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Law Office of I StepnenV.



JohnM. Stewart,Secretary
/ Treasurer
15609N. 99thDrive
SunCity, AZ8535l-1207

Re: Smith v. South CentralDivision. et al.

Offer to CompromiseProtectedUnderCslifornia EvidenceCodeS 1152

DearMr. Stewart:

Pleaseacceptthis letterasa onetime offerto compromise my right to file a civil lawsuitagainst

you,LenHitchcock,the SouthCentralDivision,andeachboardmemberresponsible for the
reprimandletterdated112712011. Insteadofjust banningme foreverfrom the SouthCentral
Divisionwithoutdeterminingwhethertheanonymous accusations weretrue,you intentionally
andmaliciouslypublishedthe lies to others.By sendingthereprimandletterto CharlesHerbert
andTom Hargraves, you haveexposedyourselfandyour lynchmob to a defamationsuit in
whichI will seekmonetarydamages in the SuperiorCourtof Califomia.

If youwishto resolvethis issueinformally,I will giveyou 14daysfrom the dateof this letterto
agreeto the following in writing:

1. Publisha retractionof all derogatory againstme,andanapologyfor acting

withoutanyformal disciplinaryprocedures,in the SouthWestDivision GreenJack
Magazine,The USLBAmagazine,andon your website(final form to be approvedby

2. ReinstatemyselfandGordonFall for participationin all SouthCentralTournaments and

eraseanydisciplinaryactionsthat werenot derivedfrom a proceedingwith the minimal
safeguards in Article II, SectionE, of thebylawsof
foundin the disciplinaryrequirements
theJohnson LawnBowlsClubin SunCity,AZ, whichstates:

Thefollowingstepswill be usedfor clubdisciplinaryaction,either

in response to a filed Complaintor at the ClubBoardof Directors'
own initiative.Uponreceivinga Codeof ConductComplaint,the
Presidentwill attemptinformalwitnessedresolutionand,if
unsuccessful, call a meetingof the Boardto hold a hearingwithin 7
daysafterreceivingthe Complaint.All parties with signiiicant
involvementin the Complaintshall bepresent.All such hearings
will be closedto the membership,TheBourd will heur testimony
from the concernedpartiesand will determinethe appropriate
responseto the Complaint. lVhena Hearing is held a written
recordshall be madeof the Complaint,the discussion,and the
Law Office of I StepnenV. Smith
resultsof the Hearing. This recordshallbe forwardedto RCSCW.
If the issuesof the Complaintarenot resolvedto the satisfactionof
all parties,includingtheBoard,theBoardmayapplyDisciplinary
actionin accordance with the following Tableagainstwhichever
partiesthe Boardfinds culpable,if any,in the circumstances of the
First Offense- writtenwarningfrom JLBC with copyto RCSCW.
SecondOffense- a oneweeksuspension by the Club
Third Offense- a two weeksuspension by the Club
FourthOffense- forwarda Recommendation for
Terminationfrom the Clubto RCSCWfor consideration in
accordance with the Rulesof RCSCW.Anysuspended or terminated
Club memberhasthe right to appealto the GoverningBoardof RCSCW
(SeeChapter2,Parugraph 2.d.of RR&Ps).

3. Implementa written disciplinaryprocedurefor the SouthCentralDivision with a

minimumof the sameproceduralsafeguards foundin Article II, SectionE, of thebylaws
of theJohnsonLawnBowlsClubin SunCity,AZ.

I wouldnot expectyou to takemy word for the factthatyou arenow liable for defamation.
Therefore,I highlyrecommendthatyou seekthe adviceof counselregardingthe validity of my
claimsbeforemakinga decisionon my offer. However,if I do not hearfrom you within l4 days
from the dateof this letter,I will assumethatyou do not wish to resolvethis matterandI will
proceed with litigation.


V. Smith,Esq.

Emerald Plaza,402W. Broadway,Suite400,SanDiego,California9-2101

Voice:619,787.1879 Faxt6lg.i23.2490

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