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This new decade started with lots of disasters such as huge forest fires in Australia and

Ukraine, strong earthquakes and more like this. However, a disaster certainly is the worst in
2020 that is SARS-CoV-2 (also known as COVID-19)

COVID-19 is part of the virus family. There are several parts of viruses with this family
like SARS and MERS. In 2002-2003, SARS appeared in the world. It infected 8.098 people
and killed 774 people. In 2012, MERS appeared like SARS worldwide. It infected 2494
people and killed 858 people.

COVID-19 is a developed version of other old viruses. General idea is that this virus
appeared in a wet market in Wuhan with pangolins and bats. Unlike others, it spreads fast and
it has 3 types of unusual proteins; Spikes (S) protein, Membrane (M) protein, and Envelope
(E) protein. Spikes are really important for this virus because they are used as a key to get
inside a cell in our body.

When it gets inside our body, the virus's viral genetic material makes more copies itself.
This process normally quite hard viruses because they have to find a ribosome to copy itself
but this interesting virus already has a ribosome. For this reason, it copies faster than the
other. Ribosome is also used for genetic information from the virus to make viral spikes
proteins. Then, the virus uses Golgi to create a new virus.
After we infected, we have symptoms 8 ones are stand out:
⚫ Chest pain
⚫ Difficulty Breathing
⚫ Coughing
⚫ Fever and Chills
⚫ Confusion
⚫ Headache
⚫ Muscle Pain
⚫ Fatigue
However, no symptoms that make it even harder to control virus spreading. It also depends
on your age, your condition that you already have the diseases such as Cancer or Diabetes.

Unfortunately, we have not found a certain treatment way to solve this problem. We use
some medicine for patients that are used for malaria. Over 4 million people get infected with
COVID-19 but 1.5 million patients get rid of the virus with medicines and intubation.

It spreads easily because when infected people talk, cough or sneeze, their droplets carry
the virus. When you sneeze into your hands, your hands are the exact spreader. If you touch
somewhere, you spread your virus everywhere and if healthy people touch there, they might
be infected.
What should we do to prevent the spread of the virus?
1- Sneeze into your elbows not your hands
2- If you sneeze into a tissue, throw it and wash your hands
3- Wash your hand regularly for at least 20 seconds,
4- Stay home
5- Keep 1.5 metres away from others
6- Use hand sanitizer
7- If you go outside, you should wear a mask
8- Avoid touching your face
If you do all of them, your possible infection rate certainly eliminates.

The world has changed because of this virus. World economies are getting worse than
ever, depression and stress level is really high. When we go outside, aware people wear their
masks and use hand sanitizer that is extraordinary at this time last year. Unfortunately,
viruses are inseparable part of our lives. If we get rid of COVID-19, we might face with other
stronger viruses because lots of viruses are in the world. Some of them in the Arctic which
are freeze and other ones are in the impenetrable forests. So, we should find a vaccine or
medicine to overcome this problem. The most important thing for me we should prepare
something for other new viruses. We get lots of experience on how to control COVID-19. We
should use them and be ready for the new threads.

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