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Nama : Lilis Handayani Mayau

NIM : 183200001

find any lines or dialogue that you can relate to 5 themes below from oedipus Rex

1. The quest for identity

Oedipus “ wait, who were my parents?” (Line 221)
Oedipus : “Am I not my parent's son?” (Line 100) -Scene 3-

2. The nature of innocence and guilt

Teirisias : “you your self are the Pollution of this country” (Line 135)
Oedipus : “I killed him I killed them all” (Line 289)

3. Blindness and sight

Teirisias : “you mock my blindness do you ?” (Line 195)
Teirisias : “but I say that you with both your eyes are blind” (Line 196)
Oedipus : “you shightless, witless, senseless, mad old man”(Line 153)

4. Fate versus free will

Teirisias : “I have gone free, it is the truth sustains me” (Line 138)
Iokaste : “why should anyone in this world be afraid since fate rules us and nothing can be
foreseen? A man should live only for a present day” (Line 64-66)
Oedipus :”How could I bear to see when all my sights was horror everywhere ?” (Line 114-

5. The abuse power

Oedipus : “Kingly position, everywhere admired!” (Line 164)

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