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Analysing Dietary Choices- Australian Guide to Healthy Eating

Enjoy a wide variety of

nutritious foods from these five
food groups every day.
Drink plenty of water.

Vegetables and
Grain (cereal) foods,
mostly wholegrain
and/or high cereal
fibre varieties

Lean meats, and
poultry, fish, eggs,
tofu, nuts and seeds
and legumes/beans
Milk, yoghurt,
cheese and/or
mostly reduced fat

Only sometimes and in small amounts

Use small amounts
1. On the above template of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, estimate the amount of each
food group that is recommended for children aged 12-18 years.
30% grain foods, 30% vegetables and legumes, 25% lean meats and poultry, 15% dairy, 10% fruit

2. Research what a ‘serving size’ is, discuss the response with your class giving examples.
A serving size is the amount of food to be served. E.g. ½ cup cooked green or orange vegetables
(for example, broccoli, spinach, carrots or pumpkin) as a standard serve of vegetables is 75g.

3. Compare your own food habits to the recommendations given by the Australian Guide to Healthy
Eating. What are your eating habits, what could use improving?
I don’t really like to eat that many serves of vegetables or dairy so they could be improved on. I
don’t think I need to eat anymore fruit.

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