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Arrange by the group 3:

Diah Vita Febriyanti (F031191017)
A.M. Asnam Suardi (F031191018)
Yanatullah (F031191021)
Salsabilla R.I (F031191024)
Indah Yusnianti (F031191025)
Dita Sabrila (F031191026)
Mildayanti (F031191027)
Inka Pratiwi (F031191028)

West Asian Literature Study Program

Faculty of Cultural Studies
Hasanuddin University

Praise our prayers for the presence of God Almighty, because thanks to His
mercy and guidance we (the author) can complete the paper "Indonesian Cultural
Society". We authors do not forget to say thank you to ALLAH S.W.T and to the
king Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, both parents who always support and help us. We
also thank our friends who have contributed by giving their ideas so that this paper
can be arranged well and neatly. We hope that this paper can add to the knowledge of
readers. But apart from that we understand that this paper is far from perfect. So we
apologize if there are deficiencies in our paper.

Makassar,04th November 2019


A. Events Ordered by Time

In a chronological sequence the author uses the order of events, or

chronology, to inform readers about events or content. The events may be
organised by time or date, by arranging events as a series of steps or by
following a list-like structure. Chronological sequencing is commonly used in
nonfiction texts. In nonfiction, there are usually clear time markers such as
dates or times of day to indicate a clear timeline.

Even in fiction the text is arranged in time-order sequence, but signals

or markers may not be as overt. A sequence occurs even if an author uses
flashbacks or flash-forwards. Flashbacks or flash-forwards are still understood
by the reader to have happened at a particular time in the overall
chronological sequence.

In addition to time and date markers, a sequence structure can be

recognised by the use of signal words such as before, after and next.

Signal Words : after, afterwards, ago already, always, at last, at that time, at
the same time, before, during, eventually, finally, first, first of all, following,
further, immediately, initially, in the first place, in the meantime, in that
moment, in that instant, last, lastly, later, now, not long after, next, once,
presently, second, secondly, sometimes, soon, soon after, subsequently,
suddenly, then, to begin with, today, until, while, PLUS: specific time
indicators, such as names of days, months or years, times of day, etc.
Example :

Franklin D.Roosevelt , the thirty-second president of the Unites States, served

his country for most of his life. He was the only president to be elected four times. He
was born in Hyde Park, New York, on January 30, 1882, and he began his studies at
Harvard in 1903. In 1905, he married Eleanor Roosevelt, a distant cousin, and they
had six children. After serving in the New York State Senate, Roosevelt worked in
Washington as Secretary of the Navy until 1921. At the time, he became very ill with
polio and lost the use of his legs. In 1928, Roosevelt ran for govermor of New York.
After serving two terms as governor, he was elected to the presidency in 1933.
Roosevelt died in office on April 12, 1945.

Steps in Process

 There were some way to show the process that occurs in conjunction
order in English. To more clearly, let’s see an explanation below about some
way. Conjunction sequence this one more or less the same with conjunction in
1. First, second, third,… 

To use the word order is you clearly shows the the process of using
the number, The order using the number as conjunction like this can be
seen most fit used to a recipe food or drink.

2. First, next, then, finally…

Although the same with the previous started  “first”, But the word that
is different, because after it wasn’t use the number again but conjunction.
This way could also shows the process of clear but did not use number,
only to mention the next steps. The way to show the process with
conjunction this one more palatable used in a situation shows the direction
of the road.

3. Before, after, later, while, lastly

This one did not use the order is related to the number. This way too
fit to be used in a situation anything, especially in a situation
formal.Usually conjunction that shows the order as it used in the paper or
speech formal. If you use this one way, it would be enough difficult or
confusing if in that situation informal.

Signal words :
First, second, third, next, then, finally, before, after, later, while, lastly.

Example :

Making orange juice concentrate from fresh oranges is dones entirely by

machines. First, oranges are dumped onto a moving belt. They travel into a machine
which washes them with detergent. Next the are rolled into juicing machines, where
seven hundred oranges per minute are split and squeezed. Then the rinds (the skin of
the oranges) are thrown out the end of a long tube. At the same time, the juice goes
through small holes in the bottom of the tube. Next, the juice goes into another
machine called the finisher. There, the seeds and other tiny objects are removed. Last,
the juice goes into large tnaks, where most of the water is removed.

‘ > This pattern is used for the organization of two kinds of material:

 Events ordered by time

example: history, biography
 Steps in process
examples : the steps in an experiment ;directions for building something
o The important idea is that things happen in a certain order. Some signal words
for the sequence pattern
first next last after at last
finally later before while at the same time

Other signal words for this pattern are dates, years, times, of the day, seasons, and
plain numbers.

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