) as a function of different treatments and determination methods (A) and correlation between soil penetration resistance in
field (PR-Fie) and laboratory (PR-Lab) (B). Br: cultive of brachiaria; Br + L: cultive of brachiaria with leguminous; Br + N: cultive of brachiaria with nitrogen
fertilization (150 kg ha−1). Ref: reference area. MP: matricial potential (kPa). Lab: PR in Laboratory; Fie: PR in Field. Bars followed by the same capital letter or
minuscule letter not differ the determination methods or different treatments respectively, by Tukey test (p < 0.05).

volume, statistically equal values of σp are obtained. Another inter- In fact, it was seen that, when converting the area given as a re-
pretation that can be taken from Fig. 5 is that for each water content ference to the pasture area, soil structural alteration occurred, which
range found in the graph, a σp value can be associated. This would promoted significant improvements to the pasture establishment. Thus,
make easier to obtain preconsolidation pressure, since it is considered a assuming a certain compaction degree in agricultural systems is an al-
complex measurement from the practical point of view and data in- ternative associated to the use of the pasture area. This fact leads to the
terpretation by many farmers. Thus, for the management with Br + N, use of new tools in predicting soil compaction such as σp as a function
higher values of σp were observed, followed by the management Br and of moisture.
Br + L, respectively. The soil load bearing capacity model (Fig. 6) shows that the ob-
This analysis based on nomograms is very practical and can be servations at the studied managements are within the confidence in-
widely explored and used by producers in their agricultural areas. From terval, unlike the reference area, which is located in the area below the
the application of the PTF proposed in this work, the decision making confidence interval. This implies that there was no additional com-
regarding the measurement of the pressure applied to the soil and the paction in the soil under different managements, but they show an
additional compaction identification will have greater applicability and additional compaction tendency, whereas Ref behavior indicates no
may be of great help for decision-making, such as the optimal stocking compaction at all. This compaction tendency could be promoted by
rate. According to Carmo et al. (2011), different management systems intense animal trampling, as according to Dias Júnior and Pierce
practiced in agriculture over the years with the adoption of techniques (1995). Keller et al. (2004) stated that in order to not promote addi-
that mitigate soil compaction are of great interest, which is possible, tional compaction and to not compromise the soil structure, the pres-
based on the use of load-bearing capacity models (Dias Júnior, 1994). sure exerted by machinery, agricultural implement or even the animal

Fig. 4. Correlation between observed (σp– Ob) and predicted (σp– Pr) preconsolidation pressure (A) and preconsolidation pressure (σp) as a function of different
determination methods (B). Ob: σp observed; PGL: σp predicted by gravimetric soil moisture (GSM) and soil penetration resistance (PR) in laboratory (L); PVL: σp
predicted by volumetric soil moisture (VSM) and PR in L; PGF: σp predicted by GSM and PR in field (F); PVL: σp predicted by VSM and PR in F. PGL: σp predicted by
GSM and PR in F corrected by equation in Fig. 2 (FC); PVL: σp predicted by VSM and PR in FC. **: correlation significative (p < 0.01). predicted values not differ
(NS) or differ (S) from observed values by t-test (p < 0.05).

P.A.N. Benevenute, et al. Ecological Indicators 117 (2020) 106647

Fig. 5. Preconsolidation pressure (σp) in function of gravimetric soil moisture x soil penetration resistance (PR) (A) and volumetric soil moisture x PR (B). Each
different value of preconsolidation pressure has a standard error.

trampling should not exceed the σp. pasture height, pasture management and soil moisture (Kunz et al.,
It is also suggested that as the soil becomes drier, the confidence 2013). Therefore, studies can be found where compaction was not ob-
interval of the load bearing capacity increases, inferring that in drier served in soils with the presence of animals and their trampling, as in
conditions the workability range is larger, that is, there is a smaller the case of Kunz et al. (2013), where animal trampling did not change
tendency of the area to suffer compaction (Fig. 6). At lower water bulk density and porosity, which shows that animal trampling will not
contents, it is noticed that the σp values are higher, agreeing with the always cause compaction.
lower compaction susceptibility and higher capacity to support higher
animal load and machine traffic.
There are, therefore, several properties capable of identifying soil 4. Conclusions
compaction, but only σp can estimate the pressure levels that can be
applied to the soil and prevent further compaction from occurring The determination of the penetration resistance using the impact
(Martins et al., 2012). The work proposed by Iori et al. (2012) discusses penetrometer or field penetrometer has proved to be an important and
the effects of native forest conversion to pasture, revealing an increase practical tool in predicting compaction by using a mathematical func-
in load carrying capacity in soils, which is similar to our study, since the tion, which means that soil compaction can be monitored more con-
soil in our study increased its carrying capacity during the conversion of stantly and with less costs. In addition, the proposed PTF showed no
an area taken as a reference to pasture (Fig. 6). differences between predicted and observed values of σp, using both
It is noteworthy that the effect of animal trampling on soil com- penetration resistance and water content data, showing to be an effi-
paction will vary with other factors, for example, soil particle size, cient tool in the soil compaction prediction.
The compression curve demonstrates that the studied managements

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