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The original meaning of the tattoo was ritual rituals.

In many cultures only a few - mostly tribal warriors -

could afford it. Warrior ornaments of this type were particularly widespread in Polynesian cultures,
where the tattooing allowed only the killing of the enemy and getting his (tattooed) head. The word
"tattoo" itself derives from the Samoan tatau, saved by the eighteenth century travelers. The most
famous are Maori face tattoos, called moko.

The tattoo was certainly known from ancient antiquity, because in the Bible in Priest 19,28 there is a ban
on tattooing the body. Pomponius Mela wrote about tattoos among the ancient tribes of Britain, stating
that they tattooed their skin with blue. The Thracians tattooed children from well-respected families. In
Rome, tattoos were applied to convicts on their faces or other parts of the body

The medieval Muslim author, Ahmad ibn Fadlan, described the Viking tattoos. Over the centuries in
Europe and America, the tattoo was considered taboo allowed only in the prison subculture and the
criminal world. These customs found support in the Eastern traditions in which the tattoo was indicative
of classification in the mafia hierarchy (see Yakuza, Triada). Tattoo should be performed only by a
qualified person in the field (tattoo artist). This is due to the fact that sometimes the procedure may be
accompanied by skin problems and complications. When choosing a tattoo studio, one should be diligent
in checking the tattooing qualification, hygiene conditions in the studio, used accessories (equipment
and dyes). During the surgery there is a risk of infection with dangerous viruses, such as HIV.

The tattoo salon should only use disposable equipment (needles for the skin pricking device and
introducing dyes), and the procedure should be carried out in disposable surgical gloves changed at each
client. It is also important to use disposable ink cartridges so as not to transfer dangerous
microorganisms to the ink container used for the next treatments.even a permanent tattoo does not last
forever. This is related to the absorption of the dye through the skin, cell exchange processes, as well as
changes in the extent of the skin causing slight distortion. Therefore, before the procedure, you can
consult a specialist in which places best to do a tattoo.

The American Academy of Dermatology distinguishes five types of tattoos:

Traumatic tattoos, also known as "natural", i.e. those that are the result of injuries and wounds on
asphalt roads, mining dust or pencil.

Amateur tattoos.

Professional tattoos, both through traditional methods and modern tattoo machines.

Cosmetic tattoos, also known as "permanent make-up", e.g. eyebrows or lips enlargement.

Medical tattoos used, for example, in disorders of skin pigmentation.

There is no law or regulation in Poland that would regulate the issue of tattooing for minors. A tattoo
studio (provided that the service is performed reliably) is not subject to any criminal liability for tattooing
to a person under the age of 18. In addition, the parent - in accordance with the law - can not force the
removal of a tattoo from a minor child.
Currently, tattoo is less and less often perceived as a taboo or a sign of criminal links, although many
youth gangs still use this form of confirmation of loyalty. Some religious communities (such as Jehovah's
Witnesses) are afraid of body tattooing.

my feelings for body art are positive because if tatoo is made carefully and is nice then I can not see any

I would like to have a tattoo myself

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